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2024 Summer Olympics


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I empathize with this woman. This IS HELL. The sheer amount of misogyny and fatphobia that has been spewed against her... is despicable. Out of this world - wrong. I am really shocked how much society has deteriorated and what levels of hate are allowed on the internet! Shocked! It's completely out of control. There is not even 1 article on facebook, that is not instantly attacked by a mob of haters and phobists. This should be 100 percent illegal and people should be prosecuted for writing the despicable things they do. When I was reading German reddit, the comment section made my skin crawl. In 2024 people think they can ridicule someone for their size, call them unimaginable names and even equate them to animals and wish them to not exist. One of the reasons I am thinking of de-installing the reddit app. 

So, yes, I am sending this girl a huge hug and wishing her nothing but the best. Reading the hate she is getting, really makes me tear up. 

Edited by Maxim
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Thomas Jolly the artist director also filed an anti harassment lawsuit of his own.

To say that the viewers didn’t understand the Dionysian segment would appear to be an understatement. Even if people didn’t understand, there’s no cause to spew that level of vitriol. Just move on to the next segment.
I will be honest, by the time that segment aired, I wasn’t really paying much attention. I thought maybe it was an elevated fashion runway with  elements of haute couture mixed with voguing from drag culture. I never once thought it had anything to do with religious iconography and I once attended Catholic school. I briefly glimpsed the DJ but I mistakenly thought she was an opera singer (possibly a lingering stereotype that I admit not being proud of leaping to that conclusion).

What might have mitigated some of the less vitriolic responses (unfortunately even explanation can’t erase hate) would have been if there had been a fact sheet that broadcasters could have used to explain what was occurring—for one the connection between Dionysius, wine, French culture, revelry and what viewers were seeing. Some people still wouldn’t like it but most at least would have understood that it wasn’t mocking Catholicism or religious inspired art and culture.

In a previous post upthread, I mentioned that I thought it was a real mistake for NBC/Peacock to not do any relevant fact-based commentary. The commentators could have explained a lot of what was going on, not just the Dionysus segment but more information about the other nations and their athletes. Might have dispelled numerous misunderstandings. Again, sadly, it probably wouldn’t have eliminated all the hate this woman is getting.

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Men's basketball quarter finals are set for Tuesday: USA/Brazil, Serbia/Australia, Germany/Greece, Canada/France. On paper the quarter finals looks like another cakewalk for USA but anything can happen in the knockout rounds.

Edited by kalbir
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Yeah, apologize. APOLOGIZE and apologize again! What these newspapers and sites did to that girl... is DISGUSTING. Her own father had to show her birth certificate on tv. I am appalled. They wrongly-called her trans and then a man... and turned the whole thing into the most ugly media spectacle I've ever seen. I had to receive a disturbing phone call from my mother screaming to me how she saw on tv that men were boxing with women in the Olympics... and NOTHING could make her stop repeating or believing what the media made her believe. SICK.

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Newspapers have been getting worse and worse in their reporting standards and they need to figure out why their standards are so low. Are their too many trust fund babies or reporters who got their jobs through connections? At this point, I can’t even say that I am surprised but it’s somewhat sad to see these newspapers that, at one time aspired to a higher set of journalistic standards stoop so low.

On another note, it’s odd to see the sports media act as if it was some huge upset that Julien Alfred won the gold medal in the women’s 100m when she has been performing at a consistently high level all season.  Look at her results this season, it’s no surprise.

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And how can I explain this to my parents that both believe everything they hear or see on TV. My mother was literally screaming to me on the phone while I am on a holiday, how some poor girl boxer in the Olympics was beaten by a man... I told her - first of all, this doesn't sound possible, second of all - did you research this? Her answer - No, it was on the news and X and Y said it's true. No way of making her change her mind and I even explained it to her that it was triggering me and bringing me back to my childhood when I was a gay boy in a terribly homophobic Slavic country. And I would constantly hear stereotypes and how a boy shouldn't be girly and etc. This time entire countries are BULLYING a woman, because she is not girly enough. They are labeling her something she is not... and all while they are showing such hatred towards the trans community, it's unbearable. Sorry for writing so emotional, but this topic makes me emotional .



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