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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wow, I found a bunch of 'em... and there's more...

Reginald and Edward comfort TRACY (so cute)


Tracy walks in on Mitch and Susan


Tracy & Mitch in Barbie's Dream House Bedroom (very young, reasonably blond and very long hair and just plain adorable, though I'm not sure why yet)


Tracy and mitch before Monica's party (no matter how weird the hair may be she looks gorgeous!!!!)


Tracy meets marco pt 1.... oh my god, I SOSOOOOO love Tracy and Marco together!


same: part 2


Tracy and Paul interupted by MArco


PS, Hooked, no biggie! Thanks for doing it though!

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Thanks for posting these Halee/knh!! Yes she was gorgeous and still is!!! LOVE when she wore her hair twisted up like that. One of my fave styles on her, it shows off her beautiful face. :)

I was only able to watch for a sec as I have to go to bed. The one where she is getting ready for monica's party with Mitch, looks like Mama's not wearing a bra! ;) teehee!

See you all tomorrow! thanks again for the congrats!

Edited by TracyLuv
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TL major congratulations on graduation!!! That is huge! I hope you celebrate like crazy!!

And a less major (but I won't say minor) congratulations on your swizzle stick avatar! I know that took some work on your part too. It looks good!!

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One last spoiler before I turn in

Thanks so much for coming back to post!

I know this is a long shot, but since it is late and not too many are around...do you have any info on Tracy? Does she have a part of a storyline at all this summer or just a filler scene here and there?

I am wondering why they didn't just leave her on the run with Luke!

Do you know if the Haunted Star is indeed reopening with Tracy running it and Sam working there? There has been a bunch of conflicting info on that.


I'm not really one for giving out big spoilers but I will tell you that there was a very specific purpose in her leaving with Luke and returning alone. Its important to something that is coming up.

Otherwise, she will be around some this summer. As will John Ingle and I believe we can expect a few more visits from Stuart Damon as the summer progresses.

Edit (cause you know I can't let things just go...)

Insider who gave out Liason and Tracy info...

Can you give one hint...is this a bad thing for Luke/Tracy that is coming up--her purpose for her coming back early?

Don't worry about it. Its a plot point. A very important plot point. But a plot point nevertheless.

Hmmmm???? Tracy gets an important plot point?


So can any inisider lurking tell me:

Does Tracy reopen the Haunted Star, and Sam work there????

yes and yes

Edited by hookedongh
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I have an odd attraction to her hair in this thing. Good look on her.. sorta short/long.

She is hilarious with SD.

Plot point, eh?

Totally lulu related. Totally.

Okay.. who the heck did LAURA on the blog? UGH!

I have strong feelings it wasn't anyone here...

Maybe advertising to the rest of the world wasn't the greatest idea... Ugh.

LAURA?!?!?! :o:angry::o:angry::o:angry:

Edited by LaineyBev714
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Okay I"ll fess up Lainey. It was me. I was having a sybil moment today posting as like 8 people in a row. I got a bit carried away. You guys can delete it. I was trying to be funny--obviously it didn't have that affect!


From a poster on SD to me:

Tracyfan, just over at JMB's site and we are making her a scrapbook for her wedding. and one of the pages is of her and her co-stars and their's a clip of an interview from last year where she say's TG, JE, and TC are her co-stars that she loves to work with the most because of how good they are and how much they teach her. and she mentions Tracy is her fav female character, thought it was cute and thought i'd share with you

Edit again...

The poster came back and posted for me JMB's comments on JE/Tracy. She has moved up a notch in my book!

Tracyfan-here's the part about JE from JMB. it was from an interview with some radiostation last year which one of the JMB fansite people transcribed and are including in collage:

Who are some of your favorite co-stars to work with?

I've been lucky enought to work with some of the best actors in daytime. Tony Geary, Jane Elliot, Tyler Christopher would have to be at the top of my list though. They are incredible and I have learned so much from them.

If you had to pick a favorite female character on GH who would it be?

Definitely Tracy. She's so fierce, I love it. She's witty, manipulative, yet strangely loyal. and Jane Elliot plays her so fabulously.

Edited by hookedongh
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Morning all... just bumping the thread.

Hooked, as always you come through for us. After seeing so many interviews where JMB was asked about her 15 seconds with ewcbo, it's nice to see her acknowledge that JE is her actually co-star. It's a right and proper thing to do for JMB to prop JE for a change.

Some serious blogging yesterday. Good job. All references to ewcbo have been removed. I think QT and I should just say it out loud, with the exception of the nice slap Helena did on her, I think the characters of Trevor, AZ, Mac and the feds, and ewcbo should not find their way into the blog. We are trying to keep hidden from the first four and ignore the fifth.

Spanky is getting her 'Tracy' back. There was a lot of fodder for my post this morning. LOVE IT!!! You folks are really jumping on board with this. Please keep it up. It's only good if we are all working on it together.

And while some of you were sleeping this morning, a secret loft had some early morning activity...

morning with The Annals...

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I think I should refrain from blogging today after causing so many problems yesterday. Good thing I am going out of town this weekend, so I can't mess anything else up for a few days!

However....here you go my TQ friends...

SID info (nothing on Tracy in summer previews I don't think) and SOW info on our girl!

Other stuff

Tracy is back but not Luke, JE returns on June 3

She'll try to be a mom to Lulu

Luke is out of sight but not out of mind.

Monica discovers Jason is head honcho and she clearly blames Sonny

From SOW (I think the week of the 9th this means)

Next week:

Claudia makes Lulu an offer

Alexis ask Sonny to sign away Kristina

Sam gets a mysterious message from Luke

Hopefully this is about the HS


Article Hottest Stories: Claudia wants Lulu gone, basically Johnny moves into the Q mansion when his house burns down, Tracy catches them in bed and Claudia wants Lulu gone so she can be number 1 in Johnny life.

One more thing....Logan is supposed to die soon and go out with a bang. JD was let go.

Edited by hookedongh
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NO!!! Don't think that. You, as always, are the canary. By doing what you did, we were able to close some holes we hadn't thought about. You posted how many yesterday, and only two caused consternation? I'd say your ratio was pretty good. Keep posting. Tracy just slammed Maxie so you might want to do a rebuttle.

Interesting... I wonder who's sight and who's mind... I really hope they keep Tracy in contact with Luke (that's what's happening in our version, I can assure you).

Saw this coming. I know there is a hate-on for the Z's in many places, but the more they interact with the Q's the better, as far as I'm concerned.

I'm predicting Scotty won't be around much longer, either. He hadn't been seen since the replacements were in charge in January.

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So, another sucky summer of Tracy wiping Lulu's nose? Oh. Joy. I.can.hardly.contain.my.excitement.

I DID have a plot bunny floating around in my head, not enough to write about it but it's there, that Logan would be killed off after coming to the HS to find Lulu and finding Tracy instead, and taking her hostage because he just tried to kill Jason and now he's on the run.

and this was before the spoilers came out, and the spoilers about him anyway, are sounding like he will do something and be killed because of it.

Eh. I'm bored. It was just a thought. I do like the blog so far from what I've seen, but I don't feel inspired to post on it.


I'll leave that to ya'll.

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