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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Remos, so glad your eyes are better.

You know, they have been very vague in their explanations of how Luke and Tracy are supposedly not "legally" married. First, Luke admits they aren't. Then, he says that he has "all the necessary legal documents." :blink: Isn't that what "legal" means?

Does he mean that they didn't say the vows? If so, they have corrected that oversight. I thought I read something about how Tracy hallucinates her version, and then Luke tells her what really happened. We never got that. Luke has been very sketchy on the details. Makes me wonder if they are already setting up a possible un-rewrite of the rewrite. :unsure:

As for Tracy and Franco, I am so hoping we get one scene that includes her critique of his art. And I wonder if JF requested to work with JE and TG. I'm thinking he did.

Too bad about BA if it's true, and it probably is. They made such a mistake when they tried to transform Spinelli from Spinelli into a slightly more conventional leading man. "Spinelli" and "conventional" shouldn't even be used in the same sentence.

A few more LuNacy thoughts for the night...

What I loved about yesterday was that Helena was *jealous* of Luke and Tracy. She taunted Tracy just a few weeks ago with the bit about how she could make Luke stray from his ex, so why did Tracy think she stood a chance?

Helena has been corrected. That's why she was taunting Luke about needing two little boys to rescue him rather than doing it himself and holding her with a dagger at her throat. Turns out it was all about Tracy instead of Helena, and that has Helena really ticked off.

I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't try to exact some revenge against Tracy for the simple fact that Helena has lost her Dance of Darkness partner. Luke doesn't find anything that Helena did even remotely attractive, even in their twisted attraction.

Kind of cool actually. Helena was responsible for putting Lucky into a coma for months, but Luke still had the hots for her. Tracy gets sick for a couple of days because of Helena indirectly, and Luke is out for blood.

When Luke told Tracy that she was the only woman for him, he meant it.

Edited by GroovyTracyQ
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Funny, I wouldn't say GH doesn't know what it's doing - but I do think they have to seriously sit down and think out the longer term implications of some of their choices. Aside from removing our bragging rights that LuNacy had the longest running 'marriage' (while they still hold the 'longest running relationship'), what have they really done? LuNacy are still all about each other, no matter how hard the lady doth protest. The ONLY thing this has done is add to how much Luke does NOT want to be with anyone else (read Helena, Laura, Holly, etc.) Nothing was legally binding him to Tracy - and his vows even stated the stuff is nice but it's not what keeps him - so he could technically have emptied her accounts and left ages ago. But it's Tracy herself that keeps him. At this point my personal POV is Tracy has to start doing the work. She has blocked him at every turn and the only reason I believe he's even around is he knows it's an act and he knows who Tracy really is. Those vows, when analyzed, are pretty profound - he says she's got a huge heart (when has ANYONE said that?) and she says he knows her heart. He likes the challenge and she tells him he is the challenge of a life-time and outdoes her at every turn. That's what turns both of their cranks. It's not just that they are 'interesting' people to say the least, but they match each other where it matters.

And GTQ, then getting on to what you've said, Helena doesn't stand a chance. It's interesting that Hellzabub is all about 'this is what we do, this is our dance of attraction', and Luke's only response is "if anything happens to my wife you're done/you've gone too far". I don't think it was any mistake that Tracy gave her rings back to Luke in front of Helena. She could have taken them off at any time - every other piece of her jewelry was removed - and even left them in the dungeon, but no... she kept them on and made a show of it. I wouldn't be the least surprised if we get Helena/Tracy interaction this summer. Perhaps protecting Tracy from Hellzabub is what brings him back in September/October... something has to if he's leaving thinking she's really through with him this time. (Two years ago he stayed away because he thought Tracy had left him for good, and was astounded that she tracked him down and explained otherwise.)

If you think about it, TPTB are going down the list. First they gave Laura a 'saving face' moment pretending she made the choice to leave, when it's quite obvious Luke made the choice to stay with Tracy (no matter how others try to spin it, Luke's 'no choice to be made' was a choice for Tracy), then they removed Holly with the wimpy threat "if you hurt Luke" - of course they will hurt each other, but they hurt themselves more in the process, and how Helena blowing hot air about how she and Luke have always had this 'thing'. Well perhaps they have because no other woman challenged/excited him before. But that's not the case any longer. No matter how you cut it, every one of Luke's "women" haven't stood the Tracy-test. And the only other one to matter - Lulu - has been a Tracy-cheerleader for years now. I hope Luke comes back roaring like the lion and puts Helena in her place once and for all. In this one Hellzabub can't win... that's just the truth of the matter. And with Tracy now on the warpath, Helena's 'playing' days are numbered.

The thing that's standing out to me is LuNacy has a story. Even Carly/Jason/Sonny don't have a story - they are reacting to the kids. LuNacy has a story and they aren't going to leave it hanging for three months. If I was sitting behind the desk, I would be doing things quite differently, however I can't fault TPTB for their dilemma with TG's schedule. It might not be the best choice but they have to have a reason for him leaving and a reason for him returning. Tracy being the reason for both is not a bad thing at all.

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It's looking like Tracy pushes Luke off the HS as she probably prepares to close the place down. Luke and Ethan getting caught up in LuNacy's drama sounds cute. I'm so looking forward to how this plays out. They might have comedic moments but they haven't been playing this for comedy at all.

Now my hope is for Lulu to grab Spinelli by the depressed lapels and drag him over to her place to see what they can do about LuNacy's marriage - I would much rather Spin working for the Spencermaines then Carly right now.

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Remos, you and are on the same page. Moreover, I would rather Spinelli *be* a Spencermaine. Seriously, I can see it. Helena stole "materials" from Luke and Tracy, and, voila...Spinelli. She can freeze people and bring them back. A little reproductive enhancements on the side would be child's play for Helena.

Spinelli = Luke and Tracy's child. It is written.

Speaking of Helena, I am loving the green-eyed jealousy over LuNacy. Tracy, when you think about it, is a good-hearted version of Helena. She has the cunning, the charm, the understanding of the dark side - everything that has attracted Luke to Helena.

When Luke called Tracy "the total package", I believe that's exactly what he meant. She's not an "angel" or a devil, both equally unhealthy obsessions. Essentially, both have been officially dumped in every way possible.

But back to Spinelli, I can see it so well.

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About Helena's "playing" days, Tracy knows about Elizabeth's child's paternity. Actually, she only suspected, but after the lengths to which Helena went, Tracy is probably all but certain. It isn't uppermost in her mind at the moment, but when circumstances shift, Tracy might take down Helena even without Luke. And wouldn't he love that? You know he would.

And that *should* leave Helena out for revenge against Luke and Tracy which could be a story for the ages.

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Funny, this not legal but he has all the legal documents explanation of the marriage/non-marriage seems suspiciously vague to me. Intentional or not, they have certainly left the door wide open for a return to the "real story." Seriously, we were there. And everyone watching knew that Tracy investigated every legal avenue those first few weeks. (After that, neither Tracy nor Luke wanted out of the marriage. :wub: )

This is so clearly a rewrite that I wonder if they intend it to remain a rewrite. Guza's comments about how there was a reason they didn't show the Vegas wedding was hooey as far as I'm concerned. And maybe he meant it as only short-term hooey. :lol: You think?

And Ms. Q, lovely job on the new graphics. :D

Ms. Q making LuNacy banners with Tracy hair extensions! It's just like old times.

Edited by GroovyTracyQ
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Yeah GTQ, they are leaving it open. And yeah, Tracy did her best to get out of that marriage to Luke. And just the other year, Luke was trying to stop Tracy from getting a divorce from the Dominican Republic and when he thought she had gotten it, he was sad and told her he didn't need a piece of paper to tell him to stay away from her.

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Spoilers ~

Most of these may have already been posted as SOC is a composite of other's info. But here it is...

Luke tries again to win Tracy over, & he’s thrown overboard

June 23rd: Lucky & Ethan find themselves stuck in the middle of Tracy & Luke's spectacle.

Ethan tries to calm Tracy but fails

Luke breaks into the Q mansion to see her, but Tracy has him arrested

Tracy will be demanding a "divorce"

*end of spoilers*

I'm guessing the last spoiler and the "Tracy wants to sever all ties with Luke" spoiler from another day are one and the same.

Also, the Helena's kidnapping of Elizabeth's baby doesn't last long. She gets what she wants, and then makes it all appear to be a hospital error.

Wonder what she does...a DNA implant?? You never know with Helena.

And, Funny, you'll probably like the scenes coming up with Luke and Sonny. Nothing is spelled out in spoilers, but I'm surmising that Luke tries to dissuade Sonny from the car bomb meant for Johnny by reminding him about what happened to Lily. Luke was there to see it, wasn't he?

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I don't remember if Luke was there to see Lily get blown up but you'd think tehat SOnny wouldn't want to go down that road with car explosives since his first wife was blown up.

Tracy demands a divorce? How do you divorce if you aren't legally married?

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Probably just a rewording of the Tracy empties Luke's bank accounts, and the other one I mentioned about severing all ties with him. Divorce in quotes was from the spoiler itself, by the way.

About the car bomb, I've seen a clip of that scene and my remembrance is that Luke and Sonny were walking back into the club when the bomb went off.

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