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Y&R September 2024 Discussion Thread


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Meh I thought maybe this Lucy/Faith stuff could have had some type of promise yet all of comes off across like a terrible after school special from 1988 or one of those “a very special tonight” episodes form the Hogan Family. 

The dialogue is very strange unnatural…made worse by unnatural and stiff acting by Graz, VB, and the Lucy actress. Compounded by the fact this is another excuse for Sharon to go unhinged talking to Cameron and go after Lucy is kind of dumb. 

Hate to be clichè and quote that Green Day song…but wake me up when September ends if this continues…

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I was thinking that as well. Because Lucy was coming across as creepy at one point. But I'm not against it been what it has been so far...well, up until the accident...because there has not been a teen-ish story on this show in forever. 


For all we know she might still go crazy. 

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The truth of the matter is NOTHING is happening on Y&R at the moment to behind with, so there’s really not much to discuss. And compared to Ashley’s DID caper earlier this year, Sharon seeing a dead and bloody Cameron is being presented as so mundane and low energy it’s hard to even care.

I hate to see Sharon Case being wasted for this mess, yet I feel like SC isn’t bothering to bring her A-game to make it interesting (or maybe Case’s best days are long ago now)


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I agree. Watching has gone back to being a chore outside of what is going on with Sharon and the occasional Traci/Alan sighting. 


And it's funny because it gained some momentum again a few weeks back. Now it's back to the doldrums. Meanwhile B&B has been my fun soap while GH is at least keeping me invested like a lover with something to prove. 

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The show might be a chore again, but Victor-Victoring IS NOT!!! I haven't heard anyone use a peacock metaphor to describe someone on a TV show in forever so I hollered at Victor calling Billy one since that's very much what Billy is doing. Trying to flaunt his power around and puffing out his chest as if Victor gives a frak. BOY, BYE. Victor was so unbothered and smirking and it was driving Billy crazy. LOVE those scenes. 


And I LOVE Lily's scenes with Victor, too. So much history there. And I was like PLLLLLEEASSS LET VICTOR HUMBLE THAT PRICK. Meanwhile, now he's getting into it with Chance? Again...BOY, BYE!! Just proving Victor was right to call him a peacock cuz no one is respecting Billy WITHOUT Lily there. And the fact that Billy is the ONLY person that calls the company A-C...lol...also proving Victor right when he was reading Billy down. 


Oh, lord...JG better not be trying for a Billy/Chelesa/Adam triangle. In this current state...it won't work. Well, my finger will be working the FF button. 


And since Sally was the only person I cared about in that whole mess, her being on the sidelines of it...for now?...means I still get to see her. Lol at Chloe's reaction to Sally breaking up with Adam. So in character. 



Well so fall season begins I guess. lol.

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OMG!! He was doing superb on this 9-3 episode. I was like 'who does Billy think he's talking to? You better remind him who you are.' And Victor did not disappoint. EB really and truly has been the highlight of my viewing this latest week so far. MTS being a close 2nd. Acting-wise.


Story-wise, I would say...reluctantly I might add...the Sharon storyline. And I just think that that's because it's about Sharon on one hand and on the other hand, I want to see if it's going where I feel it is going to go which I feel is Daniel connected. 

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