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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Yes,the fourth of July show counts...but it was six months ago !




Where do you find SoapStuff,is it mostly rumor based as well?

Yes JE deserves better.

Tracy deserves a LIFE.

And what she's getting....yikes !

About Edward...eh,I remember when Edward "died" the first time,remember,in the plane crash,in that will didn't he leave everything to Ned?

And wasn't it supposed to be a joke,to make Tracy and Alan appreciate each other?

So yeah I can see Edward doing that,either as a joke or for real.

But then again,I can't. I can't see him willingly leaving ELQ in the hands of two non blood Q's.

But this is Guza's GH.

Real Edward need not apply.



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No Tracy today. What happened? She was supposed to force Lulu to volunteer at GH. :o

ILoveTracyQ, SoapStuff is another SoapDish but much "quieter."












I'm just going to pretend the Edward rumor doesn't exist. The same poster said that Sam is a Spencer (Heather is her mother/Luke is her father; remember the "getaway" mention?). I need to stop reading SoapDish. :lol:

From SID: Thursday, 1/12: Luke's scheme against Tracy doesn't go as planned.

My comments: Yay! Take that, Luke! LOL.












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I agree Tracy needs a life :( but It seems like she has the best life for a woman over 50 on GH. Monica only has time for her kids, Big Alice follows Luke all day and, Lesley barely is ever on, And Bobbie she hasnt had a story in ages. ;) I donno what to think I guess Tracy's life could be worse.











Hmmm.... So Ed's gonna give the money to Lo... i hope thats not true. If it is I hope Jane gets some good scenes out of it. After all shes gonna lose her dad and her mom within two years.

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ICAM coolkid, and I try not to complain knowing her situation could be a lot worse.

It could be a lot BETTER,too. :P


I don't mind you posting the rumors. Some of them are interesting.

Some irritate me. LOL

But they're always fun to read.

I wouldn't take most of the rumors/spoilers seriously,though until we see them play out onscreen.


I don't really watch AMC except for bits and pieces on SN sometimes.

From what I remember about Janet back in the day though she'd even give Helena Cassadine a run for her money,much less Tracy.

Janet is nobody's fool.

Ms.Q I think since Lulu was still refusing to do the volunteer thing,that we may get the Lulu/Tracy stuff today.

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Still no Lulu/Tracy scene, but our girl is FINALLY on tomorrow. Tracy better show up at MetroCourt at midnight and pull Luke away from Skye.

I agree, coolkid. It could be so much worse. Also...I'd like to believe that JE gets the best material for a woman over 50, but I'm not too sure. She is paired with TG (sort of), and her material is "fun" most of the time, but the comedy is tiresome. LC had much more substantial material this year, although Monica is practically limited to propping her children.

MarlandRulez, I'm not too familiar with Janet from AMC, so I can't answer your question, but if we crossover, can we pair Adam and Tracy?

ILoveTracyQ, me either. So much I read there never happens. LOL.

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MarlandRulez Janet "from another planet" Dillon is one of the best daytime Characters EVER! she is crazy cool. B) I think it would be a lot like the Heather/Tracy mess if Megan McTavish wrote it, but if GaP wrote it we would hardly see either one of them. I think it would also depend who played Janet. But I think that Dorian (OLTL) and Tracy would be entertaining, they both have a family thing and they both care about being in high society.

Ms.Q please keep posting the spoilers they give me hope that Jane's gonna be on.

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See,I'm one of those that I really don't have a lot of sympathy for Skye.

Number one,because I can't respect a woman who doesn't have enough respect for herself NOT to just say to a man," woo me and maybe I'll be your mistress."

Number two,because Skye being around Tracy or Luke at all is by her choice.

You know what they say about staying out of the kitchen if you can't take the heat.

And number three...I hear some people say Skye doesn't answer Tracy back when Tracy makes her insults.

That's true,sometimes she doesn't.

But there are other times when Skye says things to Tracy,like "bitter old hag," etc,etc....that in that particular scene,seems unprovoked. In other words,those times,Skye struck first.

And sometimes when Skye does strike first and says things like that,the writers don't give Tracy a comeback to Skye either.

It's really a petty debate,but that's how I see it.....I don't see Skye as being monstrously mistreated by Tracy and Skye not allowed to ever say anything back. I see the insults as pretty equal,actually.

And why people seem to overlook it,when Skye insults Tracy,is beyond me.

The very fact that Skye is willing and able to be Tracy's husband's mistress behind her back is enough reason for Tracy to scratch her eyes out,IMO.

It won't happen,though...because Tracy isn't allowed to totally be herself anymore than Skye is.

But that's enough about that.

Back to the subject of Tracy,since this is a Tracy Q appreciation thread.

I'm hoping she'll be on today...she should be,by the previews.

Can't wait. :)

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Tracy knows that Skye and Luke have a thing though, their marriage of conveniance is a sham in romantic terms! Mistress my foot! Skye needs to teach the old witch a lesson in how to find your own man!

And Tracy chasing Jax around for his hand in marriage and getting tackled by that pathetic ho Courtney? Now THAT was pathetic... and NOT the real Tracy Q.

But what is poor Jane to do but play the material? Jane and Robin deserve better, and i am stoked to hear that they are great pals in real life. :D

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ILoveTracyQ, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks again for reading and commenting on it. Have any favorite parts? LOL. Least favorite parts are welcomed too.

I'm tired of TIIC trashing the Q's. But Tracy and her Daddy hugging at "midnight" was nice. Wish we could have gotten a Tracy/Ned hug too.












Any thoughts on Edward's upcoming death (now that is appears to be official)? As we have discussed before, I suppose it is better than him disappearing into the Q Mansion. And JE should get good material out of it, so that's a plus. But there's something about one less Q that just doesn't sit right. :(

Here's a spoiler from SoapDish, but since it is from SoapDish, we should still consider it a rumor, LOL: Luke overhears Tracy talking about her feelings for him. Could be true, right? If so, I wonder who Tracy is talking to. And is Luke going to throw it in her face with his same old, "HA! I knew you were crazy about me," or will he be sincere? LOL. I'm getting far ahead of myself. Spoiler came from a supposed insider as opposed to a guest, so I guess we'll see.












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Luke really pissed me off today, I really didnt like that he left his wife all alone on NYE. I just forgave hime for that whole colemen mess, but now I just cant take Luke anymore :angry: will he pick which woman he wants. I think it's time that Tracy found a new man, how about a Tracy/Noah/Bobbie SL.

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Ms.Q I didn't have any least favorite parts,not really. I loved it all.

Great story,and I'd love to see your version of what's supposed to happen during Feb Sweeps. If the rumors are true.

coolkid I am anxious for an update to your story as well. The scenes with Sonny and Jason...especially when Jason looks around the empty room and there are no witnesses...too funny !

About yesterday's show....I haven't actually watched yet,but I did see the preview,where Luke says," I have my date."

Hmm. Just based on that alone,it seemed to me,that TG played the line a little angry,as if he were mad Tracy told him no.

Of course when I watch it,I might have a totally different view of it.

And,I think there may be some significance to the fact that Luke asked Tracy to go,NOT Skye.


Because before,when they were so adamant about the marriage being a sham, Luke wouldn't(and didn't) hesitate to carry on with Skye right in front of Tracy.

But maybe I'm reading too much into it.


coolkid trust me I feel similiar to you about the treatment of Tracy at Luke's hands.

If I knew Jane had a decent chance at a story without TG...one where Tracy would be more respected....I'd be all for it,although I'd miss the great spark between TG/JE.

But she sometimes barely gets airtime even NOW,being married to one of the most famous male characters in daytime ever.

So,paired with someone else,under this regime,we'd see her even less.

It's a Catch-22.

I guess I'd rather see the current story,and get to see Jane a little more,with a co-star who obviously adores her,than the other options.

SPOILER ALERT BELOW **********************************************************

I don't know if the Edward dying thing is for sure yet. It IS time,past time actually,for it to happen.

I just hate that the Q's seem to be dying out. I hate to think it's Ned instead of Edward,but.........who knows?

As much as I don't like Jason,I'm kind of glad Alan and Monica made peace with him. Maybe that means we'll be seeing them more?

About the Luke/Tracy thing. That actually sounds like it could happen. It's not too "out there" to come true.

As to who she might be talking to,Dillon,Ned,Alan or Edward,any of those would be my guess.

And since we never see Ned....*cough* most likely I think it would be Edward.

Maybe,if he gets sick,it might even be by his bedside.

That actually makes the most sense. And if Luke accidentally overhears,I suppose it depends on what Tracy says. If what she says gets to him,I don't think he'll throw it in her face. I don't think he'll say anything to her yet.

SPOILER DISCUSSION ENDED****************************************************

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