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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. You're so right. Ugh. Thinking about the awesome stuff that they cut is such a bummer. I would have loved to have seen Tracy tell Scotty. They have so much history. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Nik and Scotty? Come on! I'll keep my fingers crossed for the .000000001% chance that she still tells him.

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I always find he looks constipated when Luke looks at Laura. Not natural like LuNacy, that's for sure.

As for the other stuff, I wouldn't get my knickers in a twist just yet. Lets see how Thursday plays out. Kin S. was pretty hostile at his event, according to those there, so who knows what he actually said and how it was interpreted. As for the other spoilers, we have no way of knowing how many of them were true in the first place. That does seem like an awfully large number of Tracy-drops for a show that has next to no interest in their vets. Why start something then drop it? That would just be idiotic and Guza isn't that - misdirected to be sure, but not idiotic.

Lainey... I'm channeling a bit of Cole Porter: "It's too damn hot... Mr. Adam for his madam is NOT".

And to further pick up on Mancini "Maybe a break in the weather, will turn into a break for you..."

I just can't sit in this airless room and write. Sorry.

In totally unrelated news, the Diva started her schoolwork tonight without a single fight, and I now have lovely CDs of Treasure Island, The Secret Garden and the tales of Beatrix Potter all for free!!!

AND I've got about half of my Guide paperwork up to date.


I tried Ms.Q, but you're virtually unreal.

Off to another cool shower than park my semi-clad self under a fan. Night.

Edited by remos
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If you mean the spoilers that never happened...

Ghost!Busters: Magazines and ABC.com recaps

The ring scene: Breakdowns and ABC.com recaps

Mac comforting Tracy: Magazines and ABC.com recaps

Tracy's role in the Maarkam Island adventure: Magazines and ABC.com recaps (Notice how she sets out to find him on that date when she originally left to find him in late April).

Edward and Tracy discussing Georgie and Dillon: Day By Day for September 15, 2006 and ABC.com recaps

Drunk!Tracy/Nikolas/Emily conversing upon Laura's first return: Media Net Photo

Tracy/Luke/the 20 dollar bill: Another media net photo. Not sure if I have the original, but here it is as part of a magazine scan.

I can't be convinced the above were FAKE!Spoilers. I get that magazines get information well enough in advance that there is time for it to change, but there's a difference between straight up fake scoop and something that was changed last minute. Plus, ABC.com had most of this in their recaps, proving to me all this was supposed to air. And didn't. And I know things get cut all the time in the soap opera world (Greg Vaughan used to talk about watching GH and being like WTH! They cut like 3/4 of the scenes I filmed!), but it bothers me when it happens to Tracy 'cause she doesn't get that all that much to begin with. :(

If you don't mean the spoilers that never happened, disregard this post. :lol:

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Okay--go see Mama Mia! It was a great film adaption of a play, like hairspray and such a feel good, fun movie! Meryl streep has an awesome voice...Pierce Brosnan...not so much but he is hot and Colin Firth is not so bad either!

What a fun movie. Go see it.

Now I come bearing some happy news...at least the Qs are taping. Someone went on a set tour with Lusam that they won (I must say I love the vibe of Kelly and Greg--they are so fun and so happy to be working together and so grateful to their fans....for pushing their couple!

Anyway here is the recap as it pertains to the Qs..looks like they even taped a scene with Anthony! Hope ti is just Tracy and AZ and it doesn't get cut. I suppose if it was taping this week it would appear like the first week in August or second week.

We got to the studio around 10. The studio wasn't what I expected. It's in a residential neighborhood and is smaller than I thought it would be. Kelly and Greg were taping at that point so we were brought to the green room where we could watch on a monitor. I had to go the bathroom so I went out and found it. When I finished, there were two doors to exit from. I couldn't remember which one I came in from so I just went out one of them. I walked into what was obviously the wrong hall. It was a line of dressing rooms and Sebastian Roach was standing at someone's doorway kind of joking around. Needless to say I jumped back in the bathroom and went out the other door...lol. While we were in the green room, the entire Quartermaine family came in and was rehearsing in back of us along with Scottie Baldwin. Even Alice was there. I didn't want to bother them but at one point the actress who plays Alice walked up to where we were sitting to get something to drink. When she turned I blurted out Hi Alice like an arse...lol! She laughed and said HI! She seemed very nice. They then left to go to the set where they would further rehearse then tape. I also saw Brandon walking down the hall and I have to say, he's kind of adorable in person and has a great smile. Once again I was a dork and said hi Johnny..lol. He said hi and laughed. I also saw Bradford. He was walking with a couple of girls. I held my tongue and did not say hi Spin. He did look our way and said hi. We also saw Josh. I told him may Logan rest in peace. I don't think he found it that funny....lol. He and Lulu were shooting a sceen where he's now a ghost. I won't give it away but he's at a piano and has something ridiculous sticking out of his stomach so stay tuned.

It was really fun watching Kelly and Greg taping their sceens. It's amazing how many times they have to do them over. At one point in the scene, Kelly had to slap Greg. Well, in one of the takes she made contact and gave him a good smack. He looked shocked then laughed and Kelly couldn't stop laughing...lol! Sorry Greg got stung but it was very funny.

Greg finished taping before Kelly did and he came and got us. He sat and chatted with us for a while and then we went into the studio where the Q's were then taping. Anthony Z was in the sceen as well. It was very fun to watch.

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Hey, didn't mean to spit out all those facts like that... I spent a lot of time on another board last night and was in a very defensive mood. :lol:

hooked, interesting about Anthony Z and the Q's... And this is so sad, but what do they mean by "entire Q family?" Monica, Edward, and Tracy? Wow...What they have dwindled to. :( Thanks for the information though. It will be nice to see the remaining Q's in scenes together again. And so happy that Scott gets some scenes with them too. Still mad about the Nik/Scott/Tracy thing. Nik is going to make that scene so boring. Blah. But...HAPPY THOUGHTS!!! Q scenes coming up! :D

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Just to be fair (unless I didn't quite understand what you were saying) that ;ast scene did happen. The one with the $20 bill. I have it on tape. I'll have to go back and find when it is but the $20 is sometime around when she found out he was the one who planned the robbery on the Haunted Star and stale all the money she put into it. It was the allowance she was going to give him so she could keep an eye on what he was doing but e couldn't touch the finances... At least, I'm pretty sure that was it was all about. Like I said, I'll have to look it up.

Happy Sunday everyone

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knh, good call on the allowance. I checked transcripts/watched the clips again 'cause I couldn't remember what was said exactly:

Luke: Crankybuns was obviously so threatened by the prospect of my financial independence that she put a lien on the haunted star, and now I can't get a dime out of my own joint!

Tracy: Well, that is exaggeration as always. He is not penniless. I have gone to great lengths to make sure that he has an adequate allowance.

Luke: An allowance? An allowance? Yeah. You were trying to emasculate me, and I ain't having it.

Alan: Neither am I.

Luke: Thank you, Alan.

Alan: If he doesn't have a stake in his own casino, that means he doesn't have to work, and we'll never get rid of him.

There was still no $20 bill onscreen though, so I'm assuming the second part of the scene (or the middle of it) was cut. :(

Oh, when rewatching the beginning of the episode, this cracked me up:

Luke: I'm warning you. I'm dangerously close to the limit of what I'm going to take from you.

Tracy: [sarcastically] I'm quaking in my pumps.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ooh, I remember another cut scene. Remember the media pic from Xmas with Dr. Julian, Alan, and Tracy?! That never happened. I guess I can't complain too much 'cause those were such good episodes for us, but still... Dr. Julian and Tracy scenes were so much fun!!! We should've gotten to see that one!

Okay, folks, I am off for the rest of the afternoon!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Ok, well, sorry than. I could have sworn I remembered it.

I read the quote from GV before about his being mad when Tracy gets cut b/c she gets so little. I am trying to decide if I'd like it more if they don't give her enough anyway or if they think about giving it to her and just cut them out. It's a toss up on any given day. There are times when I think it's worse not to have any faith in her ability or her ability to still draw a crowd, an audience, a dedicated following, and to still have to power to be anything sexy or attractive and give the audience more than the occational laugh. When I think of it like that it seems just as bad as the other way, but mostly I think it's worse to give her (and us) that glimmer of hope that she might actually get to do something, put in the work and then decide the latter and that it's just not gonna cut it. Those stupid putzes in charge over there... what the h-ll are they thinking!

I am not in my general positivity spinning mood today (we are going to discount the last two weeks of posting altogether now... bad moments for me) and I am going directly to the, lets not call it negative, but to the "it can be better, look how we can fix things side of it today"

Ok, I guess I am a little positive, I am spinning my rant around to look like it is a good thing... maybe.

Why is it I hear about people in show biz checking in on the things about them or their work online all the time and they will say things they've read, but not a one has come here?!?!?!? Maybe they just make the whole thing up and just start making up good remarks like everyone ones their work. I don't know

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I have just has a pivotal growth experience: I just purchases teeny bop songs for the Diva from iTunes. Now she is sitting dutifully listening to music on the CD player, singing along.

:( When did my little baby girl become an almost-teen. I don't know if I'm ready for this... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Whoa...what happened to SON format and colors? Yikes. So different.

It happens Remos...out of nowhere.

Trying to read some chapters for a writing group tomorrow and then trying to stay off the soap boards cause it is so distracting for me. I am a serious addict...I keep saying after each chapter I read I can check the boards...

Thank god I am going on vacation this weekend coming up again (cause it has been so long since my last vacation--LOL.

I am just glad to know the Qs taped something.

I am bitter that cassius, coleman, nurse #2, max, detective harper, mayor floyd, etc have all had better airtime...

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