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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Standout Scenes

GH: Luke Reaches out to Tracy (Photo of Luke with the ring box open and the back of Tracy's head on the couch) caption: Tracy can deny a lot of things, but not her true feelings towards Luke.

When it comes to Luke Spencer, GH's usually confident Tracy Quartermaine turns--as unlikely as it might seem--into an insecure woman in love. "I wouldn't take Luke back if he begged me on both knees," she told an appartion of Alan. Of course, at that moment, in walked her husband, brandishing a floppy flower. "What if he limped in on one bad knee?" her spouse asked sheepishly. The Qs actually rallied around Luke, but he knew their support was only making Wife angrier. What he needed was alone time with the little woman. "It's just you and me Tracy," he said, his adoration showing. "That is a fact of life, and it's one that I'm not going to let you deny for one more day." Despite longing to hear those very words, she refused to put her faith in them...or him. "I know I"m nobody's idea of a great catch, but I"m better with you. I'm so much better. We're a perfect match damnit. So here I am before you, deeply flawed, offering you my broken body and battered heart, and this...Won't you please wear it again?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out her wedding ring. WIth her eyes welling up, she said "SO would you prefer we ignore our fundamental but very real differences?" He shot back with a grin, "Yes, I prefer we ignore them". Sitting next to her on the sofa he implored her. "Come on spanky, I can get this right. GIve me a chance to treat you the way you deserve to be treated."

It was over 30 years ago that Anthony Geary auditioned for the role of Tracy's husband Mitch Williams. Thank heavens he didn't get that role! IT's almost as if the decades Geary and Jane Elliot (Tracy) didn't spend as on-air husband and wife have just added more color to their characters and , thus, to Luke and Tracy's unconventional, but undeniable love story!

Our couple is getting such love in the media lately!!!

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Hey ladies, just flipped the channel a second ago and JE is on in a fubulous new black and white jacket! (I'm actually not sure what it is, something with shiny buttons. Very stylish.) She looks great and is yelling at Lulu & Johnny who are in bed. I have to go now, just wanted to stop by!

Edited by missjane
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Did I not post that day's clips!?! I will go through my album tonight when I get home and see. If I don't have them, I will get them!

Thanks for posting the article hooked, I am so loving the Lacy love! :D

remos, I am still loving your story!

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Today's recaps

Nex: 1,2,4 & 5

Lainey: DiLex 3 & 4

Sightings: Bobbie and Coleman

1. Johnny and Lulu wake up in bed together, "I'm home and if your father calls... whoa!" She sees them in bed and covers her eyes.

2. Tells Lulu to get rid of Johnny. Alan is in the room and she wonders why he's in Lulu's bedroom. He tells her to mind her own business because Lulu is a consenting adult. Tracy argues with Alan and Johnny asks Lulu who she's talking to. Lulu says it's her dead brother, don't worry about it. Edward and Alice walk in wondering what Tracy is yelling at, see Lulu and Johnny in bed and they order him out. They tell Alice to do her reverse chicken thing on Johnny while Lulu starts listing all of Alice's accomplisments in the ring. Alice is quite flattered that Lulu has paid attention and Tracy interupts, saying Lulu is just playing her - get Johnny out. Lulu again says she can be with whomever she wants and Tracy tells her she alone makes the decissions in this household. Tracy orders Lulu to get dressed and meet her downstairs, then storms out of the room.

4. Alice, Alan, Tracy and Edward are in the den awaiting Lulu. Alan tells Tracy Lulu and Johnny are in love so she should leave them alone. Edward says Tracy is only mad at Lulu because Luke dumped her again. Tracy says she wasn't dumped, she left. A Sri Lankan pub crawl was not her idea of a proper way to live. Alan tells her she just wants Luke to call her so she can apologize, but Tracy protests that she has nothing to apologize for. Lulu and Johnny come in and Lulu tells Tracy not to take her anger at Lulu's dad out on Lulu and Johnny.

5. She will move out if they don't accept Johnny, Lulu tells them. Edward and Alan blame Tracy for being a bad influence on Lulu - first she brings Luke into the house and now Lulu is bring her own deadbeat home (kinda lost on them that Lulu came because of Luke, but oh well...). Then Edwards gets grandfatherly with Lulu and says they have already lost so many to the mob, Jason, Emily and Michael. They don't want to lose her, too. Lulu again reminds them that she's old enough to make her own choices. Johnny's manners kick in and he apologizes for being in their home without their permission. They have every right to ask him to leave, BUT he will not leave Lulu. Lulu smuggly says if he can't be there then she will move out and turns to walk out with Johnny. That is not well received, either and everyone turns on Tracy and tells Tracy it's her fault that Lulu is doing this.

MY THOUGHTS: What was the point? Honestly? Did this entire day need to happen - no.

:( SpinMax is dying a quick death.

:) Naudia seems really evenly matched and they are bringing out good stuff in each other.

:D Diane went off on Sonny and told him he was selfish.

;) Bobbie told Carly to concentrate on Jax, not Jason.

:o Jerry told Jax that Jax was a quitter, that he pretended to make lifelong committments but caved when the going got rough. Ran down Jax's entire marriage history and told him it wasn't like a corporate takeover where you got to keep the good stuff and dump the bad. Jerry rocked today and someone finally called Jax on his ish for a change.

<_< Patrick is having blog envy

Edited by remos
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Thanks for the recaps remos. So I take it the reason Tracy is back early is because she didn't like being on the run with Luke?? Are we suppose to believe that Tracy stomped off in a huff and now she and Luke are not speaking to one another??? Seems silly to me, I bet when he gets back we'll learn it was a front.

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How disappointing. Hopefullly next week (since no more TQ this week) we will see like Nex said that it was a front or something.

I am so sticking in Remos/QT blog world and am so glad Remos that you set it up as a front for her to come home. That is where I will stay. Glad Alan was on at least. Looked like a cute jacket TQ was wearing and she didn't mutilate her hair from the screencaps I saw, but they were HORRIBLE shots of her with the worst expression.

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Relax, it's all a front. Follow the blog - that's where the true story is happening.

Something I didn't mention - she's still wearing the rings. If it was so disgusting that she had to leave, do you think she'd keep those babies on since they've been so recently returned? And a Sri Lankan pub craw - pulease. That didn't even sound plausible coming out of her mouth.

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Remos is smokin' hot these days!!!

All I know is I need to borrow Lukey!! LOL

Ms. Q--No new screwed up haircut so that is good. New outfit with like 3/4 sleeves too!

Remos--so glad you said that about the rings. Was going to ask. Did on SD but nobody gives a flip there about details like that.

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