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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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My reaction to the clips for the last three days:

1. WTF is this about Emily getting a 22-hour funeral while Alan got 10 minutes and a kiss goodbye?

2. Mama looked so damned good in that coat, and I did not have a problem with the inclusion of the hip shades.

3. Who did poor JMB piss off in hair and wardrobe? Seriously, I mean, so fracking seriously? Did she sleep with some hairsylist's boyfriend, because whoa....?

4. I'm with Lainey. Move on with it. Have the damned surgery so we can get back to the LuNacy lurving.

5. I'm not tired of the "don't make me a widow" comments. As long as Luke makes her say that sort of thing, I'm okay with her saying it. Especially the way she did at the end of the funeral episode ("Don't you dare be the reason I have to endure another day like today." So good. Not maudlin. Don't make me a widow because, frankly, funerals are a pain in the ass and I would shoot you if I had to suffer through another 17 hour eulogy by Elizabeth.....)

Mainly, ff'd through everything that didn't have Tracy's face on the screen. Smiled and sighed every time Tracy's face was on the scene.

Bidness as usual.

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In regards to the spoiler that Monica sees Emily "assisting" her during a surgery and freezes up that was on soapdish last night and that we were talking about in the breakroom...

Someone elaborated on it today that Monica is on 3 days tyhe week of the 10th--She botches Luke's surgery and has to be bailed out by Leo.

So I guess she does operate on Luke. I want to see Tracy ask her/beg her to do the surgery. I want to see Tracy's face when she hears that monica froze up again!

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ME too!!! I don't think it'll end up adding to the bad blood so much. I think it will be a great part of the story if that all happens, but I think that, after Tracy's initial pissy mood toward Monica about having screwed up (bearing in mind she may not find out about it since Luke lives anyway and the other doctors wouldn't tell her) that she would know it was too soon for her to go back to the table and operate on someone. She will most certainly be upset with her in the beginning but I dn't think it's gonna be a hold it against her forever kind of thing.

That said, I REALLY want to see it!

5. I'm not tired of the "don't make me a widow" comments. As long as Luke makes her say that sort of thing, I'm okay with her saying it. Especially the way she did at the end of the funeral episode ("Don't you dare be the reason I have to endure another day like today." So good. Not maudlin. Don't make me a widow because, frankly, funerals are a pain in the ass and I would shoot you if I had to suffer through another 17 hour eulogy by Elizabeth.....)

Ditto!! I haven't had a problem with the line, especially since the story calls for it. If he only had one attack and was getting better than it is rediculous, but he keeps having them and keeps intentionally putting himself at risk,so I thnk she's completely warrented in telling him that, plus I adore the way she said it yesterday. I do think that's when it should stop, but only b/c I don't think they can top it, of course it's JE so you know she can, but I don't think they can write it better

Hooked, I emailed you anyway but thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly. It's a huge help. As much as I really want to add this in I was kinda hoping you say don't bother cuz it'd be so much easier. Oh welll, I'd have added it eventually anyway. So thanks1

Edited by knh
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Lainey and hooked, I am with you guys in that I thought it was tacky that there were love scenes in Emily's montage, but I also think that it was suppose to be Nikolas who was thinking about her and not the family as a whole. (does that make any sense?) What also annyoed me was that they used the same song for Lilia's funeral montage too, was that because they were trying to compare her to Lila or are they just too cheep to "buy" a different song?? ;) I didn't like it!

I almost forgot to mention this, did anybody else notice the look on my Ned's face when he was walking away from the church with the family, he was biting his lower lip as if he was about to break down and start crying?? :( I love him soo much and miss him soo much! Ok i'm done ranting!

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I read somewhere (thought it was this board, but couldn't find it) that in yesterday's scene, TG looks like he lost his place as he watched JE say "... shots at my family."

I went back to see it, and it really looks like TG needed a few beats to remember what he was supposed to do.

Just an off question (realizing the bias of the board, but still), it's been noted and often obvious that TG feels JE pulls up his game. Has anyone EVER suggested that JE is off or isn't bringing it home? (I've never seen it, if it has.)

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Nobody is the wiser Remos! I just meet the cute UPS man at the door and put the package right into my trunk! Will go mail them to you tomorrow morning.

Gotta crank out the homework with the kids before I take them to art. I have to take my little one to target so he can make a hanukkah list. Too bad I am using all their left over birthday gift cards they forgot about to buy them hanukkah stuff--ha ha!

The older two totally get the concept of one big gift and that is it. My little one is all about the quantitiy and not the quality or the $ factor of a big ticket item. I told them we need to be doing good deeds each day or helping other people by doing something nice each night instead of getting gifts. That went over really well as you can imagine!

Oh Remos/TL--guess what we learned about in my class today...where the kosher laws came from and it is spelled Trefe! It was so interesting...will fill you in later

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breakroom for a few minutes between carpools? 5:10pm central time.


Just checking the thread for a sec...I am on my way to a girls night out to meet a friend at this wine bar. I so am not in the mood to go. I want to get in my pajamas! I won't be home too late...will check in to see if anyone is around late night. My husband is out watching football so it is a free for all for my kiddos til I get home...so it won't be too late on a school night!

Good luck with your last day at school Ms. Q if I don't catch you tonight! Will you be able to sleep in for December??? So you can party late night with us again? :) Also just checked those december episode counts...the person who posted them also posted the cam is wearing a puppy shirt the other day. so they sound legit...however, LW is supposed to be off for a whole week in December (the 10th--yippee!). So they can't be right. Oh well...we can still hope for the 11 episodes for Tracy!

Edited by hookedongh
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Not that I've seen anywhere. She wasn't expected to be. The next time we have a pretty secure date is Dec. 5th or 6th.

Still awaiting LuNacy dates for next week. The Insider said they had more to post but hadn't finished yet.

Monica freezes and almost screws up Luke's surgery on the 10th or 11th (sorry, wish my memory was better).

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