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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Haha!! LOL....and quite well put, dearest.

And oh its true, butter is harsh, abrupt, and ultimately leaves you wanting more...I prefer the softer, sweeter, more delicate and delitcable and oh-so-delightful taste of...preserves on my tongue...;)

Edited by tracyluver
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Um yes well anyway....

Thanks for the SD advice Remos. I still think I'm going to be skipping that board. I need to be economical with my Tracy Time. Don't think it's worth it over there.

Got home early and watched the show live today which I never do. It's frustrating how everyone else seemed to get 3 or 4 minute scenes, cut to LuNacy, 45 seconds. WHATEVER!

Wish me luck. Tonight is the night I volunteer at a group home. I try to teach mentally retarded adults to cook meals, so they can move out to independent living quarters. It's always a, um, interesting evening.

BTW I'm uploading today's LuNacy clips to YouTube right now. It may take a few minutes, 'cuz my wireless is slow right now.

Edited by halee
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inhales...........................EXHALES aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I can so feellllllllll the love!

Don't worry Im not hitting on anyone!

This is a board about a SOAP OPERA CHARACTER not a social tete' a tete' between the soc's and the greasers!


So was Tracy on today? Or am I not allowed to know?

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Timeless I dont know if you care about waiting for the edited clips or if you want to ff on youtube the clips are up. let me know if you want to see the youtube clips and I'll post them for you, if you want the edited version then I cant help you with that. That is nex's domain. right nex!!!!

and btw she was on with her hubby.


Sorry I didnt see that halee was uploading the clips to youtube. goodie!!!!

Edited by funny1
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Timeless here you go.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX0Z-osbyS0 clip 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdaTvv-mGYQ clip 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub4ypebAQAU clip 3

Timeless these are clips with LuNacy in it. I didnt post the others. if you want those let me know.


cool halee got the edited ones. thanks!!!!!

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This was posted on SOC. According to the thread, it's from Soap Opera Weekly. Please, please don't tell me they're even thinking of bringing her back for a day, a week. or longer. By the way, the "news" is being received very unenthusiastically on the board.

Cast News...

The Wheels are definitely in motion to bring Genie Francis back to GH.

Sebastien Roche is NOT leaving GH.

Lulu/Maxie clash at their new job.

Johnny stakes Luke for a business venture.

Pat takes Robin out to dinner.

Maxie/Spin get a whole lot closer.

Michael is shot!

Carly/Claudia are at each others throats.

Monica verdict is in.

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Too much information...


That info on ewcbo on SOC is suspect. It would have shown up somewhere else first, and the only thing I've heard from reliable insiders is that the conversation is not even happening. There are a few who think Laura and Brenda hung the moon and will fix all the problems - even though past experience shows they did bum-kiss. Every now and then one of these bluffs makes its rounds. I refuse to bite this time.

Today was good, but I'm in agreement with the fact that it wasn't enough. Those two can do more with a look and a catch in the throat then many of the less-seasoned actors.

I'm assuming tomorrow will be LuNacy free. So when is the next sighting? I hope we don't have to wait until Wednesday, April 2nd.

Oh, and another thought I had - the past two years Lukey has remembered Tracy's birthday and celebrated it with her. I wonder if they will remember it this year. It would be a good move on his part... but will the writers remember...

Edited by remos
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