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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Didn't like the Same Sh!t, Different Bar routine (It's actually the same set, but don't get me started).

GH: Give me something different!!!

Give me resolution, and then give me SEX!

Geez. Enough already!!!!!

Don't they know there are a multitude of television options out there for people like us? We don't HAVE to watch this crap. Nope. We don't. Not at all.

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Hey gang, I just saw this dropped at SD from a regular insider:

Kiss my ass

Do you think the drop that Tony, Jane and RiH are all leaving in the next few months is accurate? And that Jane will be dropped to recurring or let go if she doesn't take it?

No on RH. icon_lol.gif To be completely honest I have no idea about TG or JE but I would think not.

Kiss My Ass

Not sure who the laughing smilie is supposed to be associated with, but I imagine calling/writing for TG/JE/LuNacy is needed.

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Looks like Lunacy back together by xmas...

Christmas Montage

Carly takes Morgan for the reading, Jax is near looking at them. Liz goes is there too with her kids. Alexis is working that day but it is said that her nanny took the kids there(kids not shown), Lucky and Tracy celebreate with quick appearances from Edward and Monica, the doctors and nurses at the hospital are shown, Patrick and Robin with Emma, Mac, Anna and Robert are all together, Maxie drops by but goes back to the apart. with Lulu/Johnny, Spinelli (had scenes earlier with Jason). Lucky and Sam meet on the docks, stare at each other and both walk away, later Lucky joins Liz and the kids at the hospital. Kate and Olivia are together drinking wine but both dont look very happy. Sonny/Claudia: there are a few scenes where Sonny looks at the pictures of his kids with sadness, Claudia and him talk about it, then they decide to celebrate anyway, Sonny cooks, they drink and eat looking comfortable together.

I'm sorry, forget to add something: all the scenes are not in the montage, the scenes that i described are what will air on christmas day but the montage will only include Scrubs with Scorpio family, Luke with Tracy, Johnny/Lulu, Spinelli/Maxie, Claudia/Sonny, Carly walking out with Morgan while Jax is looking on.

i'm leaving for good now.

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This is the brilliance that is GH...from the soapdish Back up board..

The theme of this month is women are horrible mothers. Fathers are superior parents aka Jason determined to find his son while Liz assumes responsiblity; Robin is unable to bond with her daughter while Patrick is an extraordinary parent and brilliant neurosurgeon; Carly is responsible for Michael's shooting along with Kate (Sonny had to protect her); and Olivia is terrible for not divulging that Sonny is Dante's father.


Let us not forget that Kate is also maintaining the secret about Dante. Maxie will rely upon Spinelli to calm and comfort Emma.


why would anything like that ever be approved? It is insulting and ridiculous

The theme wasn't placed in these exact terms when pitching the storylines, of course.


Again, Guza the majority of your audience is WOMEN. He's such a [!@#$%^&*] hack it's ridiculous!

Guza and others have attempted to garner increasing male viewers and highlighting male viewership in order to support various storylines, plot points and characters, and direction.


For an extended period of time, male viewership of GH increased steadily. Recent ratings have declined across the board including male viewers.


The portion or portions of the storyline involving Alexis changed substantially with the untimely departure of SR.


I noticed a few weeks ago that GH was dead last in teen girl viewership after being first last year. Is this a concern? I would think young women would be a point of emphasis instead of men but that would be linear logic.

As you are aware, young viewers are a consumers which the networks are unable to coral (calculate, entice) at this time. Younger viewers have a wide array of entertainment to chose as well as platforms.


PA do you have any clue how long this PPD lasts and if Patrick is involved with it after the diagnosis. I am thinking it will magically disappear before the wedding. Would you say that is what is planned

The arc lasts several weeks (which is about as far as the available information). The arc does involve Patrick following the diagnosis.


Does this continue to go on after the wedding? Or is it just leading up to the wedding if you know?

I haven't been able to confirm the completion date for this storyline arc. Rewrites have been occuring for the entire canvas recently.


Interesting that you noted the veterans, someone suggested to me that the veterans may actually be "cheaper" in the long run (recurring, rather than contract players). The canvas may become sprinkled with veterans periodically, such as TR's upcoming short stint for the wedding.



1. The goal of the "product generators" is not to return to GH to its former glory, but to sustain the product.

2. I would not gamble savings on changes in the credits for the first quarter of 2009.

3. The finances of GH/ABC/DTG are being significantly impacted by the loss of advertising dollars due the decline in ratings. The general economy is also a factor in how GH will proceed in the new year.

4. The economics of GH/ABC/DTG will impact the entire spectrum of employees. The results may include some contract renegotiations, revisions of contract status (contract player to recurring), and minimum changes among the cast. The writing staff may also incur what is referenced as downsizing. Outsourcing is another potential cost savings being explored.


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Hey gang, nothing today from LuNacy, but we didn't expect it anyway.

JaSam rescuing Jake - the Diva thinks Jason plays dead "really well"

Carly upstaging Kate with the ultimate fasion faux-pas - wearing the same dress.

Lulu called Kate a snob - good at what she does but still looks down her nose at everyone.

Liz is having a breakdown and destroyed part of her studio - Liason flashbacks and voice overs.

Sonny put AZ in his place - telling his personal aid to take AZ hope, it's past his bedtime.

Ric and Claudia were playing tonsil hockey when Sonny returned, and you couldn't quite tell what Sonny was thinking.

So glad to see the Christmas breakdown. I love it!!! All those young families and LuNacy. Someone at Prospect gets this. Who wants to take odds it's Karen Harris.

And the theme of the month - sounds like a personal interpretation rather than and intentional attitude. But going after men? Hello, Sports and Sci Fi have traditionally been the obsessive entertainment of men with a few women around, while Soaps have been the obsessive entertainment for women with a few men involved. It's in the Bible - 14th commandment or something like that....

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If anyone is legit...it is PA! That much I can say!

I wonder if there is any follow up at all from the Dominca republic or we just see Luke/Tracy next week back at the mansion. Probably the latter.

So now I just found out our ski trip came through--free house for the week of xmas and free airline tickets...free ski lift tickets...and me with my freaking injured neck....I might do those injections even if I have to be be put under for them just so I can have pain relief imeediately and be able to ski...how bad would that suck to not be able to ski there an sit home while my family all skis and snowboards! Damnit!

I feel bad I haven't "chatted" with any of you in so long. It seems like ages. Maybe tonight earlish.

My son went on a weekend retreat with the youth group today. He got out of school early and is gone til Sunday. I hope he has fun.

Nothing much else new. I haven't seen one hint of anything coming up for luke storyline wise or Tracy.

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