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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey guys!

Working my way through a summer cold and trying to work my way through today's GH. Snooooooze. I like Brenda but hadn't they established at this point that she was too smart to get sucked into Sonny's drama again?

Sam bores me, Brook Lynne bores me... think we can talk TPTB into a spinoff with the Spencers and Quartermaines and call it a day?

Hope everyone is doing well. Stay outta trouble, y'all!

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What were his conclusions, Hooked?

I see that with the final weeks of ATWT, folks are now starting to ask who's next. I think we've seen all the soap cancellations we're going to see for some time. I think people forget the politics and ownership behind the remaining 6, and quite frankly it's a more manageable number considering the soap watching habits of 2010. We might not have the "best" shows left, but we have the ones the owners/network support the most and often that's more significant.

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I just listened to the interview. He didn't say much other than he talks to John Ingle every day and that he and leslie barely work and when they do, it is for short, pretty much meaningless scenes and it is sad. He talked about ghost alan and how that was such a blast and how he trusts Jane implicitly and they had a ball working together and bouncing off each other during that time period.

Then he talked about his real estate business.

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Didn't Leslie always say she would never go on recurring? I really hope she gives ABC a big F###Off. She deserves better. It is strange that they did keep her in the opening but John Ingle not. I think Edward is out next year when JI contract is up in April. I don't think I will ever watch a whole show of GH again, current episodes that is. The old 80's shows I will watch.

I would LMAO if another soap would take her, Days maybe?

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That is such crap!! They could write for LC after all she is St. Jason's mother but the writers are @$$holes!!! JI, well the man is in his 80's as sad as I would be if he left the show, I can see why he would want to leave and enjoy retirement, he deserves it!

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Hey SeanM...it would be such a coup if like Y&R got Leslie for even a short arc.

I noticed that there are two opening versions now...one with Steve/Lisa and Monica in it. The opening version that has Sonia Eddy and Jason COok in it has Edward/John in it.

From some tidbits I heard, JI re-signed this past April or whenever for four more years. I have also heard he and JE are not going anywhere. Let's hope not.

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I've long held that LC is the one who should have gotten the boot the other year, not SD. She might be Jason's mother but what good is an actress who can't even move her face? JZ did it to herself also. It's a bitch, but there it is. Plastic surgery is ruining careers, and I can't say this one surprises me in the least.

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I doubt LC's facial expressions have much to do with Guza not giving her anything. Her AGE? And the fact that she's a Q? That has everything to do with it.

Guza once again has proved what a liar he is. Surprised? Not me. Honestly, I know you all want Jane to stay, but I'd be more than good with her going. I don't watch the show for anyone else but her anymore, and I only watch clips of that.

Yep. I think that dream I had last year, of Tracy dying during November sweeps, should come true. Not that it's going to make a difference. She's on five minutes a month, average...sometimes barely more than that even with TG around.

I DO hate it, that I have no interest in Brook Lynn. I wanted to, and if she gets something with Tracy, I'll watch it. But Guza ain't gonna do it. He would have done so already, if he had any plans to. My all time fave daytime character's grandkid-and she can't even get more than one throwaway scene with her after MONTHS.



I have a song from a musical stuck in my head. I never watch musicals, but I did the other day, and loved it. It was highly inappropriate-Mel Brooks, after all-but I laughed my butt off. And now, one of the songs is repeating over and over.

Don't you hate it when that happens?

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One of the things that I rarely see anyone mention is that the writers get royalties for the characters they create (they're small, but they're there). It wouldn't shock me if the reason Guza keeps killing off all but two or three legacy characters is he wants to establish his creations as the main cast but he can't get rid of characters like Luke and Robin without having a revolt on his hands.

Bah. I like Leslie Charleson but they've been wasting her talent for years now. Monica might as well have died along with Alan, for all the crap storyline they've given her. Even the alcoholism s/l was a joke, rushed and poorly constructed. I honestly think the only reason they've kept her around this long is they like to use her as an example of having a 30+-year vet of the soap on board when people (rightly so) start up about killing off the veteran characters.

Oh, and speaking of Robin up there, hasn't Kimberly McCullough been rocking the casbah with her performance the past couple of days? She's turning in some amazing work right now. Yesterday's episode made me want to rip my heart right out for her.

Edited by stargazercmc
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Hey Star, read the blog about Bubbee, he's really coming along - such a cutie.

The writers walk a tight-rope. They have to keep this show going and growing while honouring the past, but fans always want that to include all their favourites from when they first fell in love with the show. That's just not reasonable.

The thing is they didn't kill Monica just like they didn't kill Bobbie. Mike and Helena have always been on recurring. Really, this isn't the end of the world. I think they learned their mistake with SD's firing and killing of Alan.... they haven't killed a vet since. And contract doesn't guarantee anything for anyone - regardless of age or longevity with the show.

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Well, no. It's not the end of the world. It's just a soap. I would hope this isn't anyone's "world" and that they have other far more important things going on. Yes,the writers have a hard job. But, it isn't hard to respect vets. It isn't hard to use them. I don't think anyone really expects or even necessarily wants to see Monica in a front burner storyline, unless they are die hard LC/Monica fans, and I know there are some out there. BUT...she was being paid, and not being used. That's not only bad business-it's just blatant disregard and a nose thumbing "you aren't important enough to bother with."

I know how soaps go-the vets become less important in terms of driving story as the years go by. It's always been that way, it probably will always be that way. But it doesn't mean they can't be integral to the canvas by mentoring the younger ones (as Jane gets to do when they use her). But then, that would mean having a writer who writes for the audience, and not to satisfy what HE wants to write.

And GH doesn't have that. Really, I don't only blame Guza. But if he really wanted to write for the Q's, he'd be doing it. Sad. Jane is now the only contract Q left, and she's only contract because of Tony. The Q's are officially DOA at GH.

Even Brook Lynn gets more scenes with mobbies than her own family.

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