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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I think the thing was to underscore that TG wasn't going to be gone for months on end.... that either means TPTB/TG realize his long absences have hurt him/LuNacy/GH OR that TG really, really wants to tell this story so he's breaking it up in manageable amounts.

I do see a honeymoon for them in August when she takes her break. With Luke gone Tracy's going to crumble and when he returns she will be much more open to him. She can't be without him at this point and neither can he be without her.

The bit about the Screamer is interesting.... that would be funny to see.

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New spoiler on DD....

"Luke blackmails Tracy"

It was listed with other spoilers I've seen before. This could be fun. Just like the Roulette game, blackmail could take away Tracy's excuse making it easier for her to accept him. Perhaps that's what Luke is doing out of town - blackmail fodder, lol...

Edited by remos
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No LuNacy, but big moment for Lucky.

Remember last year when GV's Lucky kept yelling at Luke that he had given up on on love. Well today Lucky matter of factly told Maya that Helena went after Tracy because Luke loves her. Now when Ethan and Lulu say Luke loves Tracy, it's yeah... we know that. But when Lucky does it I'm quite satisfied.

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The only thing I can think of that he can blackmail her with, is the changing of Alans will. So this could be a fun path for these two!

Can someone give me the dates that they have been on the past 2 weeks? I should have some free time this week to get the clips up.

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I am not sure I believe that blackmail spoiler yet...it would be fun though

It hardly seems like there is time before TG heads out if he is leaving end of June-ish

I think the wedding dream sequence hallucination will be fun...i hope it is more than one scene!

Nex, I have been pretty up to date with posting clips. I know I didn't post from last week though. They were on June 2, 3, 4th last week.

I have all clips from May done. May dates were 4,5,6,12,13, 19, 25, 26 27

I can repost those if anyone wants. Let me know

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I hope the blackmailing spoiler is true. Sounds like the good old days! :) Count me in!

Hooked you're missing May 7 on your list. That was the day Tracy talked to Helena and then Epiphany. Let me know if you need it.

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The blackmail was with other spoilers that I believe have credibility - and it is their thing. Tracy is stubborn and holds a grudge and this is probably the only way to get her moving on the subject. Remember the other year when it took almost all of 2008 for Luke to get Tracy back, and when she was finally coming around EWCBO showed up and blew the whole thing EVEN though he picked Tracy and kept telling her he would. No one sabotages themselves faster or better than Tracy - and Luke's never been willing to accept that as her final position.

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I hope it is true, but these days unless it is by SI on dish, I don't think it is for sure legit. SI has breakdowns for sure and hasn't gone wrong yet. I see she was there this morning but I woke up too late--LOL.

Luke is warning Sonny about the bomb thing on the 25th. I tried to ask about the blackmail but they had already left. SOD comes out today, but since there was the story plot point on Tracy in there last week, I'm not sure there will be much. We know she is on W and TH this week and I would have to assume Friday if Nik is freeing them and on Monday Lucky locks Nik up. GHH2 had her taking a turn for the worse on the 8th but they may have that date wrong.

And we know the 16th she is in the cable guide spoiler for not giving Luke another chance.

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She's spoiled to be on today as well. We might actually have a 4-day week out of this one.

I want to see the flashbacks. Something was obviously taped or done back then because we have pictures, so I want to see how much is rewrite and how much was done 5 years ago but intentionally held back. The story is in the hair. :P

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she could wear a wig though. I think those pics were a photoshoot as they were in the mags. I could be wrong, but I honestly don't think that they held something back on purpose and that this was the grand plan all along. I really don't.

Did you see her spoiled for today anywhere besides GHH2? I thought they might have the date wrong. Hope so!!

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I have seen it, but spoiler sites feed on each other so who's to know the originating source.

A wig would be obviously a wig. Tracy's real hair will tell the tale. I'm not saying they intentionally held back necessarily, but there is nothing to say they didn't tape it then decided to edit it out later. We'll know in a few days.

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No LuNacy - I guess they got the date wrong, sigh....


SOD spoiler - Luke gets thrown overboard on June 22nd.

Considering he's talking to Sonny on the 25th, I guess they fish him out. Who wants to place bets that Tracy pushes him.

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First she has him arrested and then she knocks his ass overboard! LOL

That is the Tracy Q I know and love!

I don't blame her a bit--can you imagine being lied to like that for five years and your whole world is not what you thought it was...even though it is jsut a piece of paper---but damn would that knock ya for a loop!

I have a feeling this is not going to wrap about before TG's vacation. Tracy holds a big time grudge...she is not gonna cave so easily.

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