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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh my GOD!!!! So far BEYOND worth the day-end from hell it's not even in the same hemoshpere as funny. I'd list everything I loved about it but I would just end up typing in all of their scenes word for word so I won't bother.

Whoever said it, I'm with you that I kinda back and forth on how I feel about today being their last day for a while. As much as I lOVE that they had scenes like this it is almost like giving a junkie a big fix and then cutting then off cold turkey. We need to ween ourselves off we can't get thjis and then Nothing!!! But I will take it cuz it's along time coming and it was perfect.

Wait, I take it back, I will list at least one faveortie part, (well a few but all based on the same thing) The cry. As much as Luke can be a complete sh-t to her she will fight crying everytime he hurts her... well almost, usually just a wimper but no big cry... but she was all out ready to start balling when he asked her to go with him.

Anyway, i finished the portrait... just in time for no more Lunacy I guess... so I can be around a bit more. Still not a huge about b/c I have to start drawing and painting for some fairs in the summer. They aren't right away so I don't have to cram but I do have to get as much done as I can so it's not hours on end like it used to be but maybe by the time out girl and hubby come back I will be all done with my work and I can rejoin the T-Quartermainia.... woohoo for me!!!

I'll post the new pic when I get a sec if anyone wants to see... Hooked usually asks so I figured I'd just post it here.

No time for the BR at all tonight though so I'll see you all when I can.

MF, good to have you back!!! I've seen you on a lot lately!

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dying...gotta watch tomorrow!! I am like OCD when it comes to GH. Can't watch clips before the show. It is just my schtick!!!

My spoiler ho duties are sadly/gladly going to maybe take a much needed break for a bit....still trying to confirm JE back taping this summe.r WHy is that so hard to confirm damnit???

From wubs.net...

Love Tracy and Luke. Too bad they couldn't move to Llandview. Tracy could be a friend of Dorian's and they could move into the mansion. Can you imagine? Todd and Luke? Luke and David Vickers? woot!! Yeah, that she's going with Luke,...aw, the only good thing to happen on GH all week!!

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Taking a break from my all night studying for my final exam in anatomy and physiology of the speech mechanism - UGH!! Wish me luck 'cause it's alot of cr@p I have to remember and at this point my eyes are crossing. I have to leave for school in 4 hours. waaahhh! Anyhoo, there's a new thread on SOC... go show the love for Mr. & Mrs. Hotness (LOL, I'm delirious)....

"Hell no! My traveling companion of choice is you."

swizzle stick, anyone? heehee

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Best of luck, TL. I know you'll do fine.

BTW, I just clicked this link to SOC and guess who's picture was at the top...


It's almost always ewcbo on anything referencing LuNacy. What a pleasant surprise this morning that it's not.

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These have just taken up residence right smack in the middle of my desktop. I feel so lucky to have them. I can watch them over

and over

and over

and over again.

Squeeeeeeeeeee! Much Happiness in Lainey Land!


That's it.. the vulnerability just broke my heart! It was sooo wonderful. It's what made me make the comment about her Prince Charming. She was opening herself up, and for the first time in her life her man of choice didn't crush her. So wonderful!!! So wonderfully wonderful.

Of to work now...

ta ta,


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I haven't even gotten to watch all of yesterday....saw the beginning and the ending, but the ending was so rushed.

From what I saw, I thought the kiss at the HS when Luke first came back to town was hotter, but that could have been because I was watching live and didn't expect it. I definitely think I get more enjoyment watching the show unspoiled.

I will have to watch the show again and take my time, and that won't be until this weekend, but I'll be sure to weigh in with my opinion.

I am already bored by no Jane/Tracy on m screen. She is the only reason I bother with General Mobspital.

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Oh, I'd love it. OLTL is SO much better to their vets than GH is, and the pairing of Dorian and Tracy in any way would be something to see. And if Luke beat the heck out of Todd, well, that would just be an awesome bonus, wouldn't it?

Oh, and Nora, Alexis, Kate, and Dianne having a girls' night out?

Can't we just take the vets from both shows and create a good soap?

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Your spoilerho reporting for duty! Newsflash!!! Greats Lunacy article in SOD!! I had to buy it so I could retype it here (my scanner is broken).

First of all the June 2nd edition of SOD:

Comings and goings:

General Hospital:

Jane Elliot (Tracy Quarteermaine): Tracy left town with Luke when Anthony Geary took his summer vacation, but she's home early and in for an eyeful when she catches Lulu (JMB and Johnny BB) in bed together on June 3rd!

Woo hoo our girl is back. Our spec is that hopefully they will say Luke sent her home to work on clearing him on that end and to keep an eye on lulu...I can see Lulu freaking and saying "I thought you left with my dad" and Tracy saying "he sent be back because he was worried about you and clearly he was right" or something like that. Remos and I were thinking that since the Z mansion breaks down, Johnny and Lulu sneak off to the Q mansion, cause where else would Tracy bust them, unless it is the HS!

And the best part!!!

Thumbs up, Thumbs down section :

Photo (Lacy from haunted star)

Thumbs UP!

General Hospital

Racye "L-acy"

These days, GH's most entertaining couple is sexy sexagenarians Luke and Tracy. GH faced a nearly impossible task of taking Luke past the "Luke and Laura" phenomenon. Wisely, they adopted the stratgey of "Let's find the most mismatched characters and hook them up," and thanks to the amazing chemistry of their portrayers, it works beautifully. This marriage of convenience slowly morphed into love before our very eyes and these vets play everything from humor (He: I can't even remember the last time I cheated on you") to heart (she: "you think you hate it when I nag? Not half as much as I hate doing it." ) Spare us the lifeless attractive newbies that soaps keep cramming down our throats. We'll take substance over style every time!

I LOVE SOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The good thing is that TPTB recieve clippings of all articles in their press clippings packages!

Go Lunacy

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Thanks Hooked... I'm betting Tracy returns because she hears about the Z mansion burning to the ground and LuNacy agrees one of them has to be closer to take care of Lulu - and it can't be Luke right now.

And I'm here to announce we have lift off. Let Luke and Tracy's Excellent Adventures begin...

QT and I have agreed that we will play with it a bit in-house before we start to advertise it on other boards. BSG has contributed the email addresses and passwords for posting as either Luke or Tracy. We can email those to anyone who wants to play at their 'voices'. All other characters will have to be figured out as we go. Annonymous posting is fine. Direct all technical questions to QT, she understands that part - I'm just the ideas chick.

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Hmm..I think your nickname is a little classier than mine around here...Idea's chick...Spoilerho! LOL!!

Okay so one more mention of Luke/Tracy in SOD...

Editors Choice: Ghost Stories on Soaps AMC AND GH

Blah blah blah the whole long boring emily dead ghost story. .....then:

Nik then turned to Luke, of all people for adivce on how to move on. "You can't create love," luke wistfully advised his stepson. "What I felt for Laura, what I will always feel for Laura, what you feel for Emily, that's a once in a life time deal. But what I have with Tracy is once in a lifetime too. Love is always the first time around. That's the miracle of it."

That is what these stories share: An unwavering faith in the miracle of love--even after death, even in death. And both made believes out of us.

Just love to see him loving Tracy in print!!

EWCBO who?

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