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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Just goes to show what little care Guza has for the Q's, or what little imagination he has. I mean, seriously. If you can't think of something dynamic for Tracy Quartermaine, be she hyphen Spencer, hyphen someone else, or single- then you're a HACK.

The END. One of the most complex (even now), interesting, volatile characters on canvas, and Guza has her playing nursemaid.

I've never seen the like. Seriously. If this all were for a dramatic purpose, like drawing Tracy and Ethan together and bonding-I'd be great with it. But ultimately, my guess is, it'll be all about Ethan/Maya.

Oh, JOY.

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If this was B&B or Passions, Tracy and Ethan would be hitting the sheets while she is nursing him back to health so that luke comes back to them having some affair! Or the greencard issue would come up again and since she is no longer married to luke, she marries ethan to keep him in the country and Luke returns to them married. That is soapy.

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I want this. :)

And because it would be HILARIOUS, and kinda sexy in a VERY inappropriate way, and COOL-we probably won't get it.

I doubt Guza even remembers the green card thing.

Oh, it would make Luke pop a vein, and that's always good for a few "in your face" moments. Win/win.

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Diane and Spinelli...... I want them a Mama/cub too.wub.gif

First Scene: Ethan trying desperately to get out of a sponge bath and shave from Epiphany. Piph drags him back to bed and laughs that this is shaping up to be the best part of her day. Ethan fears there's no escape when in walks Mama asking if he's ready to go home.

Second Scene: Tracy walks in an says Ethan looks like he's on the mend. Piph sneers "is that your medical opinion?" Tracy turns to Ethan and asks how he's feeling, to which he responds that he's much better. Good, Tracy says, because he's leaving. Piph going politically righteous on Tracy and asks why is it that people feel they can call the shots just because they donate big money to the hospital? Tracy laughs at her and says that the origin to the saying "Money Talks". Piph continues (even with a finger-wag at Tracy, if you can believe it) saying she doesn't care how much Tracy or the Qs donate, they don't set policy. Tracy is in "Smile Mode" a Piph doesn't seem to understand she's already lost. Tracy says it's not the army so unless she's trying to prep Ethan for surgery, she doesn't get to barber him against his will, "so get the damn paperwork because I'm taking him home." Ethan smiling at Mama the whole time. Trace rolls her eyes as Piph storms out. Ethan thanks her saying her timing couldn't be better. He thanks her for saving him, and Tracy says they'll see if he still wants to say that after he's had his fill of Edward and Monica. Ethan looks panicky and Tracy continues saying "you thought I was joking? I'm taking you home." Ethan says thanks but no thanks, he can take care of himself. Tracy disagrees. Ethan tries again saying he prefers his freedom. Tracy says "too bad" then wiggles her finger for him to follow. He knows he's lost, and follows Tracy out of the room.

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I so wish there would be some follow up tomorrow like SON had for the 6th about how much of tracy's hovering can ethan take....but they are not listed at all for tomorrow's show and brenda mania is about to start tomorrow with her calling robin.

It would be funny to at least get a scene or two with tracy trying to take care of him and him all wanting to bolt. I'm surprised ethan is not putting two and two together thinking he will be in close promxity of maya the anti-chem vanilla blah.

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Well so far the spoilers have been right on the money. Tracy hasn't started to hover yet, so we might actually see the follow-up tomorrow.

As for Maya, I don't think Ethan is even thinking that way. Sure he'll help her and sleep with her, but that's pretty much all he seem interested in doing.

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Too bad Brook isn't living with Granny. I still have hope they might bother to test Brook and Ethan, but I rarely get what I want. He needs a decent woman who is interesting..and.....those are in short supply in PC. Especially those around his age.

I'd even take Ethan/Maxie, as annoying as she is, over Ethan/Maya or Ethan/Kristina.

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If anyone is on twitter, Nancy Lee Grahn was asking last night if anyone would be interested in a reality show with Nancy, Jane Elliot, Deidre Hall, Hillary B Smith and she later added Crystal Chappell to tweet her so she could see if there was genuine interest. If so, she would shop around and see if she could pitch it and find a buyer.

Not sure anything would ever come of it, but worth a tweet back to her! Lots of people did. She was saying it would be the demographically incorrect divas or something like that. LOL. I LOVE NLG!

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Can you imagine??? Phenomenal grouping of women, that's for sure.

No Tracy but some of what was expected Monday started today. If they are going to be doing Mayan, I expect to see Tracy next week. If they aren't doing Mayan, the Ethina peeps will be in second heaven. Either way I'm covered - but I want more Tracy, dammit!!!

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