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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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This is what Skye has to say about Luke and Tracy.......

Maya says Luke seems like a pretty cool guy and Tracy is a nightmare. Skye says she's not all that bad, Tracy sees her as a threat. Believe it or not they are actually good for each other. They're both smart and savvy, they like to match wits. Ethan contributes that they never get bored with each other, that's for sure. Maya asks about romance, and Skye says it's not always about romance is it, it's about whatever keeps the spark alive. And with Luke and Tracy that spark is surprisingly bright - it's something very few of us are ever lucky enough to find. Truth is, Skye envies them.

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who wrote today? Michele Val Jean?

That is dialogue you wouldn't expect to have other characters say if you are ending a couple. I was thinking of that guza quote that said Skye's presecne would suprisingly renew and deepen Lunacy's romance. But honestly, I don't see that happening in two weeks...If TG were still around, I think this would play out over the next two months with push/pull, etc.

Oh well...se la vie!

Do you all want me to clip today of that skye convo about lunacy? I usually only bother when tracy is on, but I will if you want.

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I think this is a very clear indication that LuNacy is THE couple in for the long haul. I was posting over on SOC (btw, don't bother - it's anti-LuNacy season apparently) that of all the fanbases, over the past 5 year we LuNatics have had the most stability and comfort. We might not get every day and we might go stretches without, but it has only ever been one for the other with this duo. Even with the undoing of a legal marriage, that doesn't take away the fact that we have the longest running pairing now on GH. They aren't leaving each other's orbits.

I don't think this will be solved before TG leaves, but I do believe it will be part of the summer while he's away.

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No... so much is conveyed in facial expression of course, and the written word doesn't cover it. Skye was actually wistful when she was talking about what Luke and Tracy have together, and it seemed pretty clear that the superficiality of romance paled in comparison to the 'spark' they had with each other. After Skye left Ethan turned to Maya and said he had plenty of 'spark' too, so it was seen as an extremely positive thing for a relationship.

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Just watched the Skye, Ethan (and Maya...can't stand her) scenes on YouTube. It sounds very LuNacy-forward to me. The Quartermaine interloper (I'll just call her QI from now on; she's seriously so inconsequential and bland she barely warrants a name) asked why Luke loves Tracy. Skye proceeded to answer her, essentially confirming that, yes, he does. And we know Skye knows Luke loves Tracy since she remarked on "how much" before Luke left to find Tracy.

As for the "What about the romance" line...QI only fancies herself to know anything about the Qs or Lunacy. She's essentially the village idiot, certainly when it comes to LuNacy. Hmmm...come to think of it, maybe that was her purpose of being in the scene. QI, who doesn't know LuNacy from Adam, gave Ethan and Skye an avenue of explaining LuNacy without actually turning to the audience to do so. Know what I mean? Because I felt that today was one of those expository episodes in relation to LuNacy.

So, back to the exposition...The idea was not to suggest that a "spark", LuNacy's or anyone's, was less than love or romance. Instead, the spark was as special, or moreso, than romance, hence the mention of how few people are lucky enough to have it.

But the *best* line was when Ethan said that, no, this wouldn't be the end of Luke and Tracy. Luke would find a way to make it a beginning. That was the most telling of future story.

Anyway, I'm still on the LuNacy train. But right now, I'm also on the Throw Guza from the Train. Intentions and future story plans aside, his timing reeks to high heaven. I'll give him a pass, however, if Tracy's hurt and/or fury plays into story in a meaningful way.

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Sweetheart, I miss my tag-team buddy. This is made of awesome!!!!! So impressed. Exposition. Love it.

This was certainly a response to just about every negative LuNacy comment I saw online all weekend. Old Bobby boy and I have a date for a few rounds with a flogger (and not in a good way) but he does seem to anticipate reactions and respond within an episode or two, and that's weeks before it actually airs.

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If I were the Gh writer now, I would make Ethan's green card issue come to play again, and Tracy marry ethan to help him out and for revenge on Luke. Luke would come back in the fall and find out Tracy was married to his son. I kind of wonder why they did those scenes in the first place. Was it to foreshadow luke freaking about tracy going to vegas for a quickie divorce cause they weren't married...

And now i know why all of a sudden the lunacy vegas drunk wedding photo was on luke's desk.

From the dialogue today, why would they bother unless they are trying to say like GroovyTQ said that this ain't over...

I wonder who will vist Tracy or if she will stay in the hospital overnight orsomething. Edward is on with QI tomorrow too. Maybe they are both visiting tracy when she rejects luke.

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Trace is supposed to be in the hospital tomorrow. I hope to hell Edward gives her at least one day before rubbing her nose in it.

And LuNacy is not over - not by a long shot. We should know better than to think Luke would give up on her for good. After those vows of hers? How do you let a woman walk away who admits "You know my heart, you even know it beats faster when you walk into a room". He may give her space - for three months - but he's not leaving her.

Marrying Ethan - oh man... do you think Ethan would be that desperate/stupid??? Green card be damned, that would ruin his relationship with Luke in one fail swoop.

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Sounds like soulmates to me remos. :wub: And you know Tracy wouldn't say it if she didn't mean it. I mean that took her alook of effort to say that since she doesn't say the mushy stuff too often so you know she means it when she does say it. :wub:

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Thanks remos.

*waves to star and nex*

So, I'm trying to get back into the loop, but it's harder than I thought it would be. Remember when I could spit out a list of dates of Tracy Q. episodes that included the date, her outfit, and her hair style?! I'm afraid I can't do that anymore - although that's probably a good thing. Knowing all those trivial things was just not normal. LOL.

Changed the avatar and signature. remos, I used the same LuNacy photo as you but changed it up a bit. I had to do something with the hair, even though I will say it's not horrible in the original photo. We have seen worse IMO.


Err... The avatar is a little blurry. May fix tomorrow...

*waves to funny*

I just realized - it's not normal either to photoshop soap characters, so they have nicer hair. :lol:

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I think it's hilarious Ms. Q.... good job

As for what's normal => the way I see soap fans is they are one of three groups of people who are extremely passionate about what they enjoy in the realm of entertainment: Soap fans, SciFi fans and Sports fans. We know statistics, moves, dates, players, background etc. So long as you don't want around naked with LuNacy painted on your tummy, I'd say you were fine. :P

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General Hospital

(Teaming Up)

Sonny admits to Max and Milo his intentions for Johnny; Luke breaks into the Quartermaine's place.

So next week we know she is on TH.

I'm leaving tomorrow til the 24th on a road trip...I hope somewhere between tomorrow TH and next week TH they are on again. I would think so if there is a big fight to win her back. I know luke is on the 25th warning sonny about the car bomb.

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okay, just talked to my friend who gives me info when they can. they said as far as they know the unmarrying of lunacy was just a different way to get Luke out of town for the summer. Tracy throwing him out and him skipping town to get out of dodge. Not some deep rooted plan.

Take that for what it's worth...but this is from the one person I believe knows some of what is going on and who told me JE taped with Franco. So I guess we shall see

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