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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Recaps, Wednesday June 10th


Vets: Monica, Helena, Tracy, Luke, Mike

Kisses: one quick one

Appearances: white jacket, black shell and pants

Other Stories: Scrubs are pulled into the story of the mayor's mistress (he's more interested in his reputation than his mistress); Maxie at Jason's trying to get clemancy for Johnny and Spinelli about the Claudia tape; Rebecca tells Jason about her twin while Nicolas tells Lucky and Liz; Johnny and Jason discuss Claudia/Michael; Lucky and Ethan have a more polite conversation at the Amnityville Horror about Luke, and Ethan is there when the DNA test results come in - positive.

Line of the Day: Major doing his campaigning while Scrubs wanting information about his mistress; Liz to Lucky "Why are you so open to Rebecca and so closed to Ethan?"

Sc. 1 - No LuNacy; Hells overhears Ethan/Rebecca talking on the docks; Nicolas escorts Monica into a waiting room to talk about Emily/Rebecca

Sc. 2 - Tracy looking at the books and realizes there are no profits, saying he's never open and when he is Ethan takes advantage of the customers. Luke thinks that's not a fair assessment. Holly is back and saying she's in trouble Dubai (she's actually on a massage bench). Tracy grabs the phone and tells her to get another sucker because this one is taken, then hangs up on her. Luke says she was over the top and Tracy says Holly is just pulling her number again. Luke points out that he had no intention of going. Why invite her back, Tracy asks? Luke says he's organizing a big game and Holly is always welcome. But if he didn't leave with Holly when she was there, why would he leave now? Tracy says he's always ready to put on his cape and go to the rescue. Luke says he doesn't wear a cape, and he's getting a little tired of having this conversation.... he's not leaving her for Holly or anyone else. What is it going to take for her to believe that? Meanwhile at GH Nic has told Monica, who is stunned about Rebecca and Paige giving up one baby - no wonder she was so anxious that Monica take Emily, considering she's already given one baby to strangers. Monica wonders about Rebecca. And at the docks Helena overhears Ethan pumping Rebecca up to stick with the con. She tells Ethan every Q is on her side except the "one your boss is married to". Ethan chuckles and says she's got bigger fish at the moment.

Sc. 3 - Tracy says she knows how it works, because she's been through it more times than she can remember. He says he will stay then suddenly he's gone along with a chunck of her money. Luke asks if she's checked her accounts and she says no, should she? Luke says she doesn't need to but she might want to because he's not going anywhere. Tracy wonders again why she should believe it because he always rushes off to Holly's rescue. Luke assures ehr that Holly has used up her share of rescues and he's not going anywhere. Ethan walks in at that time and asks if Holly called. Yes, Luke says. You don't seem concerned, Ethan comments, what did she want? Tracy says to Ethan that "Mama wants Daddy". "Well Mama doesn't get Daddy, Mommie" Luke replies to Tracy. Give it time, Tracy says. Oh, paranoid and jealous, you make me so hot, Luke says. You keep this up and (sorry, I just can't do it justice). Look, Luke says, I will go back on the road, that's what I do, but it's not happening now. Fine, Tracy says, but let me put you on notice that this is the last time - you go now and that's it. Meanwhile Nic actually got the brain today and things Rebecca might have known from the beginning about Emily and wanted her cut of the money. Monica says the Q's were always open to her, but Nic is wondering if it is all an act and he won't be ammused if he's been using Emily to get to him.

Sc. 4 - You're coming dangerously close to making this a self-fulfilling prophacy, Spanky. Tracy says she's not playing this time. It's not fun anymore... no more barfy plane rides, no more trips through the jungle, no more a whole lot of things. I will not share you with Holly Sutton. If you want to go with her, fine go. But this is the end. However she hopes he stays and kisses him quickly then leaves. Luke is looking for more of a kiss and can't really believe what Tracy said. Ethan says she's right. Et Tu, Luke asks him. Ethan says look mate, she's been through it all and this way if she pushes you away she still has control (again, I know I'm not doing this justice). Luke ponders.

Sc. 5 - no Tracy; Dont get me wrong, Luke says. PC is small but he will take off, just not today. Then Luke offers Ethan to tag along. Ethan's still not convinced Holly is telling the truth. Luke is convinced but Ethan still putting up the arguments. Luke tells Ethan that he, Lucky and Lulu are the kids he leaves behind to prove he was once there. What if it's only Lucky and Lulu, and I'm just a ringer? Ethan asks. I'll love you like a son anyway, Luke says, but he knows he's got three kids. Ethan gets up antsy and says he can't wait, he's got to move, and then he leaves. I rest my case, Luke says to the room.

Sc. 6 - no Tracy; Rebecca comes into the HS looking for Ethan, but Helena appears and tells her she's been following Rebecca and knows the whole story. Helena threatens Rebecca who doesn't fall for it. Helena tells Rebecca she want's many things from Nicholas and she's going to make that happen. Don't count on it, Rebecca tells her and leaves. Luke who's been listening comes out from behind the curtains and surprises Helena saying he heard that she wants to you the "Emily Clone" to get to pathetic Prince Nicky. Luke darling, Helena says, I wish you hadn't heard that. Luke just smiles menacingly.

Sc. 7 - no Tracy; Monica brings Rebecca into the waiting room, and Becks appologizes. Monica says she knows everything from Nicholas and she promised Paige to take care of her daughter, so she will. Rebecca won't be a replacement for Emily, but she is certainly part of the family. Monica invited Rebecca into the Q family, which relieves Becks who thought she was going to fire her. Monica laughs and says after a couple of nights at the mansion she might wish she was fired. Rebecca is overwhelmed, and they hug. Meanwhile at the HS. Luke confronts Helena and says true love is supposed to be perfect not a weapon. But that's what she does, Helena cackles, and everything she does is ultimately for Nicholas. Not this time Luke says, because he knows her plan. At that moment one of Hell's henchmen (Apollo) knocks him out and Helena is most appreciative of the boy. She dismisses him and then turns Luke over with her food, esclaimingin glee that it's been a long, long time since she had Luke at her mercy. Poor Lukey is passed out on the floor of the Haunted Star. Moments before the results of the DNA test came in, proving that Ethan is indeed Luke's son.

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Yup. It was strange but I'm glad they did it. They had her voice on the phone too.

I'm hoping that means we will see Luke put somewhere by Helena too. Just once in his groggy state I would like him to call for Tracy 'cause she's the only one on his mind.... :wub:

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From the list of people for tomorrow it doesn't appear there is any follow up to today. But who knows. I have a feeling the reason the holly thing wasn't spoiled was that Tony pre-taped this stuff and it wasn't maybe in the regular breakdown info.

I was pretty sure we were going to have Holly call him based on the mags saying eh got a call from damsel in distress, and have Tracy give the ultimatum and misconstrue it.

I would assume there would be some follow up to Ethan getting that text, and coming back to the HS and seeing Luke gone. He must get a reaction to it--he is the golden boy now!!

Here is the hotsheet for next week so the reaction might not be til then. Did rebecca agree to move in?

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Yup, you were right on Holly being the 'damsel' but Luke didn't even bat at eye, and he certainly didn't look concerned in the least. At some point I really hope they deal with Tracy's paranoia and her not believing Luke because I am with him on this one - it's getting a bit much.

I assume there is follow-up too. After the DNA results Ethan will be making a b-line back to the HS I'd imagine. And no, Rebecca hasn't agreed to move in yet. I suspect today Monica goes to Em's grave with her (I can't get into Medianet at the moment, but I'm sure I saw one of Reb/Mon at Em's grave).

As for the Q thing, that's not hard to believe at all. The are on increasingly all the time. Rebecca is going to be lumped in and you know once they find out the truth Monica and Edward won't care and will still accept her anyway. And Ethan is as of now a Spencermaine, so he'll be around and having some come-to-Jesus moment to soften his edge. Michael is returning, if Jake becomes an issue that's another Q to the fold. There are actually more than 2 of them.

I hope in these couple reshufflings they don't go with NEm 2.0, LnL 2.6 or JaSam - I think the boat sailed on all of those years ago. We need some new dynamics in that gang.

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some more stuff from dish from the insider GGCB today...GOS of course...I'm including the drops on others as I know some of you watch the whole show like I do and I like to judge from what they say about others. I think their real reason for posting is to reassure the Liz fans...but we shall see

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No follow-up, no Tracy, no Quartermaines (except Jason and Michael), no Spencers (except Lulu), no Cassidines (except Alexis)...

Vets: Alexis

Other stories:

Scrubs working on their medical mystery

CarJax awaits Michael's return - meanwhile Mikey's having a fit on Liz and Jason has to physically restrain him (punches Jason B) )

Lulu/Spin/Maxie together dealing with Kate and Crimson (Spin is in good form - very funny)

Claudia gets bad news about her baby and Sonny is a complete ass to her (no surprise there)

Alexis/Mayor Garret Floyd (have we heard his name before) obviously have a past

Claudia has had Sonny's house redecorated - it looks light as sooooo much better

Matt convinces Patrick that he should do the surgery on Brianna - bad idea 'cause chicky flatlines

Alexis and Jax bonding (with soft music in the background... very sweet) - talk about secrets for love are justified

Thanks for the spoilers, Hooked. I think we will be seeing Tracy a whole lot more this year... until JE's vacation anyway.

Sad thing about SD. His health has been bad for years now. Age is a b!tch sometimes.

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