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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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It was subtle in the post from Mom today, calling her a 'certain infiltrator'. It isn't a smackdown in large TQ glory (I don't know that I could pull that off), but it was meant to insult her.

Two flubs, and they did no harm. There are tonnes of others.

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From daytime confidential from SD

Tracy Q returns next week and gets an eyeful. SPOILERS say she's walking in on Lulu and Johnny in a compromising position. What will she be doing for the summer with her hubby on the run? EARLY RUMORS had her running the Haunted Star. Then RUMBLINGS were that the Star was to be closed and seized by the authorities all summer. Now I am seeing that Tracy will be running Luke's casino with Sam as her employee. We'll have to wait and see how this one plays out.

Edited by hookedongh
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Thanks for the spoilers and the info, as always, hooked! :)

Love how JMB, when not lead by the interviewer, absolutely gushes about Jane *and* Tracy. So nice to read her opinions, and not someone else's that she was prompted to express.

You know, if it takes Lulu involvement and/or Zacchara involvement to give Tracy or LuNacy a story, I'm all for it. Sometimes you can't fight city hall and, if the Z's are going to be the focus for the time being, I want Tracy along for the ride.

When TG returns in a few months, we have that much more opportunity for story with them as a couple. LuNacy versus The Zaccharas would be storyline heaven.

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Woo hoo! Halee is the teacher pet!!! You get 10 gold stars today for your efforts (and a free no homework pass) Good girl!!!!

That reminds me...I am going to write to JE and Frons and Guza and mail it from Chicago tomorrow!!

If I could be one person on GH, it would so be Maxie!!

Edited by hookedongh
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What's up everyone? Just seeing how everyone is.

Remos I've been enjoying the adventure fics. Keep 'em coming you fic machine you.

TL hope you are enjoying the celebrating. Once again congrats!

Hello to all the lurkers I see right now: QT, remos, hooked.

I'm almost happy. Five more school days left not counting weekends. Teachers never do. I'm packing my classroom sh!t up. I'm almost there whoohoo.


waving right back atchu QT!

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Hooked dances in.....with her spoiler ho purple sparkly crown on to leave you this...

Please God let this be true!

Do you have any info on what Tracy will be doing when she returns?

Tracy takes over the casino for Luke and protects his interests while he is gone, She tries to help Lulu but that dosent go over well.

Tracy will show some of her mob roots anyone remember Tracy on "the city"?

The Z's dont scare her and she makes peace with Jason in regards to the business.

Does she get involved with the Lulu/Zaccarra mess?

Do she and Sam run the HS?


Woo hoo!

Since i am leaving early tomorrow morning for Chicago/madison til Monday night, I am passing the sparkly crown to the person who assumes the spoiler ho responsibility for SD scanning while I am gone!

My only requirement for wearing my crown is that a) You must email me any and all spoilers you find and B) you must relinquish the crown upon my return! LOL!!!


It is raining Trayc spoilers

Sam will be working with Tracy in the HS.

Luke sends Sam a message .

And yet another clarification

from anohter insider this time!

Yay!! Tram coming up!

Does Luke stay in contact with Tracy or Sam or Lucky/Lulu offscreen this summer?

Well I know he contacts Sam and Tracy will know because Sam will tell her. He also Contacts Tracy

Edit again...dancing on in, twirling around, dropping this off, and going back to see what other scoop I can find out?

Sam and Tracy will be dealing with the Mob durring the Summer Sam will be Jason eyes and ears in the HS .

Breakroom around 9:15 central?

Edited by hookedongh
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Hey Hooked I won't be able to pop into the br to tell you to have a great weekend. Mr. K and I will be glued to my tv watching the season finale of LOST! Has there ever been a better show on tv? Let me answer that for you, NO!!!!

But anyway have a great time!!!

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My husband is watching in now Halee!

Thanks for the good wishes! Hope you and Mr. K are having a good, drama-free weekend and enjoying hanging out!!

I will hopefully be able to check my email this weekend, so if anything major goes on...let me know! :)

Loved that clip about Regis and the Qs!! What the heck was JE doing to SD behind him? And Ashton spotted in the background!!

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