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Can't edit my own posts from yesterday or prior


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Again, great great decision! I've noticed people abuse this option many times. They post some absurd or disgusting things, people reply and then they edit it out... and the people responding sound like the absurd ones.

I am ALL for NOT being able to edit after a certain point of time. 

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Edited by Maxim
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I sometimes make a minor typo but don't notice until hours later or the next day.  Then I go back and edit my typo, without comment.

When I have additional info that's minor, or I have a minor clarification, which isn't worth making an entirely new post about, then, in such cases, I edit the original by saying "edit to add" or "edit to clarify". 

I don't abuse this. If I said something that I later discover was wrong info, I quote my original and state that I was wrong.

Edited by janea4old
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The Soap Hopper Profiles and Cast Lists have changes whenever new information comes to our attention. I regularly edit anywhere from 10 to 100 posts a week. Just last night I had 7 changes to add that I wanted to include.

We've amassed so much biographical info about the stars in the Hoppers Thread  and identified so many forgotten and unknown  actors and actresses.   As we continue, editing is the only way to include the new findings.


BTW -- I tagged both moderators last night about this in the Hopper thread.

Edited by slick jones
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I have read this this entire multi-topic thread, and have not seen my concern thoroughly and directly addressed. Although it has been mentioned a couple of times.

I just tried to edit a post, about three hours after it was originally posted, and I am unable to edit.   I often go back and edits my posts for many reasons -- grammar, punctuation, clarification, general wording, correcting stupid statements, or whatever,  etc.  What is the rationale for limiting editing from the original poster?   Why would anyone care if the original poster edits her/his own posts?  I seriously can't imagine why this would be a problem for anyone.   

When unlimited editing was available, no one was forced to edit their posts -- it was simply available to those who wanted to edit. So who did it harm?? I'd be interested to know how many members complained about editing.  Can someone explain in detail, why unlimited editing was taken away?

In simpler terms -- If I don't care when you edit your posts, why would anyone care if I edit mine?     


Edited by Mona Kane Croft
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  • 4 weeks later...
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A really stupid decision. I posted all episodes of Sunset Beach in the SB-thread. However now some of the links have expired and I need to edit the post to replace them but am unable to. Who is harmed by letting the users edit their own posts?

Edited by Rattlefield
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What is stopping you from posting the links again in a new message? I'm sorry, but the decision was definitely not stupid. There were instances in which people would post things, stir drama up and then edit what they wrote. 

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Errol, and happy new year! Was there any resolution (no pun intended!) to this? Can we have back at least the ability to edit our own private messages? I have some PM threads that become rather long and sometimes I need to edit some information into the first post so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle. I used to be able to edit even months after the fact.

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