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GH: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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I still think they are going to reveal at some point that Sasha and Cody aren't actually related. 

Having them break up over something that was in no way their fault and both spiral downward is interesting or would be on a better show.

I agree Cody/Tracy doesn't seem likely, although I hope the show at least keeps the relationship ambiguous and doesn't try to paint her as pathetic and obsessive. 

They do seem to be winding down most of his stories, although some, like the Heather flop, I am still not sure who to blame as didn't Alley Mills brag that CvE was responsible? And isn't she supposed to be coming back (yet again)?

I'm still surprised they even decided to go for Drew/Willow, although clearly they would only do so if Nina was not involved.

I'd be surprised if she had that much say but it would help explain why no one wants Lucky there.

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Probably.  It doesn't seem like JJ is very enthused with the material either.  I just get confused with who is mandating what and who's calling the shots.  It's no wonder the show is so up and down and disorganized.

I was thinking Sasha/Cody might not be related, but either Mac loses his only bio kid or Holly is lying again.  Both those options are extremely annoying to me.

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She was. I mean the hip story was started before PM. It has crossed my mind though since most of it was written under PM, and we are talking about an EP who is petty enough to feel a way about someone or something and get rid of it so I could see him telling the writers to get rid of this arc for Heather since audiences were already clowning it due to Portia being made the villain and yet the audience STILL rooted for Portia over Heather. Seeing it as a sore spot, the story gets tabled until they can have Heather pop up again. 


Watching I'm surprised as well. And I knew nuances were going to be gone, but darn! From understanding 2/3 of a triangle to finally getting the third POV only for one of the characters it started with (Nina) to be completely shut out is...bizarre. Only than that plotpoint lunch with Ava, Nina is just...gone.


Then again...it is kinda like a story that winds up adding in Carly, Sonny, or Jason. OR a story about Liz that gets hijack by another character. Now that I think about it...not unusual for THIS show. 



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Nina is now barely on, so that checks out. Whereas with Mulcahey the focus was clearly on those three (and Drew and Nina's hate sex/power playing moving towards romance), now Nina is the afterthought and the actual story for Willow and Drew is largely a series of hollow plot mechanics. It made zero sense for Willow to fúck Drew when she did, a few mere hours after she re-dedicated herself to Michael and resolved to put the kiss with Drew behind her, with zero knowledge that he'd slept with Sasha. A day later, maybe less, Sam is dead and she decides to bang Drew in her infant's nursery. It felt like they wanted Event A (Willow and Drew having sex) to happen but weren't ready for Event B (anyone knowing what Michael did) to occur, so they just shrugged and did it anyway. But in this instance, without having a deep enough romantic connection or at least sexual obsession established between her and Drew, it makes Willow come off totally schizophrenic and insane.

God knows I blame plenty of things on Frank's whims but again I don't think Lucky's return is a big conspiracy. I think the show is purely and simply that inept on plotting returns and story (and Jason's showed this - it was on ice forever due to the same block scheduling and probably creative turmoil) and working with the relentless block taping chaos that leaves key story and characters plate-spinning for weeks and months while they rotate some in and some out to save cash. I do not think FV is prepared to stick his neck out to sabotage Jonathan Jackson's return if it came from the network.

I am convinced Heather and Violet will be back soon enough. Frank never lets go. They did have Alley Mills' last(?) scene, I think, whispering creepily in the obviously unnerved Ace's ear "I'll be baaaaackkk!" You can play that beat ambiguous and still have it turn out she's harmless and happy in Sedona, but they clearly wanted to leave the audience guessing/suspicious.

Edited by Vee
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