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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey Everyone!!! I'm back in H-town! Had a wonderful time in NYC. So great to meet BSG and TL. Had a blast. I am dying to watch the week of GH. Going to do that right now. Thanks for all the recaps and the clips!

Will post some more later today when I get a chance to catch up!

Missed this thread more than I care to admit this week--ha ha!

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Clips that people seem to be missing:



Credit Trudy (from HellaGood).

Edited by me.



Credit CaziGirl (from YouTube).

Special thanks to hooked for posting these.


TL, that is adorable.

nex, thanks for yesterday's clips!


Colette, would you be able to post 10-2-07 and 10-15-07 for me?

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Thanks, Ms.Q! Yes, I am off to create a Sendspace\Mega Upload account right now. :)

10-2-07 (mp4)


Credit to Nex!

Ahh I just realized that I uploaded the copy I converted for my iPod. The wmv file is uploading...

10-2-07 (wmv)


Credit to Nex!

10-15-07 (wmv)


Credit to Nex!

Edited by Colette
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Working on weekly reflections, schedules, lesson plans, but I have decided to take a break to say...

THANKS FOR THE CLIPS, COLETTE. Also, thanks nex for editing/uploading them the first time here. And thanks to Geena for posting the episode at HG in the first place.

TL, I so :wub: that picture. Love it! Love it! Love it! I hope there are more to come!!! So. Adorable. I am being such a fangirl about this, but I can't help it. I shall SQUEE for as long as I want! SQUEE!!!

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I haven't even watched yet and I can tell it must have been good scenes by the number of LnL fans out of the woodwork trying to deflect. LOL It will be tomorrow afternoon minimum before I get the chance to watch but I can't wait ! Sounds like good stuff, but truthfully, I'm looking forward to Jane and Tony on Monday and after. :) Mama will ROCK it. I just know she will.

*waves to everyone* Hope everyone is having a good, safe weekend. :)

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I know it's just a show, and these are just actors doing a job, but heavens to betsy, what's with these LnL/GF hardliners? I was there the first time around. I WALKED OUT, it was so boring. They all harken back to the "good old days", well those days were when Laura was doing everything Luke's way. Notice that no one waxes sentimentally about the days after the returned to PC to settle down (not even Luke himself).

I arguably have a bias - I actually like the one who can act, not the blond wanna-be. It's almost to step on sacred ground to think anything negative, or even neutral about GF/Laura. Why can't we be allowed to just enjoy the scenes with the characters who are actually on the show. It's not as if GF left big shoes to fill.

Venting.... I know.... It's just a show, and I'm sure the actors left it behind as soon as they left the stage.... but honestly, can someone PLEASE tell me what was so all fired amazing about LnL that deserves this level of legionaires?

(Okay, getting down from the soap box......)

Edited by remos
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Nex, thanks for the edit. :)

Ms. Q, glad you liked that sweet sexy pic stace. Those scenes made for some reallly great caps. Not as clear as if a "professional" (clarissa doesn't have any up yet), but for that sexiness, I just had to few of my own from Nex's edit.

Hooked, where the heck are ya?

Was gonna hang until there was someone around to chat, but I am feeling a bit crappy. Runny nose, sneezing, and coughing, and my head is pounding. I may check back in a few if I can't rest. Post a link.

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I know how you feel TracyLuv, I had plans but bowed out, and am thinking about taking a half a bottle of Midol and going to bed, LOL.

About the LnL fans, I think they're just unhappy that Laura isn't there, and they don't want Luke to be happy with anyone else. That's understandable. I don't think it's understandable or acceptable that some of them have to be so mean about it though.

I would chat ya'll but as TL said I'm not feeling 100%, maybe some other time.

Meant to comment earlier and tell TL and hooked how cute cute cute you guys are ! Loved your pic together, can someone post the one with all three of you and BSG here on the board? :)

Ooopsie Edit: has anyone else read this little Tracy fic ? Pretty angsty but good, thought I'd give a link, it's on FFnet:


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ILTQ, thanks for the link! I liked it a lot!

bsg, I will email it to her. :)

Announcement (haha): I have changed my avatar and banner - I wanted to use the most recent LuNacy scenes, but as TL mentioned, there are no "professional" caps out yet. I didn't feel like making my own, so I chose this banner/avatar combo. Jane is SO pretty!!!

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Hey all! Sorry I wasn't around last night. Two parties to go to, then since the second one was so boring, four of the couples ended up coming back to my house unexpectedly, so I had to actually sit and chat with them. The whole time I am thinking get the heck out of my house so I can finish watching GH from the week.

So it is Sunday morning and I am getting my kids and the one who slept over ready for sunday school. We have a meeting today to pick my middle son's bar mitzvah date--can you believe that? He is 10!!! I just got done with one and now the other one has to be decided. Anyway, I watched M-TH of GH yesterday before I had to go out. Still haven't watched the awesome friday episode but will today for sure!!!

I loved Wednesday though...that scream was hilarious and TG's face when he was like "spanky?" He was acting so lame I thought in general throughout this saga ball, totally seemed to be going through the motions to me. But I swear...he changes when he is with JE!! I loved how he turned her head and pulled his face toward her. Loved the ramon comment--hilarious and how she didn't even acknowlege it. I also loved how he said "there is no way I am gonna leave you here to be the next victim." That was some necklace she had on. No wonder why she takes that off.

I know this is old news for you guys...but since I just watched it I have to comment. At least if it is tracy who has edwards heart pills, she will hopefully be with him at wyndemere for part of the time.

I also LOVED that he told her all this stuff before the heart attack and not on his "death bed" like Ric did to Alexis. I liked how Jax carried her out too (alexis). He is so much better with her than carly.

I will post a link today if I am around!!!

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AWW, thanks you!!! Loving my birthday banner by the way, great pics!!

Ok, I know it's taken me a while to post but it's hard to look at my screen and type and bow down and worship the awesomeness that is Jane Elliot?TRacy Quartermaine similtaniously.

OH MY GOD, they are so damned cute together, very sexy. I don't really know what else to say about that...

oh wait... I found a way... They were spec-freakin-tacular. I love, like everyone else, that Luke didn't make a deathbed declaration. I still think he would have made it work but it was more effective this way. I LOVED the look on JE's face and her reactions to everything he said. I especially love that she is the one who laughed at him. It was clearly b/c she was uncomfortable which meant that she believed what he was saying and didn't know what to do about it. If she thought he was bull sh-tting her she still probably would have laughed but it would have been a different kind of laugh... you all know that one I mean. I really love that they didn't care that Scott came back into the room at all.

The only thing I wish she'd ask Scotty, b/c we know we're all thinking it and they may have said it to others but I don't know if that's my imagination at work, is why he is so concerned with her marriage to Luke. If Luke is saying that he and Laura are in the past and laking out with his current wife in front of him it means that it is free and clear for him to go find Laura. It seems to me that he has the same kind of reaction to Luke and Tracy as he does to Luke and Laura. I know he hates Luke, but this should be a good thing. He shouldn't be acting jealous of them... unless this is how their relationship parallels that of L/L and Scotty (which I definately wouldn't mind by the way)

PS: as for the picture of the crew above... how did NLG and JT get so lucky to stand next to such cuteness?! I guess the same could be said for JE about JT though. His character is starting to get on my ynerves again, but he's adorable

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