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GH: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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Yes, that’s true. Alexis and her family’s place on the canvas has been fully reestablished after years of neglect. NLG has been a true MVP this year. I still go back and watch the scene where she confronts Ava about losing her law license. Both of them were great. Nina and Ava’s confrontation was also great.

I think NLG did a lot of the work that sold the family breakdown after Molly and TJ’s baby died (I’m never going to call flighty Kristina that baby’s mother).

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Yes to all of this; while I hated the breakdown of Ava & Nina's friendship it did give me what I wanted from the moment Cynthia Watros was cast in the role of Nina: her vs. Maura West. Two powerhouse performers going at it. Sure, it wasn't in the exact tone I would have hoped for, but we got some super juicy moments of feuding (a.k.a. a return to form for the two characters).

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It was a return-to-form for Ava... back to her Jerome roots where she didn't need a man to help her. She was a woman playing in the man's game, as she should always have been. West said this in a 2013 interview with Michael Logan:

❝ It's awesome! And it makes Ava even cooler. She's like, "So what if I'm not a guy? I'm an heir!" She didn't marry into the mob. She is the mob. When you grow up watching your father come home and wash blood off his hands, you don't give it much mind. There are no rules when you've been raised in a world like that — and that's very freeing as an actor. I loooove Ava! I love that she is so poised — almost hyper-poised — as she struts around town yet she's also gritty, angry, really abrasive. I love that she's hiding things. ❞

And I feel like, despite my feelings of impending exit for Ava under Mulcahey's pen, he really did put Ava back on that track, which she needed. And you could tell West was selling it (as she always does).

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Very true. I might not have liked some changes as well, but at least I trusted that he knew what he was doing. 

Yeah, he performed a miracle by resurrecting a Maxie that people can connect to again.


I agree as well. Drew could be a prick, but you at least saw the heat with Nina. And you could see them slowly respecting each other. Then you could see them slowly falling for each other. And they were sexy. There was even a basis for Drew/Willow.


Now it just Drew just seems so creepy that it's ewww. 

Yeah, he performed a miracle by resurrecting a Maxie that people can connect to again.


I agree as well. Drew could be a prick, but you at least saw the heat with Nina. And you could see them slowly respecting each other. Then you could see them slowly falling for each other. And they were sexy. There was even a basis for Drew/Willow.


Now it just Drew just seems so creepy that it's ewww. 

Them miracles.

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I remember how over Nina and Drew were on here. Then PM came in and Nina got her claws back and Drew actually got more purpose as a prick. I could go on about his work on Ava for days. 

Alexis's journey was definitely a highlight for me.


And...same re: Sonny worship. 

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She had an actual point of view, had a backbone, and seemed like a real character for the first time. The lines of dialogue should overall not be interchangeable between Carly, Ava, and Nina.  But they kind of were before the change, and now it’s like they are all rudderless. Without a story or point of view. Even Carly is just floating around.

Liz being back to prominence is a great thing the new team has done since August. Dante being given something to do is great as well. And I like that Molly and Kristina had enough focus that I feel like I know who they are again, even if I despise Kristina. At least I watch her and have a reaction at all.

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I so enjoyed Nina during that time so it's sad to see her as such an afterthought given so much is going on that does affect her.


I meant to say it the other day when we were discussing Carly, but I noticed that, too. Carly really does not at all have anything going on. Which I found funny given isn't Korte the biggest Carly fan? Yet now that Lucky is home, she has nothing really going on other than the Slow-As-Molasses relationship with Brennan? How...unCarlylike.


Yes, I've loved every minute of Liz being...if not front and center...then a more important player on the canvas. I can also say the same for Dante...who I also felt greatly benefited from PM giving his life more layers. Because I feel a lot of any feelings I have for Sam's death was greatly helped by PM deepening the Dante/Sam relationship as well as the feel of their blended family. I feel if this death still happened under PM, there would be a battle coming up on where the kids would go. There might still be one, given how Drew's been acting, but I do not feel it will be the same impact. 


Well, I definitely don't feel indifferent to Kristina. But I am no longer on her side, either. Credit where credit is due.


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IMO, there’s too many agendas in the writing. And too much spoon-feeding the fans about who they’re supposed to love and who they’re supposed to hate #PoorJagger. 

It seemed to go away a little when PM was there, but now it’s back to the same old stuff. And it seems like they’re trying to spoon feed us about Drew. 

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