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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Still guessing Thursday for Tracy's appearance. Better 7 hours late than never, right? Or maybe she'll be around tomorrow!!! We seem to have good luck with Wednesday's. Here's to hoping!

I'm going to put a positive spin on this: It's always wonderful to see Tracy, but seeing Tracy after several consecutive non-Tracy days will be EXTRA wonderful. How'd I do?

Confirmation regarding

: It's true. According to SOD,


From the actress herself:

Positive spin?

ONE YEAR AGO: Luke announced his plans to remarry Laura, just as Tracy entered: Just in case it slipped your mind in all the excitement, you are married. To me.

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Actually Stace, I don't watch any soaps anymore. Yeah, it's gotten that bad for me. I'm not home and don't rally give a ...well, let's just say, me and Tracy have a lot in common. I have no patience for stupid soaps and she has no patience for stupid bimbos.

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THAT MEANS: One year ago tomorrow Luke said: "I'd want to be married to you, if you didn't have a dime."

wahhhhhhhh. In my opinion, it's still the best damn Luke and Tracy episode around. I was blown away by the Nov. 7, 2006 epi.. BLOWN AWAY... Jane should have submitted it as material for best supporting actress emmy, and she should have WON... but that brings up a sore point NONE OF US here want to discuss.


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*waves at Keith* I'm in the same boat, bud. I haven't watched anything but downloaded Tracy clips in months. GH is just too fracking annoying, and I can't bring myself to watch OLTL, even though it's MUCH better than the others. Amazing how last year, we were all so afraid this was the end of LuNacy, that JE was out of there, that GF's return would signal the end of the romance between Luke and Tracy. How odd it is that, now, after all that, they're stronger than they ever were. Hopefully we can look for good things in the near future.

I still love Tracy, and Jane Elliot still can knock me flat with a grin. But I'm so done with General Hospital, guys. Sorry.

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Nex, next time you come this way, you can meet up with me and BSG!

As for what I'd like Luke to say to Tracy... "I Love You" would be a nice start, but it would have to be better than when he said it during Nov sweeps last year. I would like him to tell her that she completes him. I can't think of anything else, but I'd like him to say a whole lot to her and kiss and hold her in his arms. Most of all, whatever he says and does HAS to delivered in the most sincere way.

Oh and I agree, I didn't like the EWCBO Medifast ad on this site. When I came on and saw it I was like WTMF is she doing in our Tracy thread!? I guess they stopped running the ad, I haven't seen it in for a few days now.

Well, Hooked is probably on her way to her cousin's in Connecticut. She, and BSG, and me had a great time together. After the show last nite we went for burgers and then out for coffee. It was great to be with others that love Tracy/LuNacy just as much as me. And I think we all agreed that Tracy is amazing and that Jane is a freakin' genious!

BSG, You have mail :)

LadyAshton, Sorry to hear about your grandmother. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Lainey, I took a poll last nite to find out if BSG and Hooked thought my everyday bag, was a "bean" bag. No one could decide. LOL

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Hair: wet.

Clothes: wet. With a really sparkly necklace that wasn't in that medianet picture.

Scenes: 4

Tracy is walking down the stairs going "Where is everyone?! This is some way to treat a guest!" The the scene switches to Luke in the ballroom with a really funny scream (not like Alexis', more humerous) that was really long. And it didn't sound like she was falling down the stairs. Then Luke, with a really confused look, goes "Spanky?!" He runs out of the room.

Tracy is at the bottom of the stairs, with Alfred looking at her. She starts screaming about how Alfred tried to kill her. All this time she has been in the boat house waiting out the storm. She started screaming about how she would sue Alfred, but Luke passionately kisses her. She says "what was that for?" and Luke says "that you are alive. And I am going to keep you that way." *Resumes kiss.*

Her back is what is hurt. Scene switch to a room where Tracy is whining on the bed. She asks Luke not to treat her like a sack of potatoes. Luke says that complaining is a good sign, and said something to the effect that he would try to treat her like the "x-rated Ramon." Then Scotty and Logan started arguing. Tracy told them to shut up because she was obviously in pain.

Georgie asked if Tracy was okay when Coop told everyone what happened. Back in the room, Luke said that he would nurse Tracy back to health. She said "why am I scared?" Luke also said that he would not leave her in danger to look for Zacharra for anything in the world. Scotty came in with the wine.

Edited by Colette
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SQUEE!!!!!! Clips would be GREATLY appreciated. Ooooh, Tracy The Wet Look makes me go....ooooohhhhmmmmmm........

First sight I ever got of Herself was after she faked her death, in robe, hair slicked back, no make-up, giving Skye hell.

MinervaFan was on the floor only seconds after her jaw hit it......

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Gracias for the recap, Colette.

My comments: Ready!Set!Random...







Woo hoo! She did arrive with a necklace. I didn't like the idea that Tracy wore diamonds to breakfast but not to a ball, so I was glad to see the jewelry. I'm guessing she takes the necklace off later for one reason or another.

So glad we have an explanation for her flattened hair next week. After today, unless they find a blow dryer and a brush, no way is Tracy's hair going to look good.

Her outfit looked WAY better today than it does in the pics.

Tracy's got make-up all around her eyes!!! Looks like that's gone in the media pics.

Hmm, SID was wrong. They said broken leg. Today, she said it was her back.

Stair scene totally didn't play out as I thought. Well, maybe the first part where it was kind of like, "Is anyone here?!" But the rest was definitely not how I expected. Plus, Luke and Scott really didn't find her. She screamed the longest scream ever, and then in the next scene, Luke, Scott, and Cooper ran over. Or maybe Cooper didn't come until the next scene...

So, wait. She said she was in the shed for an hour and a half. So how did she arrive?! This doesn't make sense. Because she'd have to arrive on the same boat as Sonny, so that means, she'd have to be in the shed for like 5 hours.

How much did I FLOVE the 2 long kisses? Eeeeee!!!! Those scenes will have to make it into videos some day.

Tracy wants a bucket of brandy. Why am I not surprised?! :lol:

They are so. not. trapped. Scott was able to leave and get them some wine.

Wonderful of Luke to say he wouldn't leave her, yet


I liked Georgie being concerned.

If Luke is not on tomorrow for like the first time ever since the ball started, I'm going to be mad. Luke's been on all along. Let's keep him on because if he's on tomorrow, Tracy will be too.

CLICK HERE for a screencap of Tracy that was posted on SoapDish. Our girl is NOT happy.

CLICK HERE for part of the LuNacy kiss.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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ok, so I was way off on the staircase thing, but oh well, I'll take this in favor of a two second scene where she falls with no one around, which is what I thought it would be. I'm so happy!!!! Psyched to watch it at 10. If only I could finally figure out how to record on my direct tv unit I'd be good to go.

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Nex, you are my hero! Guess who forgot to set the timer this morning??? Now I don't have to stay up to watch on Soapnet :D

To the NYC "fan club": sounds like you guys are having a blast! Wish I could have joined you!

Oh, and it was SNOWING here yesterday :angry: Melted when it hit the ground, but there were flakes flying around. Grrrrrr...SO not ready for that.

Also, I just wanted to say thanks for all the good thoughts some of you have sent me. It's been a rough week, but life is slowly getting back to normal. You guys are the best :)

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Thanks for the clips, Nex!

Watched the show live at work. LOVE LOVE LOVE le LuNacy kisses! LOVED Luke touching her face. YUM!!:D! Thought it was hilarious that he mentioned Ramon.

Thanks for the kiss cap Ms. Q!

SOC Posters, there's a new thread over at SOC called "Luke and Tracy Rock".

Go here to spread the LuNacy love ---> http://boards.soapcentral.com/showthread.php?t=303315

Edited by TracyLuv
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