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DAYS: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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It really seems implausible the town's gossip columnist wouldn't know Marlena had a doppelganger especially given Hattie's very notorious history.  

It's also weird Roman, Kate, Abe, etc just didn't let Marlena know Hattie was back in town so she could clear up the confusion.

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I'm still stuck on my question from the other day, does Alex know that Bonnie and Hattie were in the room when his mother died?  I know he was raised by Adrienne, and probably considers her as a mother figure.  But, it is odd that he and Bonnie have never had a discussion about her involvement with Anjelica. 

My other unanswered question is if Johnny knows that Alex and Chanel had a threesome?

And how long has Connie lived in that apartment if Tripp and Wendy just left for Singapore in May?

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Alex has mentioned his mother's death a few times, so I think he knows?  He's never stated it.

I am pretty positive Johnny knows Chanel had a threesome with Alex.  I think Leo reported on it in his dumb column.

Good question about Connie.  That apartment has been leased/sublet by so many people.  I think it was Will/Sonny's first then Eric/Nicole's then Chanel/Allie's, then Tripp/Wendy/Li/Ava, etc.  I think it might be one of those apartments you can rent fully furnished?  That's a bit unbelievable for Connie since she got a job just last week, but maybe it was highly discounted since someone died there lol.

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You could be right?  I have no idea.  From the very small clip I saw it looked a bit different.  But that doesn't mean it's not that the same apartment.  It would make sense for Lucas to give/sublet/whatever his son the apartment.   I am just not the best with sets in general.

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Today was very flashback heavy but I thought it was a good episode. 

I felt like there was a lot more emotional depth in the script today, more than what we’re used to. Not just with Xander/Sarah, but with everybody and I was impressed by that. I wonder who wrote todays script because in some ways it seemed like it was written by someone new on the team.

I didn’t expect what happened to Sarah today either but I don’t mind it. It adds another layer to this storyline. 

Btw, I wonder if Tate/Holly are going to be weaved into this somehow since Holly was the one who had the key that Maggie and Sarah were looking for. 

As for Brady/Fiona, I’m looking forward to where they’re gonna go from here. But I’m also wondering how that little old lady was able to move that big burly man into the driver’s seat. 

And I’m sorry, but I still can’t stand Kristen’s little demon spawn. She’s like the bad kid version of Violet Finn

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