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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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The best was her saying "Tracy's lover not Jane's sweetheart!" It was like Tracy talking to Luke. And how she quickly finished his sentence when he couldn't describe accurately how soaps were more like the stage than films, etc...

The best interview ever!!!

So I made one blog post earlier today. Gotta get caught up on the fabulous Remos fics...

That scene insider person is making me nervous posting on SD...she is like stalking now all day 24/7.

I was surprised she passed the info along to me..

One thing about me...once a brown noser, always a brown=noser! I always have that need to "make friends" places....comes in handy sometimes when some of the SD peeps look out for me and pass stuff along that I would have otherwise have missed.

Looks like our girl is on the week of the 2nd and 9th!

Friends over all day today. Finally left. Been laying out in the sun, drinking snowflakes (some random concotion) and wine....putting some laundry away and then will be in the breakroom. Maybe around 8:30 central????

I miss you guys!!!

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Hey chicas...from the IL at SD...redeption insider???

You asked for more and you are getting it:

-Leyla's mom is set to come to General Hospital in June. She is there for a few days to usher Leyla back across the pond.

-Lulu and Johnny will continue their song and dance with Anthony. And yes, they are in love and all that good stuff. But how will Claudia react to her baby bro finding love?

-Tracy is set to come back to the scene in June. She has a few run ins with Trevor over the legal trouble Luke is in.

-To be honest, the Q's have nothing coming their way anytime soon. It is quite sad that they did not get a real reaction to Michael's shooting.

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This sounds promising.

Hey guys, something really amazing just happened. I was googling trying to find if anyone has a screencap of the dance last week, and just entered "Luke and Tracy dancing", and guess what came up on top - The Annals dancing story. How cool is that!

BTW, anyone have that screencap? We want to put it on the blog.

The Oxford Dictionary, page 15.

Edited by remos
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You have a comment section? Hmmmmmmmm...........

You write what they tell you, eh? Have they told you about the wild, athletic sex they've been having? It's always been fevered and passionate, but the extra element of fear has pushed it over the top. It's crazy, unbelievable and mind-blowing, don't you know? Surprised they haven't blabbed to you yet. Hmmmmmm.......

Peeked in on GH today -- I think they were playing the "day after" the day I would have liked to have seen again (I have it on my computer, somewhere, I think).. the one where Luke returns and tells Tracy she pushes him to the edge of his experience and he likes being Mr. Tracy and they'd stay married until she decided otherwise. That was the day BEFORE the one they played today, right? Too bad. That was a good one!

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This kills me.... :P:P:P

Above I said that I googled 'luke and tracy dancing', and the first hit was the story I wrote last night - big ego boost for me. The second one (and I'm still laughing) is for a vid on youtube about Luke and ewcbo dancing, and the comment is "Let's hope Luke and Tracy never dance, because it would be the ultimate betrayal." :lol::lol::lol::lol: etc, and so forth, and so on...

Hooked, thanks for the link. Ex. Adv. has a new look. Is QT good or what!

In my own mind... gotta have something to fall back on when a story bombs.

Yeah, I've had the inklings, I just don't have the talent to do it justice. You, on the other hand, could bring this baby home.

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A 'bone', hmmm? Alright. Let me see what I can find out. I'm not privy to everything, you know.


The [!@#$%^&*] just came in to tell my my typing was keeping him awake. Someone give me a way to get pooka shells so I can shove him out an airlock!

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I am seeing a new spoiler ho crown in my future!!!!

This insider Scene Insider has been hanging around SD all weekend long. I have been asking questions, getting ignored, as usual, etc. That board has been freaky strange all weekend long.

Scene Insider is the person who confirmed the info about JE being back the week of the 2nd and being on the 9th, etc...

Anyway, someone published a list of spoilers of who was breaking up, who was going to stay married, etc....of all the GH couples. SI said as a whole the list was not accurate, so I asked for Luke/Tracy specific one as the list said they stay married...

Here is my little gift to all our Lunacy fans tonight!


Do you know if the Luke/Tracy stay married one is real?

I would guess they do for now since he is off til September and I doubt they would make them get divorced when Luke is MIA right?

Tracyfan because you never get anything. Yes. They stay married and I wouldn't look for that to change any time this year.

Summer Insider/SI


BTW--I want my crown with sparkly jewels in it--preferably purple ones! LOL!!!

You guys don't know how long I have been working this insider to spill anything for us!

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