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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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That would be an interesting lead in, Hooked. It would be all the better if she found them in her bedroom, of course, 'cause that would be a new set that might see some action come September. One can always hope...

But in the meantime, this is what they are up to today...

Lastest Annals

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I wonder if he pre-taped to cover his absence! So sad!!!

Running in between orthodontists and dermatologist appt for kids...gotta run, but so glad I got a few minutes to read what those crazy kids are up to today! I keep forgetting this is an imaginary story Remos!! You have gotten THAT GOOD!

OH-- and make sure you wish TL


WAY TO GO TL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Remos once again you are a writing machine. Can't wait to read more about their adventires. Do you have any cigarettes since the last fic!!!!! And I dont smoke. Whew anyway.

TL Congrats on your graduation!!!!!!!! You walk that stage proud!!!!

*I have my blow horn and confetti for you.*


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From Muffin insider (LOL at the name at SD)

Real Muffin--Do you have any info at all about Tracy this summer? Will she be doing anything at all? Will she be running the HS with Sam working there?

Any info would be appreciated!

Tracy will be back this summer and she reopens the HS. Sam does work for her

This back and forth is driving me nuts! Either she opens the HS or she doesn't. Guess we will find out soon!

I am already drinking a glass of wine! It has been a long freaking day!!!

Anyone around to chat a bit? 6:!5pm central time!

BR anyone???

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Wow!!! Congrats to TL!!!!!

now I have to go eat dinner, shower and pass out. I went back to my nutritionist yesterday. They are having some pilot program for people who have worked with them before. I missed the first meeting b/c I had the wrong day so I had a meeting yesterday b4 the group meeting. The woman was a hour late! She felt horrible (I was annoyed while I was waiting but once she got there it wasn't a big deal... it was just raining so it was yucky) that she said she had to give me something for staying there and having to sit outside for so long. I got a present! She is training me for free. She said she'll meet me at my gym and train me if I want it. Didn't meet her for it yet but I went on my own today. I was working back into running (4 miles a day) b4 I stopped to do that portrait I had to finish (I wanted to finish that so I could be "dedicated" to this program) so I had dropped it a bit again. I ran 5 miles today and burned 550 calories doing it and I am certainly not hurting but I am exhausted.

I like this lady's diet better. The other one, while great, it was good for more of a deadline kind of thing. This is more of a longterm/lifestyle thing so I can have more freedom and variety and much more of the things I like so I won't get bored. Plus I get to have greek yogurt so I'm a happy girl.

Ok, I'm done now.

PS, just out of curiosity has anyone ever heard of a clinic/ retreat in Arizona that claims to cure diabetes with the raw food diet?! I think it's bogus b/c it can't be cured (at least not type one which is what I have and what they say). I told my endo yesterday b/c we can't get my bloodsugar down, I have a resistance to my insulin (I know, good as a diabetic to resist the stuff that keeps you alive, right?) and nothing is working. I have been working out like crazy and eating much less crads so it should be going down and it's not so I wanted to see if she'd heard of it. She hasn't but it could be b/c we are in CT. My uncle told me about it b/c there was an article about it in a health mag that is friend owns and runs. Let me know if anyone is familiar please?!?!?!?

Ok... so thanks for the patience, now I'm really done

oh man... and so going to read the annals now! There are so many more since last I read!

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Damn I have been a busy bee posting on the blog! Pouring another glass of wine as we speak!

Funny! Tonight is catch up night for your fics!!!

Knh--OMG I totally forgot to read your letter. Going to do that this evening as well.

I am horrible!!

Still in the br by the way! 6:$5pm

Edited by hookedongh
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Freaking crazy breakroom. I was there forever. It is like my own personal br with nobody else in it.

Okay I am going to log out and try again in a few...I gotta go take a bagel out of the toaster for dinner for my son! Be in there at 7:30 central time!!!

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