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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Somehow I just knew she wasn't going to be recongized by TG or in the montage for Best Show don't ask me how I just did. Honestly the only reason I watched was to see who won the best drama (and to see the lil montage things for DAYS and ATWT hehe). ::sighs:: Eh whatever.

Spoiler-ish Talk




Okay so supposedly Tracy is going to the Maarkam's and yet she hasn't been mentioned in either pics or spoilers. This is getting on my nerves now, lol. What are they gonna say, she was taken by the Maarkam authorities? And of course we won't see her until th end of this little sl and or until Luke is back in PC!? I could be wrong and being pessimistic but if i'm not....

Bite me TIIC!!

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Aww, this thread is becoming depressing again (*cyber hugs for everyone*), and I'm afraid I'm not going to help matters much.

Well, I was disappointed, and still am, LOL, but to be fair he didn't get the Emmy based on his work with her. Then again, he added that "3 year" comment, which doesn't fit with my logic. *sigh* Love the video, MinervaFan.

ILoveTracyQ, not only was her son the suspect, her granddaughter was the victim, but do we get Tracy scenes? No. Do we get Ned scenes? No. :angry: I'm hoping JE will fare better during TG's vacation this summer since TR will be around, and Robert will be mixing it up with the Q's. I guess we'll see.

angel, they don't have to say anything. We'll have to pretend that she never went to the Island in the first place.

Anyone wondering about rewrites? Dillon/Lulu and Patrick/Robin weren't part of the original adventure plan, or at least according to SoapDish, LOL. Tracy/Luke made the COVER of Soap Opera Weekly and had a cute little article dedicated to them, but it doesn't seem like much of it is going to play out.

Okay...Bringing in some goodness. Hope this is all right, but since the Real Emmys neglected to give us any JE/Tracy in the GH Montage, I've decided to share Skye's (of GHVT) Emmy video (which includes a bit of TQ): Click Me.

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Happy TracyQ thoughts--

1. Hugging her boys after the Port Charles fire. I don't care how many times I see that clip, it just warms my heart.

2. The kiss between Tracy and Luke--even thought it was interrupted, it shows so much potential for heat and sex appeal.

3. Alice tossing Tracy over the couch. This may be just me, but JE getting physical in a scene works for me in a big way. If she isn't afraid to take a fall for the show, maybe she could go on adventures.

4. Tracy giving Monica the Christmas gift. Sweet, sweet, sweet.

5. That little smile/head tilt with her fingers on her chin when she asks Luke for a two month anniversary present and says "In your dreams" when he suggests something from Heddy Hofstedder's Hothouse of Exotic Lingerie.

There, five moments of TracyJoy to counteract the depressing trend we're seeing.

Oh, and a bonus--one word.


Edit: KENNA! I downloaded the True Colors video! Lovely, lovely work. I really liked the scenes you chose, especially (of course) the Tracy/Luke parts. It's kind of sad, though, that the most telling scenes of Tracy in the last few years have been of her breaking down in hysterical tears at one loss or another. OTOH, her comforting Alan over the loss of A.J. is still one of the best things I've ever seen of Tracy. Thank you so much for doing this vid. (Oh, and my partner Fey wanted you to know she thought the video was lovely.....)

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nex4evr, both clips are featured in Shazzer's "Won't U Please B Nice" Luke/Tracy Video. You get to hear the dialogue of the 2nd one. smirks might have the Alice/Tracy one with dialogue. Actually, smirks, do you have the clip from the beginning of May when Tracy takes the gun from Helena, and Luke shouts at her to "get down" and "hit the floor?" And then Tracy's lying on the ground, with the gun, and Luke is all like, "Give me that." LOL. I thought it was fun, and those who haven't seen it would probably like it. :) *sigh* Lacy-rific memories. (Ha, get it? Terrific. All right. I'm done trying to lighten the mood, LOL.)
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Somebody (MsQ, probably) uploaded these a while back. They were lost when my disk got ruined. Would whoever has them be willing to repost the links for me? I'm logging the videos I have in order to get them organized.

I would really appreciate it. Oh, and Ms.Q? Isn't there a scene with Edward, Tracy and Robert missing in here somewhere?
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Good morning! *waves*

Credit to GQ Daily.

2/13/06 Part 1: Dillon wants Tracy to save his energy.

2/13/06 Part 2: Dillon recalls Tracy's advice; Tracy gives him her consent to marry Georgie.

2/13/06 Part 3: Tracy refuses to accept the fact that Dillon is going to die.

2/13/06 Part 4: The wedding begins.

According to spoilers, there was supposed to be a Tracy/Mac scene (before Part 4), but nooooooo. It got cut. :angry: That look they exchanged at the end would've have been 10x better if we were able to see that scene. *sigh*

Credit to Skye (?).

5/9/05: Tracy tells Luke she needs her family.

Credit to the ladies at NQ.net.

2/15/06: Tracy and Luke talk in the chapel; Tracy gets her miracle.

I don't think so.

"A Little Less Conversation" by Jennifer. Includes clips from the "plotting Tracy's death" and "monkey head" episodes only, but it's still fun to watch. :)

ETA: Chapter 19 of Oh, Baby is up.

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Just for fun:


Also, I remember seeing Tracy bargain with Edward--something like, "I'll never do you another favor again" "You've never done me a favor before" and Lulu and Dillon coming in right before he lets Robert go..... It was right after the opening credits. (Fey's mom's tape always cuts off the teaser scenes.)

Edit: *sniff* Rewatching the scenes in the hospital with Dillon. I love them together. Wish to any GODS that will listen that they will get more quality time, and that Dillon might realize how freakin' lucky he is. I mean, look at these scenes with Tracy and thank the deities that she had Lila's influence in her life so she knew how to be a mother when it really counted. *throws big old stick at real!Edward, who obviously learned parenting skills from a rabid pirahna....*

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LMFAO!! That jackass Edward deserves that and a lot more for all he does and has done to Tracy! And if Dillon don't shape up, he's next lol! ::calms self down:: But yeah those scenes are so sweet!

BTW, cute banner MinervaFan!

And, MarlandRulez I agree, Jane and Robin deserve to be nominated and given Emmy's!!

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Long post ahead...

Getting sentimental again, but I love this place. You all are so wonderful. :D

Love the banner, MinervaFan. Has anyone ever shared the "Tracy leaves Dillon" (April 2003) clip with you? I can upload it if you haven't seen it. You'll love it.

angel, LOL about Dillon. Leaving his mother tied and gagged in a freezer overnight. Nice one...considering the last person locked in the freezer ended up dead. :o Ah...Murder Not!Mystery Week. An entire week of Q's (sans Ned). Absolutely no Sonny, no Carly, no Jason, no Sam (a miracle in itself). In fact, other than the Q's, the teens, Felicia, Mac, and Faith were the ONLY characters featured. And well, Nikolas (for Emily), but I'm still trying to forget their scenes. Oh wait...Mary Bishop too, even though she spent most of the week in Emily's closet with a gardening tool. Scaaaaaaaaary...Except not. ;)

*tries to recall the episodes* Anyone, feel free to add comments (I'll try to provide some background for those who haven't seen this)...

Oh! ILoveTracyQ mentioned this before, but Justus said, "How many of you can honestly say you've been faithful to your spouses? Alan, Monica, Tracy?" Hellooooo, this was before Coleman (which some people don't consider cheating anyway), but still...Tracy never ever cheated. Although, we did get a funny line out of it. Monica: At least I have a husband to cheat on. Tracy: Shut up!

There was a lame (but well, cute, I guess) court scene. Felicia was the judge (she was going to decide if Edward was no longer eligible for Lila's inheritance since he/Heather were found together in bed...Actually, they fell on top of Monica/Alan, who were also in bed) Anyway, somewhere down the line, Edward objected to whatever Justus said, and Tracy's like, "You can't object! He's your attorney!" Just something little I remember, LOL. Oh and Justus's "My client tripped!" (regarding the fall onto the bed) Alan/Monica/Tracy (simultaneously): WHAT?!?

Heather pretending to be Lila's spirit? Totally.Not.Cool. Did love Tracy's comment about not wanting to hold hands with all her family members though (I guess in an effort to bring the spirit back or something...)

Hmm...One of the teens saw the Not!Mystery Person in the hallway and thought it was Tracy, and I think it was Trent (short-lived character) that told Dillon, "Well, your mother is kind of scary."

Tracy blackmailed Felicia in a room full of people. Tracy, Tracy, Tracy. Quartermaine 101. *sigh* Love my girl, but that was stupid.

Later (or was it before?), Dillon had a run in with the murderer, and I don't remember Tracy being very concerned. Then Edward had a line, something about Tracy not caring about Dillon. That ticked me off. Those who were watching, do you know what I'm talking about? LOL.

Some goodness (not word for word):

(Monica, Alan, Tracy, and Edward are walking down the stairs...)

Tracy: The stairs can be pretty treacherous in the dark.

Alan: Who said anything about stairways?

Edward: Is that a threat?

Monica: Stay away from her, Alan.

(Sage entered Nikolas and Emily's room earlier that evening. Nikolas had been in a mental institution; Emily helped him escape.)

Nikolas: She seemed nervous, almost frightened.

Tracy: Well, who wouldn't be? Wandering around a strange house in the dark and running into an escaped mental patient!


Heh. I :wub: Tracy.

ETA: MinervaFan, the Robert/Tracy/Edward scene is in the "Caught by the teens and the maid" clip. Lovely JE banner, by the way.

ETA again: Tracy leaves Dillon *wipes tear* Such a sad scene. (Credit to Arie)

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I love this place, too! So nice to get my Tracy fix on a regular basis, especially when TIIC are being cruel.

As for the Tracy Leaves Dillon clip? Ms.Q, you'd be my new bestest friend for evah if you uploaded that puppy. I read an entire article about that scene, back when I started watching the show, and I've wanted to see it ever since. (The fanfic, "Invisible" was based, at least in part, on what I read from that article.)

So, post away, as well as anything else you think I might want to see. I need LOTS of Tracy for my next mvid--the more colorful, the better (hint hint).

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*Waves* to everyone Ms. Q I know its like a day late so maybe if I wave really fast I can go back in time. ;)

For once I actually watched the Daytime Emmys, I was hoping to see Jane Elliot, I didnt see her ;) but does anyone know if she has ever went? ;)

You know yall are the best. :wub: and yall are so talented.

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Keith--I have no idea how old the photo is. I got it from Soaps in Pictures. Here's the original:


Also--I made another video, this time to Bjork's Army of Me. (Edit: As usual, I thought of a change during the night. Will upload with correct URL when available.) Yeah, it's Tracy, but unlike the others I've made...this doesn't exactly highlight the "Softer" side of Tracy's personality. (Yeah, I have an eclectic taste in music...)

And for those of you who have trouble understanding Bjork's accent, here are the lyrics.

Stand up

You've got to manage

I won't sympathize anymore.

And if you complain once more

You'll meet an army of me

You're alright

There's nothing wrong

Self-sufficience please! And get to work.

And if you complain once more

You'll meet an army of me

And if you complain once more

You're on your own now

We won't save you

Your rescue-squad is too exhausted

And if you complain once more

You'll meet an army of me

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