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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Deb--I agree with your analysis 100%!!! I think they have handled this situation with grace, humor and the most real life emotions I have seen in a long, long time. It must be the one good writer who has handled their story thus far during sweeps. Of course I know I am biased, but this sweeps was not about Nik/Em, not about the mob or that madman Zacharra, but about Lunacy finally facing a real life situation and realizing what they have together and that they desperately need each other. It was apparent to me that Luke needs Tracy every bit as much as Tracy needs Luke. THey were clinging to each other for dear life in that montage. IT was the most amazing scene and like Ms. Q said...they were the only ones who didn't need chatty dialogue to convey their sentiment during the montage...I think that was my new favorite Lunacy moment ever. No matter what happens from here....we will always have thanksgiving montage! :)

Hope Fey is all better by the way.

TL---hope both you and Dana are better today. I am worried about you guys. Please post later and let us know.

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BSG--you around for a few? I just ordered my pizza today instead and am waiting for it to come! Then it is a huge homework project this afternoon for me...a 10 page autobiography my son has to do for school. Complete with photos and it has to be bound in some way or in an album. At least it is a writing proiect so it is one I can help with!!

breakroom for a few? 12:30pm central time.....

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hey Hooked, good luck with the homework!! You've got mail. I sent you the link again.

everyone else: have a fun and, hopefully, stress free black friday.

TL: I guess Ive been missing some things in here, unless it was all from the BR, but I hope everything is ok. What were you guys sick or something? Whatever it was I hope things are better. And I hope everything is going ok with the strike (wait a minute... that may have been what it was all about)

I know I am forgetting specifics for everyone, but I hope everything is alright for everyone else on here!!! Good wishes and prayers to all. I've got plenty to share so I'm passing them around. Thery're all coming your way!!!

Edited by knh
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Currently, I am...

Uploading a short LuNacy video.

Working on a Tracy/Ned/Dillon missing scene.

Eating whatever I can find that's not Thanksgiving left-overs.

I should be...

In the shower.

Digging up Christmas decorations.

Working on student teaching projects/assessments. *

* I did some of this earlier, so that's something, right? LOL.

HERE IS THE VIDEO: http://www.sendspace.com/file/yso6bj

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Well I just wrote an acrostic poem about Josh with him (for him). I had to google what an acrostic poem was...when you use the first letter of a word and then write some things after it or adjectives....like JOSH...J is for Jokester.....O for open-minded, S is for sarcastic...etc....

His autobiography (umm really a biography since I am writing most of it or dictating most of it) is coming out awesome. It really has been fun looking up all these old photos in my scrapbooks. Thank god I did those when I had the energy and inclination to do them. I am like three years behind now thanks to my TQ obession!!!

Can't wait to watch the video Ms. Q!!!

Going to PF Changs for dinner tonight for our friends birthday so I got my pizza in and will get my chinese in as well.

still searching for any new Tracy spoilers or lunacy ones. Not much doing on that front this holiday weekend. I think that Alan appears to her soon. I wonder if that is asking her to comfort monica??


Loved the video stace!!! Love the ending sound bite...over the credits (and the blanket clip fits perfect)....special kudos on coordinating the lyrics to the video so perfectly! You are such the perfectionist!!! Thanks for the thanksgiving treat!!

Edited by hookedongh
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Don't know if it means anything (and can't remember exactly where I saw it) but when I was in SoapDish earlier today, I saw something posted within the last 48 hours that TG was going to forgo his winter vacation to continue this s/l. It was listed with "grain of salt", and I take it with a shaker of salt, but there might be something more about that, hooked.

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saw that the other day Remos...I might have posted it in the this thread too. It was someone saying that they heard that. Who knows...but if they are taping mid to late december stuff now...and nobody has mentioned in any mags that he is gone...I am wondering if he is going to stick around for a few more weeks at least.

I just think this "luke is not in his hospital room" might be one of those teases that he vanishes for a while (like a day or two) and then Tracy finds his sorry butt at the Haunted Star or something hiding out. Who knows...

I just went back to double check what that scene insider said for next week..

Monday Tracy seems to be on with Luke alone, Monica and Luke, Luke and Lucky twice and Monica alone and a dayplayer

Tuesday Tracy is on with Luke and then Luke and Lulu

Wednesday she is on it looks like all segments with the funeral attendees, then with the Qs (inluding Ned and Dillon) and the the last scene is with Luke alone

So if he vanishes it is not next week cause neithre one of them is on TH or Friday if this person who dropped this info is right.

Guess all we can do is enjoy the next three days of Lunacy goodness...and yay!! TQ has changed and washed her hair and got a blow dry--ha ha! That white formal blouse was looking a big haggard already!

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Meow.... I think it's quite romantical that she's still in her partywear and sleeping in the hospital room with him.

What are the mags saying, anyway? I never buy them or read them anymore. You're right, this close to TG leaving there is always a date given. Nothing is in writing? Hmmm......

I think you're right on the "Luke disappears" spoiler as well. I think he walks out of his room to physically get away from the stress of his health crisis, and someone (hopefully Tracy), will find him later that day or the next. There was also something about coaxing Alice, and Tracy putting her foot down. You KNOW Luke is not going to take this lifestyle change well - which will make it all the more enjoyable to watch.

Speaking of the mags, that reminds me....

Staci, oh Staci.... January 2, 2007 SOD, luv, have anything?

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