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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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My sympathies for the loss of your cousin knh.

I will read the fic updates when I can,but today's going to be busy. So it may be late tonight before I get a chance.

ABout judging people's acting skills....I never did before I came online,and even though I might sometimes say he or she sucks,truthfully I still don't judge the acting,because I've seen what a hard job it really is.

There are people I like,and people I don't like,and sometimes it's just a personal preference and has nothing to do with the actor's skill.

For instance I love Jane,and she's probably my favorite or one of my favorite,actress(es).

But do I think she's always spot on,and never misses the mark?


I do think she's better than just about any other female currently on GH,though...and TIIC truly are idiots for wasting her.

About the rumors....if she stays she stays and if she leaves,she leaves. :)

And while I want her to stay,I'll be okay with her going.

I made my peace with that a year ago. :)

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popping back in to say, the people who love Sonny and Jason and think Tracy's a witch...LOL sorry Ms.Q and MinervaFan but those people are the people I mock the most.


I know I shouldn't...but I don't get how people think she's awful,and Jason and Sonny are good,and I think that's just warped. In all kinds of ways. LOL

Of course to be fair,Tracy IS awful a lot of the time.

But the difference for me is,Tracy can admit who she is,Tracy knows she's rotten a lot of the time. I have seen Sonny rarely say so, and Jason "I'm nothing like you" MOrgan,I've NEVER seen him admit he's a bad man.

Oh,and the constant "Jason and Sonny are good men" garbage leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

The fact they are on almost 24/7 doesn't help.

Not one bit.

Rant over.

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It's kind of slooooooow here.

ILoveTracyQ, no need to apologize. I'll never understand my mother's fascination with Sonny/Jason and hatred of AJ (I know you didn't mention AJ at all in your post, but it reminded me of some people's dislike for him but fondness of Sason.) Hmm...Maybe my mom's working for Guza, LOL.

About the rumors...I just hate the idea of Luke/Tracy good-bye scene say on a Thursday, and then Luke/Laura wedding on a Friday, without a single mention of Tracy again. Like she never existed. And helloooo, TIIC? Who the hell said Tracy needed a man? She has connections to a bunch of characters on canvas. Luke, Luke's daughter, and Luke's best friend shouldn't be her only sources of screentime.






Lulu takes a pregnancy test this week. It's apparently in the ABC Soap Scoop. If it is positive, she's obviously not going to tell Tracy or anyone who's name isn't Carly for that matter. * So I guess my question is...Will Tracy find out sometime in the near future? Or am I going to have to wait forever to see some more of TQ? This is just ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Is it wrong that the lack of fictional character puts me in a bad mood? LOL.

LaineyBev, I've thought about Lulu being pregnant giving Luke/Tracy reason to divorce as well. As least it's better than one of TIIC going, "Hey! I got an idea! Let's just say Luke/Tracy were never married in the first place!" <_<

* Edit: I guess Dillon finds out. Spoiler from AHTQ of SoapDish (SD and SZ trust her): Dillons learns a defective ELQ condom is to blame for his predicament. An ELQ condom? All right. I know ELQ might have been a pharmaceutical company at one point. (I never knew what ELQ did...) But still...LOL! And SZ cracks me up sometimes. Hope the posters Cuba and SanLuvsSteveKayla don't mind me sharing this:

ELQ condom??? huh???? This isn't going to be a storyline is it?? How ELQ makes defective condoms, thereby endangering millions to STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc???

In reply: This must be the big Edward story they brought John back for. (I'm kidding.)


HAHA!! Remember SOnny had control of ELQ those were his most fertile years!! (This came from a poster named Binx.)

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On the spoiler front,I think:


Lulu's pregnancy might be a way of connecting Luke and Tracy whether they are together in a marrige or not.

I don't know.

I officially just don't care about GH anymore.

Cause I know if a character gets pissed on,it'll be Tracy or Dillon.

It'll be a Q,for sure.

It won't be the Spencers.



And I hope she miscarries.

There. I said it.


About the fics...great updates Ms.Q and MinervaFan....I read the whole story at lunch.

Oh. I just loved it.

More importantly,I loved Simon. He's just the kind of man Tracy needs.

And can I have a real life Simon,please?

A sequel would be nice....it HAS to end with a wedding, and Edward finally getting a mole in place to destroy her company right before the wedding,and secrets and lies and tears and angst....

And how sad is it,that your little story is ten times more interesting than anything GH?


Rock on sister friend.That story was awesome.

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The week of August 7th (per ABC Media Net photos)...Lulu has scenes with Elizabeth (makes sense) and Sonny (Are they freakin' kidding me?). *still waiting for some evidence that TQ will have as big as a role as Guza made it sound*

By the way, at TWoP, they're making a list of the actors who put down the show recently (either directly or indirectly)...So far, they got LC, TR, NLG, RiH, KMo, GV, LW, and KS. One poster wishes JE would weigh in. Should I create an account and inform him/her that she already has? ("Turn away from the accident...") :lol:

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Ms.Q I think JE was mainly talking about directorial "accidents",not the show.


spoiler talk

And yeah.

If they make **** pregnant and make it another Carly/AJ story,with Lulu being the victim and Dillon being the monster,*especially* if they have Tracy taking Lulu's side over Dillon.....I am soooo done with GH.

They can bite my lily white butt if they so much as go there.

spoiler talk over

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oh, you guys are just KIDDING me. No TQ again? Is Guza on crack? :blink:

Oh, and whoever apologized to me for criticizing Jason-Sonny? Dude, I barely tolerate either character anymore. My gf used to be a real big fan of Sonny/Carly, but that's about it.

Thanks for the much love/feedback on the AU story, especially Simon. I was afraid people would accuse me of Mary Sue-ing him (which I did, even though I'm not a man and not a college professor and only made a C in HS chemistry because it was at 8 in the morning!) I just always thought Tracy would do well with a person who was (a) not born to wealth, (B) not overly impressed by wealth, © not intimidated by her wealth (or disgusted by her periodic lacks of wealth), and (d) not swayed by the negative publicity she gets either from her family or people who hate her family. He had to be smart enough to challenge her, decent enough to know the difference between her "true" self and the protective shell she wears, and tough enough to put up with the crap that seems to attack her at every turn.

Thus? Simon. I also thought Annabeth was important--she needed a mother figure who wasn't under the thumb of someone like Edward, someone who called her on her s**t, and still loved her unconditionally. I didn't develop Annabeth as much as I would have liked to, but that's okay.

And, no, there's no plans for a sequel. I will, however, share with you a voice mail message Annabeth left on Tracy's answering machine the night of her first date with Simon (since I'm never going to write the story):

Tracy, darling, it's me. I know you're out with Simon, so just give me a call when you get back. Any time is fine; I'll be up late. Of course, if you two decide to have sex, don't bother calling me tonight--just ring me in the morning and give me all the gory details. Oh, not about the sex. I really don't want to know about that, pet. Talk to you later.


I love Annabeth.

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No sequel?

What a shame,especially since if you wanted to,the story could be a great "pilot" for exactly the type of vehicle JE would be great in.


Really....no sequel?

*cries some more*

yeah you know the main reason I'm carrying on,is like I said,your story is the best,most decent TQ I get these days.

Along with everyone else's fics too...but I loved that it was an AU( although I missed Dillon,and Tracy having a late in life baby with Simon would just be....*sniff*).

I loved that it was an AU because I've said before and I'll say again,Tracy is at her fullest,most interesting "best" away from the viper's nest of the Q's.

Probably why I loved her so much on The City.



Aww....all right. *sniff*

Enough with the guilt trip. LOL

I promise. :P

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*feeling stupid now* I kinda liked the quote better when I thought she was dissing the show though, LOL.

Fanfiction Update!

Title: Untitled (I should have an actual title soon...I hope.)

Author: Ms. Q

Summary: Tracy and Luke spend their one year anniversary in the Markham Islands, but there's just one problem. Tracy wants a divorce, and this time, she's serious.

Part of Ficathon? Yes. (It's the Anniversary Challenge from May. Yeah, I'll forever be behind with these things.

Links: Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 (Chapters 3, 4, and 5 are practically done, but before I start posting the rest of them, I want to make sure I have an ending to the story (which should come in Chapter 6). :D

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Hey Ms. Q and MF- I loved both stories. I don't really know what to say other than that, but they were great!

As for the pregnant Lulu- as much as I don't want that to happen b/c it will most definately break up Luke and Tracy, it might make for a great story between them also. Luke and Tracy quite clearly love each other. Theyt'll have to be around each other no matter what then and force them to deal with their feelings or sit there in pain and longing for the other. I still don't want it to happen, but it could interesting is all I'm saying.

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Thanks knh for the feedback.

Keith, you think they are pulling her scenes?

BTW, that Sonny/Lulu scene for the week of August 7th? Apparently, she's supposed to break down and Sonny is there to comfort her. *pukes* Oh, Tracy...Where are you??????

I debated whether or not to share this...for the sole reason I don't want anyone to think I'm a nutcase, LOL, but anyway...Last night, I had a dream that me and a bunch of other people (some members of this thread, actually, LOL) were at this "Welcome back, Genie Francis" thing. I don't know why we were there, and for the record, I just knew you guys were there. I didn't actually see any of you...which would've been weird since I have no idea what any of you look like, LOL.

Basically, GF and TG came out together and were literally mobbed by the crowd. Anyway, I think we were all worried about JE and Tracy's screentime (of course, LOL). And I was all, "This is gonna be a loooong night." And then GF approached me, and she was really sweet and everything, and I felt kind of guilty for faking a smile, giving her a hug, and saying, "Welcome back."

So...What does this mean?!? Other than all things Tracy Quartermaine have invaded my mind? I think I got give myself a good hour off the computer before going to bed.

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VERY INTERESTING?!?!? Do you think it just happens to be a coincidence that JE appears on Soaptalk talking about having to keep her mouth shut when seeing an "accident" and now she disappears from the canvas at GH? ;)

Well I'm back and boy has it been busy here....MsQ. I just read your fanfiction and I LOVE it, the same goes for MinervaFan I loved yours as well!!! You guys are my heros!!! Reading fan fiction keeps me from going crazy while waiting for Tracy to be back on my television screen.

I take it there has been no mention of Tracy in any of the spoilers coming up, which annoys me. But the thing that bothers me even more is Lulu having any kind of conversation with Sonny WTF is that about! I swear Lulu needs to be having that conversation with her step-monster not a mob boss!

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hey, can someone tell me how to link a story onto here. I was just going to start putting up parts of my movie instead of a synopsis. It's very long, so I was going to do bits at a time, but I don't know how to do it. I have it on m-word right now. I just thought I'd get a little feedback from people who don't know me so, hopefully, won't be afraid to comment when they need to (constructively I hope).

Anyway, thanks for the help.

ps. does anyon have the Luke/Tracy wedding week (5/18-5/19/05)? I'm sure someone does.

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nex, welcome back! We're not too sure about JE and SoapTalk. I thought she was putting down the show, but ILoveTracyQ thought it was about direction. Either way, love my girl, and I loved her comment, but I'm not sure if it was the smartest thing to do. As for Sonny/Lulu...You know, I'd rather it be Tracy, but come on...Sonny? Not Bobbie, Liz, Lesley, even Carly. *shakes head* And apparently, per MB's FCW event, TG and MB have scenes coming up. These might be the August ones. Ugh. JE's really getting the short end of the deal.

knh, here are GQ Daily's May 2005 archives. You'll find the Georgie/Dillon/Tracy/Luke Vegas scenes there. This is a clip of the final Luke/Tracy scenes from that episode (Luke finds Tracy drunk...and gosh, I love when JE gets to play drunk, LOL.) Credit to Misty. My computer's being slow right now, so I'll try to get the Luke/Tracy May 19th morning after scenes up later. Once again, GQ Daily has the Georgie/Dillon/Tracy/Q's scenes from that episode.

About linking stories...Since the movie is your original work, you won't be able to put in on Fanfiction.net since it's not based on an actual movie. My suggestion would be go SendSpace. Click Browse and click on whatever it's saved as. The email parts are optional. It's never a bad idea to email it to yourself though, in case you end up losing the link. Make sure you agree to the terms of service. Click Upload file. It'll give you an estimate on how long it'll take. When it's done, follow the link. Copy it. Paste it here. Hope that makes sense. :)

MinervaFan, I've been reviewing each chapter of your story at FF.net. I'm on the Homeward Bound chapter right now. Will continue later...

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