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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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What a day for vets!

Bobbie consoled Monica and had dinner with Mike and Carly's crew.

Lesley consoled Nik. She's such a cutie!

Mac had his dinner with Robin, Georgie, Maxie, Spin and Coop. They are definately propping

Monica was with Ned, Dillon, Alice, Skye and ADORABLE little Lila Rae. (Pizza of course!)

Ed brought Thanksgiving to the hospital in Em's name! It was adorable, I wanted to give ole Eddie a hug. Hes such a cute old man when he's nice.

Scott brought Logan the chicken (haha) but made up an excuse to leave when Lulu came. They shared a burnt chicken and spaghetti.

Nik imagined his dance with Em at the end.

I liked the song they played at the end montage a lot.

Tracy was chilling in the chair in the hospital room with a blanket. Luke was sympathetic about her back, but Tracy said that she was very thankful that she did not suffer what others did. (I love the occassional unselfish Tracy) Lulu came in, and when Luke asked where Lucky was, she and Tracy shared a nervous look. Lulu made up a random reason why Luke wasn't there. More tests had to be performed so they both left the room. Tracy told Lulu that she did the right thing by not telling Luke about where Lucky was. A couple scenes later, Lulu was with Logan! There was no exit, it was so random, I think a scene was cut out. Next Tracy is back in the room and Julian tells them that the Lukester needs that quadruple bypass. He said he would think about it, but Julian explained that it was crucial. Tracy said that she would tell him the reasons why he needed it. She prepared herself, and kissed him. For the montage, all you saw was Tracy's face first. Tracy was laying next to Luke with her head on his chest. It was absolutely adorable. She was leaning with her head next to his and brought herself closer, grabbed his arm, etc. I was turning to mush. It was great.

No Sam, Liz, Lucky, Jason.... it was a great episode. I loved it.

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God, I LOVE Holiday Episodes.

Today STARTED with LuNacy AND we got: Bobbie and Monica (interacting no less, complete with hugs and tears!), Lesley!, Mac, Ned, Dillon, Mike and a Felicia mention. HOLY COW!!!!! (And there was no: Liz, Sam, Sonny or Jason). NOT TOO BAD!

Best parts of today:

  • Tracy giving Luke a reminder of what he has 'to live for.' Yepper. A Kiss on the lips! They may not show that hot sex, but it happens. I know it! :lol:
  • Tracy telling Luke she waited too long for her "perfectly flawed husband" or something like that.
  • The two of them lying in the same bed. They were "worried," not romantic. But the facial expressions were over the top wonderful. And at the end, she curls into him. awwww!
  • And oh, she's so crazy in love she still hasn't left to change. Everyone else on canvas has changed.

Um.. We STILL haven't gotten the ILY. I'm beginning to doubt it'll happen, which ticks me off because they are acting so CRAZY IN LOVE!.

So funny! The other day -- I thought I noticed that, too.

So I rewound and slow-mo'd like crazy. It's just the top! (Yes, I was a bit disappointed :lol: )

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Wow. Vet!Day. Oh, wait. It's Wednesday. LOL. That seems to be Vet!Day for GH, anyway, but seriously, today was full of them. Edward, Monica, Ned, Tracy, Luke, Scott, Mike, Bobbie, Lesley...Who am I missing? I don't say this often, but it was a very well balanced day. Big emphasis on families. Good day in GH Land.

5 scenes total.

Segments 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7.

Oops, I see Colette, has posted before me. LOL we both started with something about the amount of vets, LOL.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Man oh man, I can't wait to watch!!! I love this show more and more when they add the vets. I am always happy to see more vets than newbies, but I have to say... I will never ever EVER get sick of or bored with Tracy/Luke, especially Tracy!!

Ok, my thoughts on the is she spencer or Q now? thing: in my opinion, they are very very similar. I think that if they were in the same social class they'd be too close to tell. They both fight with and for each other like no other familes, they protect each other, they are all about getting what's their's, whether it's money or not... I think she is still totally Q, but now that she is with the Spencers more often you see how it resembles their dynamic and it looks like she's crossing over a bit.

That's all.... can't wait to see it, you all made it sound so good.

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knh- just wanted to let you know that I am not ignoring you! I got your e-mail when I got back, and after I have a chance to read a bit more today I will be e-mailing you back.

EDIT: Page 479! Is the next one considered a big-y? We are so close to 500 whatttt!

Edited by Colette
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Home Sweet Home!!! I'm home! *Hugs my computer*!!!! *Hugs my tivo* Yay can chat tonight!!! Yeah can post freely!!!!

CANNOT WAIT TO WATCH THE LAST THREE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Saving them for a while even though I know what happened, so I can watch in peace when the troops all exit the house.

I am seriously ordering pizza tomorrow for us for thanksgiving. And pretending in my own mind that I am a Q!! Ha ha.

So even though I haven't watched, here is my take on the Spencer/Q thing. Tracy basically summed it up today...she has waited all of her life for someone to love her like Luke does--for who she is....I am sure she is sad about Emily, and sad for Edward and Monica, but her HUSBAND was about to possibly die!!! She will catch up with the Qs and be there for the funeral. I wish they would at least have Tracy have some scenes with Dillon or Ned alone or have them to come to the hospital next week to see her, but it doesn't seem likely. I think the only day she sees them is on Wednesday (during the funeral) if that one insider was right who dropped who everyone has their scenes wtih next week.

Can I just say that I am doing the happy dance that she is going to be on three days next week again.

No Sonny, Jason, Sam today? OMG!!!

Bobbie consoling Monica--that sounds great. Lesley with Nik--awesome. But wait...Bobbie doesn't even go to Luke at all??? Now that is just plain stupid. She would never never never NOT be there for her brother.

I don't think the spoiler about Luke missing from his hospital room is for his exit. We would have heard something about it in the magazines. I think he just tries to escape and then they find him and do the surgery...because there were those spoilers about him trying to get alice to sneak him stuff and Tracy putting her foot down, etc.

Bummer no ILY, but you know what...they don't really need that cause it is clearly obvious that they both know it. I am curious if the spoiler about him asking her to marry him again is true. Probably not.

I havent see anything much new on soapidsh, but I haven't been scanning it like I usually do.

TL--Hope Dana is okay. Email me or text me and let me know or post later.

Hope everyone has a great thanksgiving tomorrow. I will be home all day so if anyone is around...post a link! My kids all have a project to work on for school so I will be doing some of that and catching up on GH!!!

Missed chatting with everyone!

Okay a few spoilers

Also...here is a blog from wubs.net...I have to agree with her!

"YEAH! Nedly is back!! Good Lord, Monica just realizs that the writers should have written her into the ball. Now, it would have been great if she were here. Dillon is home too--Scott Clifton should have never left. Get Rid of Cooper, Logan and Johnny. Get Lucas and Dillon back.

LESLIE!! wow! Hellooooooooooo! Get her back on too. Get some life and history back. I so hope Genie doesn't come back because I am so digging Tracy and Luke. I know the whole L&L story and I lived it and loved it...but after the last wedding, it's good to be done. You can tell JE and TG are loving it too. Plus the fact I like that they are around the same age. That hardly ever happens! Where's Alan though? I wonder if he'll show up today. Nah, too much nostalgia as it is! LOL

I think the whole pissed off Monica will work well for LC--maybe it will get her more airtime, eh? Wouldn't that be a shocker. Although I'm sure she'll go into storage once the funeral is over. "

Edited by hookedongh
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LOVED today's show!!

Tracy looked soooo pretty today, flat hair, wrinkled blouse and all! Love when she smiles, she has such a great smile. LOVED when Luke told her to join him in bed, LOVED LOVED her kissing him to show why he should wanna live and LOVED LOVED LOVED her in his hospital bed with him for the end montage. Did I call it or what? LOL. Actually I didn't call it, but I said that I was so hoping they would have her Luke's hospital bed with him. :)

Just reached 500 posts, yesterday! woohoo for me :).

hope to be back to chat later.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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*waves to kenna and bsg*

Wanted to mention this earlier, but I think the one good writer (OGW) wrote that line Monica had to Ned about just being around for holidays and funerals and how this time he gets a double feature.

So, I was supposed to go to a party tonight, but it was a bit of a distance, and it's icy outside, so no party for me...I'll be around if someone posts a link.

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Goody goody gumdrops!!! Tracy just reminded Luke why he should stick around. I'd love to come in and chat but I'm in the zone and very intently watching the show so I'll be in when it's over if I can.

Colette: don't sweat it!!

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Holy amazing LuNacy, Batman!!!

I have to say, as much as I don't like her hair this flat normally, I don't think it looked bad for some reason. Don't really know why. She, of course, looks beautiful and i think they both looked like they were having fun today. It was a lot of laughing and joking but it wasn't that snarky sarcastic joke...

And Monday is the epi in that 411 thingy, she looks gorgeous if I do say so!!!

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