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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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He would be my choice as well. Last time he was around, LuNacy was still a rouse on the outside and Luke and Tracy hadn't admitted their true feelings. Now they are so much further along. Then the whole "grandpa" thing would be fun to watch.

BTW, party has started in the BR...

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Wow I just left like 5 minutes ago and look at all these posts. I would vote for Lynn Herring, because then KS would get some air time, plus LH & JE were sooooo fun together!!! I like TR and Jane too. They have great chemistry as well.
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Halee, I think *I* need to wean myself off reading those things. Like that's going to happen. :lol: In lieu of that, maybe I'll just wean myself off giving myself a mini-migraine at the mention of the bland one's return. That one will never die unless the wig does.

All these rumors and most of the spoilers have either disappointed us when they didn't happen (too many Lunacy moments missed to even count) or scared us to death but never happened. And, yes, it's dizzying to say the least. I'd much rather watch "Dizzy" than live among the angst at soapdish or whatever it's morphed into. (Incidentally, whatever it has morphed into is even slower than what they had before.)

The one good thing that has come out of the latest round of rumors, though, is all the Tracy love! It's been a thing of beauty at SOC, especially with the latest bit. The majority has been more concerned with Tracy's fate, and Jane's place on the show, than the person actually mentioned in the article. Now, how cool is that!

Edited by QueenTracy
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Lynn Herring is a hoot! And she can act! With Kin Shriner still on the show, she'd be a really really good choice. And the interaction between Lucy and Tracy was always soooo funny.

I'm a Tristan fan, too.. although GH really wasted him last time. If they're going to bring him back, they really better USE him or not bother.

As for Vanessa - I never felt strongly about her. And she's a mob moll. That side of the canvas doesn't really need any more boosting. Enough with them already!! I don't oppose her (ANYONE is better than GF, but I'm not a VM fan either).

It's funny to me how GH always talks about bringing vets back to boost ratings, but they treat their vets like such [!@#$%^&*]! I don't get it. Don't get it at all.

You know what I want to see? Bring back Lynn and Robin Mattson (Heather)... and come up with some crazy reason for Heather and Lucy to live in the mansion with Tracy. OMG! That would be hilarity run amok. I would PAY to see that. hehehehehehehehe

Did I mention how disappointed I was by today's show? Sooooooo disappointed. :(

When am I going to get me my LuNacy lovin'?

She's STILL not wearing her rings!!! Wahhhhhh (Is she?)

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They got into an argument, and when Tracy stormed off, she "flew" into the rose bushes. I wish I had the clip for you, but I don't. :( I will work on finding the transcript of the scene though. Anyone got an idea? I want to say August 2004 sometime...

Lainey, a little late with this, but that spoiler came from SoapNet and was also in the ABC recaps. In the breakroom, we assumed it was cut.

Thanks nex for the clips!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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TimelessTQ, this is from TV Megasite. I’ve added the parts in italics.

Edward: Hello.

Heather: Oh. Edward. You just shaved 10 years off my life.

Edward: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sneak up on you.

Heather: No, I'm glad you're here. I'm due for a break. Care to join me?

Edward: For a minute. Air feels good, doesn't it?

Heather: Mm-hmm.

Edward: Had a very strange morning.

Heather: Tell me.

Edward: It's as if I’m getting, I don't know, signs -- a whiff of Lila’s perfume from out of nowhere, our great-granddaughter's magnificent voice, very much like her own, and you working in the garden wearing that silly bonnet.

Heather: I think I know what's going on.

Edward: You do, huh? Well, tell me, please.

Heather: You're realizing that all the things Lila left -- the people, the places -- that they're actually some sort of living testimony to her presence here on earth, whether it's Brook Lynn’s voice or Emily’s virtue or every leaf and petal in this garden. Even your eyes.

Edward: Mine?

Heather: You don't fool me, Edward Quartermaine. You may come off all gruff and distant, but deep down inside I sense a softness, a vulnerability. Probably a testament to Lila, as well.

Edward: I get the feeling Lila sent you, even guided you to her hat.

Heather: Is this Lila’s? I didn't know. I just found it in the toolshed.

Tracy: Who else would that hat belong to? Save the wide-eyed, innocent look. I heard somebody going through her closet just this morning.

Edward: That's a ridiculous accusation.

Tracy: Ridiculous maybe, but true nonetheless. What are you doing here, anyway?

Edward: I'm getting some fresh air, if it's all the same to you. Is it all right? I mean, do you mind?

Tracy: How about sitting on the terrace? How about taking a walk? How about hanging your head out of a window? Be anyplace except where this gold digger is.

Heather: What are you so upset about, Tracy? There's nothing inappropriate going on here. Edward and I were just talking --

Tracy: What, you were whispering sweet nothings, pledging undying love? Perhaps trying to figure out where to build a love nest? I've got it -- how about right here in my dead mother's garden?

Heather slaps Tracy.


Heather: I'm sorry. I -- I don't know what came over me.

Tracy: Apologize to me! I'm the one you hit!

Edward: You don't have to. She deserved it.

Tracy: Oh, you fool.

Edward: Why do you feel it's necessary to hurl insane accusations and ridiculous innuendo when you haven't got the slightest clue as to what might be going on?

Tracy: What I have is a really good pair of eyes, and they work. And instead of defending this harpy, you should be kicking her off the property for attacking me!

Edward: It's not going to happen. What is your reason for being here?

Tracy: Well, if you can tear yourself away, the rest of the family is meeting in the den for the reading of my dead mother's will.

Edward: It is that time already. If you'll excuse me, I've got to go.

Heather: I understand.

Tracy: My father might see you through rose-colored glasses. I don’t.

Heather: I have no idea what you mean.

Tracy: Sure, you do. You're a pathetic guttersnipe from the wrong side of the tracks, aching for everything you've never had -- the money, the mansion, the jewels, the country club membership, the respect. Oh, you managed to sleep your way all the way to Yale Street, but that's as far as you got when you married a Webber. Now there's my daddy -- filthy rich, newly widowed, lonely, grieving, vulnerable to the likes of you. You plan to take him for everything he's got.

Heather: What if you're exactly right?


Tracy: You're admitting to being a fortune hunter? Where's a tape recorder when you need one?

Heather: Oh, why don't you do the next best thing -- go run to Daddy; blow the whistle on me. Tell him I’m after his money. Tell him whatever you want. He won't believe you.

Tracy: Is that because he's going to take your word over mine, a virtual stranger over his own daughter?

Heather: He doesn't even listen to you half the time. And even when he does, he doesn't believe it. You've lied too much.

Tracy: What makes you such an expert on my father?

Heather: Unlike you, I actually listen to him. I hear his pain; consider his feelings. And you know what? He likes it. He gets lonely up there in that big house, especially now that Lila’s gone. I'm just trying to help.

Tracy: Oh, I got that much -- help yourself to my father. Well, it's not going to happen. I will not allow it!

Heather: Tracy, you sound like a jealous fishwife. He's your father, not your lover, honey. Maybe that's the problem in a nutshell, so to speak.

Tracy takes Lila’s hat off of Heather’s head; Tracy turns around and takes off in disgust, only to “fly” into the rosebushes.

Tracy: Oh! Oh! Oh!


Alan: What in heaven's name possessed you to invite Heather Webber to the reading of mother's will?

Edward: I couldn't very well leave her out in the garden while we were all in the room here.

Monica: I mean, she is the new gardener.

Edward: I thought it was rude, especially since we invited Alice to the reading of the will. And Reginald would've been here, also, if we hadn't put him on a cruise to recover from his grief.

Ned: Naturally, Reginald will be included in the will, and I'm sure Alice will be, too.

Edward: I am not about to ask Heather to leave now, and neither will any one of you, so just drop it.

Ned: All right. I can't imagine this taking very long. I mean, it's pretty routine, right? You'll get community property, and the rest of grandmother's estate will be divided equally among us.

Monica: Excuse me, but when was Lila ever routine?

Edward: I agree with Monica. There's no telling what kind of mischief Lila was up to.

Justus: Excuse me, everybody. I've just heard from Emily. She wants us to go ahead without her. She's been detained.

Monica: Ok.

Edward: Ok, let's go.

Justus: Is everybody here?

Ned: Of course -- my mother.

Edward: Did you leave Tracy out in the garden?

Heather: You could say that.

Tracy: I'm right here.

Tracy hides her face.

Monica: What's the matter, Tracy?

Tracy reveals her face, which includes a bruised cheek and little bandages all over the place.


Alan: Did you cut yourself shaving?


Justus: "Upon retirement, Reginald Jennings and Alice Gunderson will both receive a substantial pension. Reginald gets the keys to the Bentley. And, Alice, there's a diamond brooch you were particularly fond of."

Edward: Well, Tracy. Isn't it nice that you have it on to give to Alice?

Tracy: It's my mother's.

Alice: You give it to me or I’ll fight you for it.

Edward: Alice, Alice. Alice. Tracy, hand it over. It's all right, it's all right.

Alice: Thank you, sir.

Tracy: Can we just get on with this? What did my mother leave to her actual family members?

Justus: Now, now, Tracy. All the community property goes to Edward. Lila set up a challenge. Her personal fortune will go to the family member who exhibits only virtue, not one vice, for a period of 30 days.

Alan: What?

Monica: Well, that's absurd!

Justus: It was Lila’s feeling that a month was a long enough period for one of you to prove through action that you're truly worthy of her fortune.

Tracy: That's ridiculous! How's it possibly going to work? Who's in a position to judge?

Alan: Yeah, who's qualified to judge us?

Justus: It's all covered in the will, ok? "You're probably wondering how this is going to work. Who could possibly be in a position to judge? That's not for you to know right now, but I assure you a judge has been put in place. He or she could be in this room with you right now, or it could be someone outside the family ranks. Either way, you will never guess his or her identity. You will be notified in the event of your elimination. With any luck, one of you will prove worthy at the end of the month. Good luck, my darlings."

Tracy: Well, if nobody's going to say it, allow me to be the first. This is ridiculous! Clearly she was senile and we'll contest the will.

Edward: No, we will not. She set up a fine challenge -- for some of you. I think we know who the first person might be to fall by the wayside.


Tracy: That will is a joke.

Justus: You may not like it, Tracy, but it's going to hold up in court.

Ned: So what happens to grandmother's estate when all of us fail the challenge?

Monica: Which is a distinct possibility.

Alan: Try inevitability.

Heather: Excuse me. Can I say something?

Alan, Monica, and Tracy: No!

Edward: Of course you can.

Heather: Well, shouldn't you all be a little more cautious? I mean, if this judge is watching your every move, well, so far, the only traits you've displayed have been greed, jealousy, spite.

Ned: She has a point.

Heather: Lila must have set all this up for a reason. She wasn't a frivolous woman.

Tracy: I will not be lectured to on the virtues and motives of my own mother by a parasitic gardener!

Monica: I'd watch it if I were you, Tracy. That gardener may just be a judge.

Tracy: Do you suppose that it would be possible for our horticultural expert to resume her duties while the rest of us discuss this matter in private?

Heather: No problem. Excuse me.

Alan: I'll tell you what -- none of us has a snowball's chance in hell of winning this, whatever it is.

Ned: Emily's got a lock.

Edward: Will you accept my apology?

Heather: For what?

Edward: Tracy, the family. They're incredibly rude even on their best days.

Heather: Your family doesn't bother me.

Edward: I'm glad. I wouldn't want you to be chased away. Kind of like having you around.

Heather: I'm just glad I’m not part of Lila’s little competition. I'd be eliminated. I mean, isn't honesty part of the criteria?

Edward: Well, what have you been dishonest about?

Heather: My feelings for you. I have them. They go beyond friendship.



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I was positive that this was the last chapter, and it needed to be broken down. It is official that this will be 10 chapters, no more, or less.

Again, thank you for the support, and kind words through this very personal story.

Here is Chapter 9


10 just needs a decent revising to stand alone, as the end of this story, but the beginning of them

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