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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Luke is an IDIOT. No Tracy today, but here he was, sneaking another cigar. Lulu came in and interupted him, and they chated a bit about Johnny. Then she left with Logan. Luke was about to get back to his cigar when Lulu walked in again, saying she forgot something, and took the cigar out of the flower arrangement and the matches off the table (out in the open, no less). That boy needs to be slapped down, hard.

Tracy was mentioned. Luke says one cigar and she has a fit (or something like that - Rusty fit again). Lulu reminded him that Tracy really cares about him and is going to do everything to see that he recovers.

Nothing in the previews either. Georgie's autopsy photos came in, so there blows my hope that they spirited her away after she played dead to out the TMK.

Interestingly, Lulu was kidnapped today. She's supposed to be held for two weeks, and yet TG is off the air as of next Friday. Curiouser and curiouser.

Maxie went at Felicia, then smashed a whole pile of dishes at Kelly's. Piph was a work, but left to ask Jason to find out who killed her son. Dr. Ford came by to offer his condolences and told her to take as much time as she needed. Sonny had a restraining order put on him by that critic, basically kicking him off the island of Manhattan. Lucky, Mac and the boys in blue think they have evidence that Johnny is TMK. Ric is babysitting the girls. Trevor is playing hardball with Jerry/Monreau. Again, balanced, moments of pathos, moments of comedy, stories moving. We saw mob, hospital, the police department and Kelly's. Not as good as the last two day (how can it be without Tracy), but still everything was there. Even a history mention: Carly said the boys bought Jason a antique globe, and she was remembering how Jason used to talk to Michael as a baby, telling him all the places Jason wanted to take him.

Funny lines:

Spinelli coming into Sonny's office to find Jason, Carly, Elizabeth and Epiphany "I see you're entertaining a most eclectic gathering."

Diane going to see Kate in NYC, finding Sonny there: "Oh, business and pleasure, how convenient. You can either go home or go to jail."

I'm putting this on both SON1 and SON2, since we can never tell from minute to minute which one is actually in operation.

Edited by remos
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It is 8pm central time...is this the time for the party to start? Breakroom anyone!

Oh thought it was funny today that Alexis used the same louis vitton duffle bag suitcase thing that Tracy used to pack for leaving Shadybrook. Guess they only have one suitcase prop in the prop room! :)

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OK...Chat up Anon who is a very reliable soapdish poster who works supposedly on the business side of things at GH came on tonight. She doesn't give detailed storyline breakdowns but gives insights into th ratings and what TPTB are doing/thinking, etc.

I asked about JE and TG and whether or not she was leaving with him and not coming back til May. She said that she didn't know when TG was coming back and that his contract is very fluid. She wasn't sure about if JE was leaving with TG this time. She is not really on the storyline end of things. She said rumor was that Jane was approached earlier about possibly going to recurring and that it was not well received and that she was NOT pleased. I asked when earlier did she mean. She said it was like late summer/early fall. I said well someone here the other day told us she asked to go on recurring and that they were leaving it up to her. She said she wouldn't be suprised if they did leave it up to her. I said do you think they have any intention of firing her or getting rid of her, and they said "I dont think there was every any intention of firing Jane. She is very well respected among many. She said she would try to find out when she went back to the office this week. Apparently GH has been closed totally for the holidays and will reopen and start taping again monday. She also said that TG has been very vocal about story direction.

SO what I can gather from this is that if they appoached Jane this summer or early fall about it (when TG was not even back yet) she was probably having not much of a storyline and when she she got pissed about it. They probably back peddled. This was also before Tony got back and then all of a sudden lunacy totally heated up and cranked it up to the current love level. So many he got back and wanted them to totally do the whole love thing. Considering this person's timing scenario...that would ahve happened long before the writer's strike and before a lot of the recent backlash and stress about ratings, etc. Now supposedly things are changing a lot and JFP is in charge of the scab writers and supposedly protecting people like Tony and Jane. So bottom line...we still don't really know anything. But I sort of feel a bit better thinking that she is not just gonna up and vanish from the show totally.

Another insider supposedly said she had only heard about TG and RC leaving next week. So again...who knows.

Just thought I would share...hope I am not pissing you guys off with all this stuff! :)


Someone said "do you think Tracy will turn to coleman for comfort when luke leaves because of the medianet photos" I am so cracking up at that one given the breakroom conversation tonight. We might be hearing that "moan" again--LOL!!!

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We are assuming that Luke takes off again. I wonder if they are actually just going to have him home, recuperating. That would keep Tracy on our screens, and mean that TG won't be gone for 3-5 months. Everyone on the planet has heard about RC and TG leaving, that doesn't mean much at this point. (Well, perhaps not the planet, but definitly the GH universe.)

I'm beginning to think more and more these 'insiders' are talking out of their asses. Those rumours we heard a few weeks ago made it sound like JE approached them with the recurring possibility recently. Now someone else it giving another timeline for a different experience. About the only thing I believe at this point is that JE and TG are firm that they will not be put on recurring, and TPTB are smart enough not to go there.

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You know what, I'm starting not to believe anything these days! I mean especially future spoilers/scoops/news! I mean look at when in the summertime we got all these fake spoilers about the fall for Lunacy! We thought that Luke was going to be in the mob war and he and Tracy were going to have a rocky marriage, blah, blah , blah. And that was the total opposite of what actually happened! I'd be so pissed if They fire JE or JE leaves! After that I won't even watch the show anymore!

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Yeah and remember there was that rumor that an actor was very vocal about not going on recurring. It could have been either TG of JE. Who knows. I do think Luke will leave to go "relax and recuperate somewhere". AT this point, I really don't care where he goes, as long as he doesn't go help Skye get out of town. I really don't think with all this huge lunacy build up that that would happen at this point, and Luke isn't exactly in the position healthwise to be helping anyone go on the run.

I can, however, see them have him come back and be healed and ready to move on to another storyline. And I would be he still wants JE in his storyline.

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