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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Where did that come from Remos? Cool. Then maybe he is around longer than the 21st? Someone said that SOD spoiled that Jax is gone the week of the 19th. If TG was gone the same week they would have said that as well. Unless he isn't done taping yet.

How is everyone today?

Remember my friend I drove to chemo every week for all that time? Well today at exercise class we were talking GH and she tells me her sister lived next door to Greg Vaughns family in Dallas and how GV and her niece wer friends growing up and went on one date and kissed and then grossed out cause it was like kissing your brother cause they had grown up together. He was getting into modeling, etc back then. I was like YOU ARE JUST TELLING ME THIS NOW????? Do you not know about my GV Mrs. Robinson crush?????

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Quick hello--now that we have Soapnet again, I'm watching the show again. Hated last night's LuNacy scenes, though. Sorry--I'm so sick of Tracy being either wallpaper or comic relief, but lord help us--wallpaper for comic relief?

Hopefully something better will come along. In the meantime, I'm actually enjoying several of the other SLs.

Go figure.

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Hey Deb! Glad to see you posting! Yeah, yesterday's Tracy scenes were stupid. I still think they cut one of her talking to Luke after the fact. There is no way Tracy would have left without getting her two cents in. Someone told me they cut another one of her scenes with Luke last week as well due to time constraints--you know...not enough time for the Z family.

I did find out today that she is indeed on TH this week for two scenes or so. At least it is something I guess.

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From an insider with specific scene info for this week

Lainey/Deb (for fey) Diane and Max I think have sex again today or crash Jerry and Alexis's date

TG is done taping and so is IR. So seems like his last day will be the 21st or so.

Does Lucky arrest Luke?

No it's Alexis and Harper that bring him in. He jumps bail the same week.

There was no wedding taped last week. Last Thursday, May 20 and part of May 21st was being taped. There was still a storm hitting Port Charles.

This person dropped this about today, so I guess we will see if they are legit

What does Luke tell Patrick?

That not everyone was meant to settle down and have a family. Luke explains how you can pretend by going along but even thought two people love one another when they want different things in life in the end it tears them apart. (meaning lnl I assume).

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I believe that arrest date comes to us from SOD through SD, Hooked...

And GV's too old for a Mrs. Robinson thing... he's merely May/December... and we have to share...

Mrs. Robinson would be BB or BA

At any rate, early to leave... early to return... start compiling those summer contributions...

Hi Deb...nice to see ya...


What does Luke tell Patrick?

That not everyone was meant to settle down and have a family. Luke explains how you can pretend by going along but even thought two people love one another when they want different things in life in the end it tears them apart. (meaning lnl I assume).

I love that Luke keeps saying this. I know that LnL diehards will raise the flag once again and say Guza is trying to destroy their couple, but I think there's a message there. TG has been trying to put those years behind him for a long time. It's not that Luke didn't love Laura, it's that they were fundamentally incompatable.... duh...

edit again

I see on SD that again we have confirmation that Tracy bails out Luke and he is gone by the 21st (which is apparently the day the storm ends... this is a sweeps thing).

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*waves to all*

been trying to avoid here lately, as I don't want to bring anyone down and I don't have much positive to say GH wise.

But I always enjoy Tracy, and doesn't JE just look FAB. Cool "ILY" scenes, enjoyed much better if you avoid the bashers. LOL

I hate that TG is leaving so soon, but he did not take off from March to April like he usually does, so I guess that's why. Unfortunately if that IS why he's leaving a little early, that means he may be gone for almost five months.

On the upside, once I get everything settled in my new abode, I've got redecorating I can do to keep me busy during what would be GH/Tracy viewing time...and maybe if I can, get around to finally doing that Tracy edit tape. LOL

See, there's a bright side to everything.

Don't look now but for those who don't know, there's another Luke and laura themed post on SOC.

Enter at your own risk, people.

I'm not going to give a link, since I'm hoping it dies a quiet death.

*smooches to Deb* Your insightful posts (and your FICS ! :) ) are missed by me tremendously.

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Yeah but TG was offscreen for almost a month with knee surgery, so that may have taken place of his March vacation. He said he gets off 21 weeks a week right in his interview? I wonder if that is a calendar year starting in Jan. or his contract terms year--probably the latter--which do we even know when that is up? Feb?

Anyway, I bet he won't be taking off five months now...I am betting on four. I somehow have a feeling he will be back in mid to late Sept. Maybe I am being optimistic!

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And it's happened...

First Luke offers to sell Patrick Charle's Street, because it's just sticks without Laura there.

Then he says no matter how much two people love each other, they will destroy each other if they want different things.

Can you hear the howling in the distance?


This sounds like a reasonable timeline. He can't take any longer off at a stretch - the absence would be impossible to work with.

His contract is up Feb. 2009, I believe.


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I just wanted to let you all know that I was not home last night and didn't get a chance to download yesterdays clips, but I should be home tonight and will work on them then. I promise I will have them up!!! :)

remos, thanks for the recap of today's Luke and Patrick scene. I'm sure LnL fans are going crazy, but what can you do? hehe

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Okay... riddle me this... do Americans have any sense of humour and sarcasm??? (Outside of you lovely folk, of course)

They are over there on SOC saying that Luke is so terrible that he would kick his own son out of the house for money. It reminds me of the Ramone bit last summer. Is everyone so literal?

Just yesterday someone was saying they love Cdn. TV because it's so comedic. Do ya'll have anything naturally funny or is it all late night TV celebrity character assasination?

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It's possible he may cut his vacation short, but he's traditionally always come back the first week of October, I don't see that changing this year. I don't think TG considers his time off for knee surgery to be a part of his vacation, but eh. Maybe.

Either way, I *hope* we get some Tracy while he's gone. Pleeeease pretty please.

I thought Scott was supposed to be part of trying to stop the mob war. Where IS he?


On the bright side, Tracy should be on Thursday, no?

And how was the Claudia/Luke scene (was that today?) still flirty, or not?

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Yes SD is reaming how much they hate luke and I have a seen clips posted on how excited Luke was to be a father both times, etc.

What I think is so funny, is even if he was serious about the house, he clearly wants to (or better yet Guza wants to) get rid of all Laura connections I think. THat house becoming Robin's would be so lovely---at least she would take the photos off the mantle! LOL!

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