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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Darn I like my SON2 alterego name better...hookedontracy! Maybe I can re-register here, but then I would lose my # of posts!

So no scene insider last night, but I have a fic I am about to hurry up, sit down and start writing. I gotta finish it today or tonight (or at least start it)! But first I must go to the grocery store. My fridge is so empty I had to clean out the shelves--that is how empty it was for me to do that gross job!!

I am still feeling like crud.

Glad the board is back up!!

Welcome Cassie! Come join our crazy crew!!

Here are a few spoilers coming up (none tracy related really) but Q-related from wubs...

From soapzone week of 12/31

From soaps.com for 2008 (again, not really tracy)

Edited by hookedongh
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I miss the colors and font on the other site. So much brighter...

Thanks for the spoilers hooked.


Remos, I am trying to post the codes, but it's not going through - it's strange.

Here are the URL's:



Put the URL's in between [- img -] [- /img -]. But don't include all the - . I just have them there 'cause the code is not showing up without them...

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Headed out for dinner for our anniversary tonight. Maybe catch you guys for a chat late night. I started writing today and got rudely interrupted by 10 year old plans for laser tag that I had to cater to!

Oh..Remos/Ms Q--I happened to be online on soapdish for like a five minute warning to register for that site that she opened registration. So I did it. I registered as TracyFan. I guess you can still surf the site as an anon though right if you don't log it?

Catch ya later!

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Spreading the TRUCKY love (again)...



Also, spreading the TRACY/MARCO love (hooked, watched more of the DVD... I FLOVE them...)


You're welcome, remos. I hope it's all right that Luke looks ghostly in that middle picture.

Should I bring over the Best of TQ awards to this site?

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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1. Posters choose 3 to 4 pre-noms and create an individual nomination list.

2. The 2 most chosen pre-noms from each category will be on the final ballot.

3. Voters choose their most favorite out of the 2 from each category.

So far, just TL, knh, and I have voted...

EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that I am missing some categories... Let this be a lesson - If you are posting, do not answer the phone. I am also going to add in some pre-noms for the BEST SINGLE EPISODE - ROMANCE part. Finally, some changes have been made to this list (I switched a drama and romance episode and added to the HAIR category since I was one pre-nom short).



February 27, 2007: Tracy has just learned of Alan’s death. She shares stories about him with Dillon.

April 19, 2007: Luke gives Tracy an ultimatum; Tracy tells Luke that Laura is gone and never coming back.

July 9, 2007: Tracy won’t say good-bye to Dillon.

July 24, 2007: Tracy finds out that Alan is fading.

November 19, 2007: Luke has his second heart attack; Tracy rushes to help him.

December 10, 2007: Tracy tells Luke she makes her life worth living (also the WHY DO I BOTHER episode).



March 7, 2007: Luke and Tracy decide to alter Alan’s will.

April 7, 2007: Ghost!Alan and Tracy argue in front of the Quartermaines

April 16, 2007: Tracy finds out about oopsie-daisy, and she and Luke decide to try it out for themselves.

May 24, 2007: Luke and Tracy go on their ShadyBrook Caper.

November 7, 2007: Tracy arrives at Wyndemere and takes a tumble down the stairs.

November 21, 2007: Luke and Tracy spend Thanksgiving together in the hospital.



June 7, 2007: Luke tells Tracy he will always come back to her.

October 16, 2007: Tracy rests her head on Luke's back; she tells him she loves him just the way he is.

November 9, 2007: Luke opens his heart up to Tracy.

November 16, 2007: Tracy's willing to share her future with Luke.

December 11, 2007: Luke makes plans; he tells Tracy he has a future, and that he'll be back.

December 19, 2007: Tracy gets Luke situated back in bed; mentions of linoleum, oatmeal, and bypass surgery...



You will see that some these include 2 parts (indicated with the ... ). Basically, the speech was interrupted for a second or so.

Tracy: All right, Alan, you and I have spent the majority of our lives competing for Daddy's love…This time, you really outdid yourself. A heart condition? I would've gone for something a little more original, but I have to admit -- it worked brilliantly. You had Daddy in here singing your praises and whining for forgiveness. Wake up. You're going to want to savor every minute. Besides, if you leave now, I win. And I know you wouldn't want that. So just wake up! And make me regret telling you how much I love you.

Tracy: Alan and I used to play tricks on each other. We picked on every flaw, every weakness. But he always watched my back when it came to Daddy and everybody else, and I always watched his. When I was little, my nanny used to put my hair in pigtails. Huh. Alan used to tell me I looked like a poodle. I, in turn, told him he looked like a monkey and that he smelled like one, too…And one day at school, he overheard a little boy in my class teasing me about my pigtails, so he grabbed him and soaked him in the water fountain until he apologized…We never talked about it, we never used that word. But we knew that when the chips were down, we had each other. It made me feel safe to have Alan there, my big brother -- the one person who knew what it was like to grow up in this family. I'm scared to live without him.

Tracy: I love you, Luke, and that is a rare emotion for me. Do not expect it to last forever. I was willing to go after Scott Baldwin, even when there was nothing in it for me -- that is even more rare. Oh, and what do I get for my efforts? Let's see -- mistrust, disrespect, and the privilege of watching you break your own heart. You want to risk wt we have for Laura? Fine, go ahead, I can't stop you! But I did want to mention that Laura is a moot point. It doesn't really matter who her guardian is, because she is not coming back -- to you or anybody else. Your darling, your angel -- is gone. And I am getting really sick and tired of waiting for you to accept it.

Tracy: (to Luke) My brother was sentimental -- that's why he left everything to the children he wanted Jason to have. But sentimentality can't run E.L.Q. and if the price of forging his will is that he sticks around, so be it. (to Alan) I love you, and I hate that you are dead. But the truth is that there's part of me that's very glad you're still around… (to Luke) But I don't want to lose you. You’re greedy, disreputable, and untrustworthy -- and you get me like nobody has ever gotten me in my life. You make me feel alive, you make me laugh. In fact, you are quite possibly the best thing that's ever happened to me in my life. But do not make me choose between you and Alan, because I can’t.

Tracy: When Scott Baldwin gets in front of that judge, he's going to paint you as an angry, violent, out-of-control man. It won't be much of a stretch -- you've been attacking Scott Baldwin at every turn. He's going to try to prove that you're a danger to Laura. He's going to mention the fact that you spirited her away the night Rick Webber died, and that you brought her back traumatized. He's going to bring in witnesses and old newspaper articles, and make public the fact that you raped Laura when she was a teenager. And this great love that you shared, the one that Lulu has been raised to idolize, will appear like a decades-long pattern of abuse. And Laura -- the frightened, battered wife too scared to leave. I'm not saying anything Scott isn't going to say, and his delivery is going to be a lot harsher. But you can take it. It doesn't matter what he says, you'll endure, but what about Lulu? How do you think that Lulu is going to take knowing that you raped her mother -- in the Campus Disco?

Tracy: Luke, I get that you are the last of the great 1960s rebels. Live for today, tomorrow be damned. But let me remind you that most of those people that were busy waving their freak flags high never lived to tell the tale, and, Luke, you're the strongest person I know. If you put your mind to surviving, you will survive. But everything I have seen since you had your first heart attack shows me you're quitting. You're letting death take you. It's so cowardly -- who are you?



No pre-noms were provided for this category. Choose Your Top 3 from memory or from another member's individual nomination list.


No pre-noms were provided for this category. Choose Your Top 3 from memory or from another member's individual nomination list.


No pre-noms were provided for this category. Choose Your Top 3 from memory or from another member's individual nomination list.


No pre-noms were provided for this category. Choose Your Top 3 from memory or from another member's individual nomination list.


No pre-noms were provided for this category. Choose Your Top 3 from memory or from another member's individual nomination list.


No pre-noms were provided for this category. Choose Your Top 3 from memory or from another member's individual nomination list.








Pre-Hostage-Crisis – About shoulder-length, some oomph (think of the Sam and ELQ short arc)

MetroCourt drinks/hospital kiss - Little less than shoulder-length, some oomph

Goin’ to Shady Brook – Almost shoulder-length, some oomph, almost reddish, full of shine

Alan Fading/DNA Tests – Shorter, bob-length, lots of oomph

Post-Ball, Emily’s Memorial – Shorter than shoulder-length; some oomph

Luke's Hell - A little shorter than shoulder-length; lots of oomph



Black jacket with red designs, fitted, black skirt – Tracy blackmails Sam; Logan can’t find Lulu; Tracy stops Luke from escaping from the hospital.

Red blouse, black, fitted skirt – Tracy and Luke share drinks at MetroCourt; later, Tracy breaks it up between Luke and Scott and the hospital, and she and Luke discuss Laura’s rape.

Black jacket, gray underneath, gray slacks – Lainey observes Tracy talking to furniture; same day, Tracy is taken away to Shady Brook.

Pink blouse with black skirt – Alan is fading, but Tracy doesn’t want him to go.

Orange/red fitted jacket, brown slacks – Tracy needs a massage.

Black outfit with white buttons – Emily’s funeral.


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hey everybody! Couldn't help it, I loved my name on the other board, I'll just miss my post counts! Are you guys sure its safe to be here? I'm a little worried....

Edit: I stole the graphics for a bit Ms.Q, I am too lazy to make new ones at the moment. :P

Edited by missjane
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I gotta vote Ms. Q before my benedryl bubble gum kids flavor kicks in and I pass out!

Favorite episode--drama: Stories of Alan's death Feb. 27th; ultimatum April 19th

Favorite episode -- comedy: April 16th Oopsie Daisy

Best romance: November 9th Luke opens his heart to Tracy

Best speech: I love you luke...and that is a rare emotion for me...

Best sexual innuendo: Care to test out the blood flow...

Best kiss: November 9th kisses when scott comes in and they continue; also liked the oatmeal and linoleum kiss

Best hug: Alan's funeral hug

Best expression: Cabana boys; when she told Luke to shush when he started in with logan

Best quote: "Every time you open your mouth, you fall into a deeper abyss of dumb!" (at the metrocourt bar after the I love you Luke speech); you had a heart attack, take a nap; the only hands I want on me are yours!

Best nickname: When luke called her "babe" after the trial and she told him she would be waiting at home. "Sweetheart, spanky

Best face touching: The oatmeal linoleum face touching for Tracy; also liked the "we're a damn good match" luke touching tracy

Best hair: metrocourt, hospital kiss; luke's hell dream

Best outfit: Red ILY jacket and skirt--tracy makes luke get back in the hospital bed; burgandy blouse with beading and black skirt (metrocourt, fair warning, fair wife episode; hopsitla kiss)


breakroom for a few til my benedryl kicks in??? 10pm central time!

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whats up i decided to drop by. nothing much here. just looking at livejournal. if you are a member put me on your friend list. cant wait for lunacy to be back on my screen. damn it by the time they do come back on it'll almost be time for me to go back to work from being on vacay. that just sux.

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