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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Double post, but I bring BIG pics...

Nikolas and Edward: http://sweetestgoodbyes.org/gallery/albums...79_6448_ful.jpg

Nikolas, Edward, and Elizabeth: http://sweetestgoodbyes.org/gallery/albums...79_6466_ful.jpg

Luke and Ethan: http://sweetestgoodbyes.org/gallery/albums...79_6393_ful.jpg

Tracy, full of smiles: http://sweetestgoodbyes.org/gallery/albums...79_6377_ful.jpg

Luke in jail, Tracy smiling at Ethan: http://sweetestgoodbyes.org/gallery/albums...79_6335_ful.jpg

Luke in jail, Tracy not looking amused at Ethan: http://sweetestgoodbyes.org/gallery/albums...79_6301_ful.jpg

Luke in jail, Tracy looking irritated: http://sweetestgoodbyes.org/gallery/albums...79_6287_ful.jpg

Luke in jail, grabbing Ethan by the collar, Tracy looking on: http://sweetestgoodbyes.org/gallery/albums...79_0079_ful.jpg

Luke in jail, not looking happy: http://sweetestgoodbyes.org/gallery/albums...79_6322_ful.jpg

All photos from SweetestGoodbyes - You can get even BIGGER photos here: http://sweetestgoodbyes.org/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=247

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Hello, all! Had some outpatient surgery this week so I'm just now getting around to catching up with everyone.

Can someone just box up Winifred now before she takes up even more time on our screen? The thing that works with Spinelli is when he's with people that balance his craziness out (especially Maxie and Sam). I do NOT relish the idea of seeing a freakin' romance built around the idea of Spinelli dating himself. Ye Gods. That chick annoys me to no end. I've started FFing her scenes, even if it's with characters I like.

Count me in the club of people that don't mind Tracy not being rescued by Luke. For one, it gave us that fabulous interaction between Tracy and Lulu, and secondly, we got to see some pretty amazing scenes with Edward and Tracy, too. And besides, our gal isn't the damsel in distress that HAS to be rescued all the time - that would be Luke's ex-wife. I prefer to see more independent women, thankyouverymuch.

The writers totally have no clue on being subtle, do they? Was I the only one laughing at the very idea of two Italian people who pride themselves in their cooking abilities making dinner using canned spaghetti sauce? The proper way to do these product placements would be to plan something outright. The Tracy/Luke stuff was heavy-handed last year, but I didn't mind the Go Red campaign rally held at Kelly's because IT FIT INTO THE STORYLINE. Epiphany had suffered a heart attack, and here was GH sponsoring an event for healthy heart awareness for women that included the (at the time) Chief Cardiologist and the club's youngest member, someone who was a heart transplant patient herself. THAT was a decent way to present things. And IIRC, it was scabs writing that. These scenes with Max and Milo lecturing to Diane and Maxie making Spinelli choke down V8 Fusion? Enough, already.

How about instead of us seeing a half-baked idea of a hospital crisis (which started out great, IMO, but ended poorly), maybe they could have given us sweeps at the big event Maxie and Johnny are attending? Then again, they WERE using rehashed material with all this. Remember, this was Guza's big November sweeps stunt that got pushed to the back burner. I'm guessing that's why it seems so inconsistent writing-wise. They're dipping into an old inkwell even though changes are obviously already being made to bring back love in the afternoon and some actual screentime with the vets.

OK, so I guess I had a lot to say my first post back. :)

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I'm back too. The camp this weekend was great - and I stayed warm so bonus points for me. Shiloh returned from his camping having a great time as well. It's nice to get away but nice to return.... especially to a warm home and my beloved 'puter. :P


Wow.... this has got to be the most beautiful picture I have seen. What an amazing smile! Thanks for the big pics, Ms. Q.

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I don't know.... I think the bob was getting tired. I know the signature flip isn't there right now, but the hair seems to fall in line with a different aspect of her personality coming to the forefront - not taking things lying down.

This might be a little too short right now (I loved her hair in that picture that GT or one of you has in your signature from NYE), but I like it cut.

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stargazercmc- I totally agree that Winifred needs to leave NOW! I love Spinelli, and there is only one of him. BA made the character, the language and the mannerisms. To have a female version is stupid and REALLY annoying. I like him so much better with Maxie. And I replayed that part when he got out of the building multiple times just to see Winifred's shocked face! I also was cringing with the Diane\Max thing. That Max was so stressed out about it was ridiculous. The whole thing was so fake; I felt like I was watching a commercial! That was just really bad. KS & BA pulled off theirs a little bit better, although the scene was shorter and the writing less silly.

EDIT: I like JE's hair better with the flip, but she looks super cute in that pic!

Edited by missjane
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I can see how the bob could have been redundant if it was just the same old bob, but she changed it up a lot. The style, the exact cut of it, the color... it varied just enough to keep it fresh. This thing, in my opinion, is getting old, but I do love it (as much as I can, anyway) in that piture. She looks the best she has in a while

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These are rehashed but from SZ. Tracy is in TH and F this week for sure. Not sure about any other days. Definitely not Tuesday as that is the BJ heart epiosode day and I doubt today either.

Tracy pays Ethan’s bail to release him from the cooler. Luke, she’ll let fry.

Ethan beguiles Tracy. Soon enough, she’s pushing Luke to hire him for the Haunted Star.

Lulu thinks of Ethan as a player, sneaky, conniving and definitely fronting some con.

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