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DAYS: October 2024 Discussion Thread

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Welcome back, Philip, Vivian and Ivan!

I’m really interested in Philip vs. Xander and what it could lead to for everyone involved. And despite Philip’s bitchy scream and pseudo-campiness, I thought their scenes were good. Already, it seems like an improvement over the last time Philip was back on the canvas long term.

Him teaming up with Vivian could be good too. 

But as glad as I am to see Vivian and Ivan again, I think this exit for Stefan is a little stupid and rushed. They could’ve done something else to write Stefan out. And once again, I’m reminded of how ironic is it that we were warned that Nicole’s exit was going to be abrupt and disappointing and yet it was still the best written exit we’ve gotten in a long time. 

And nice to meet you, Javi! I hope everything ends up working out with this character, despite what we already know is going to happen. What I didn’t know is that they hinted at Javi having a little bit of tension and jealousy against Rafe and I don’t mind that. It could be good. And he seems to have good familial chemistry with Gabi already. 

I really hope that this isn’t the end for Fiona though. There’s still so much they can do with her.

There seemed to be a lot of changes in today’s episode actually. I wonder what was happening BTS at this time. 

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I thought Stefan exit was terrible especially since both him and Gabi didn't really want to end their marriage.

Javi and Gabi scenes together was my favorite part of this episode we got more information on the relationship they have as cousins and we finally have something different with Javi working with Gabi at Gabichic and I definitely was surprised to hear about how Javi has resentment towards Rafe because of how his mom saw Rafe as a son more than him.

Fiona exiting didn't expect it would happen this soon but I am happy she is gone now Xander will be focusing on Phillip and Titan.


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Today was good. Not great. Stephan O. leaving came out of nowhere. Good to see Vivian. But she wasn't as 'out' there as she can be, especially with Ivan. Very subdued. Good to see them both. However, the zaniness wasn't there. 

Javier will need to improve his enunciation. It was his first day so he gets a pass. Look forward to seeing his story.

I continue to love Cheri Jimenez. I've forgotten the name of the previous actress. lol

John-Paul Laviosier was pretty campy. He looks good but over the top. Tone the camp down.

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How are Vivian and Ivan going to keep a grown ass man in Alamania against his will forever?  What a dumb plan.  I have no use for Stefan at this point, but it actually seemed like the show decided to fire him about 2 days before this episode was filmed.  It wasn't thought out at all.  And how weak is Stefan that old man Ivan can overpower him lol?

Not sure about Javi.  Too early to tell.  If he's so resentful of Rafe I am not sure why he came to his house and decided to move in.

JPL's Phillip is my least favorite Phillip.  Yes, I like KB's Phillip more than his.  I just can't stand the way he plays him at all.

I guess that's it for Fiona and Eric too.  Seems like some really shifting of the canvas happened in this episode.

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Just finished today's episode.  Gosh, the pacing is odd, it felt like we were in limbo for weeks, then suddenly everything has changed. 

I agree with the others that this more stable Vivian is a welcome surprise.  I think having Ivan in the mix balances Vivian out.  I'd love to see a spin-off of Ivan and Stefan's road trip to Alamania.

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I thought Fiona's exit was classy and just what the character deserved.  Although the idea of her being self-destructive wasn't really fleshed out until the end of her run, it adequately explains her motives.  She seemed like she was scheming for some of that Kiriakis dough when she first arrived, but that seems to have been dropped by the wayside, along with her dislike of Sarah.

HOWEVER, Philip was in town for Victor's funeral and the reading of the will, and he seemed OK with the terms.  SO, when did he get this letter?  And didn't he want Chloe to leave with him?  Was his plan for them to go back to the European asylum?  And I'm kind of glad that EJ is the DA, if justice in Salem had been served by simply forgiving someone.  

Edited by j swift
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