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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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This board is so effed up that I haven't been able to post. I just sent Ms.Q this because I was itching to tell someone, she was on, and the freaking board wouldn't load.

Luke mentioned Tracy because he was worried. Alfred said that the harbor is closed because of the storm, and Luke said that he needed to know where she was. He was worried. :) aww The Jason speed-boat scene was absolutely hilarious. It was so fake, and they tried to make it look James Bond-ish. He was very serious and focused; TOO funny.

It turns out Zacchara killed his wife because he was jealous of the attention she gave Johnny. He pointed a gun at Johnny, but then the mother came in and jumped in the way. So he shot her. Also, I literally screamed for like 5 minutes at the end. Zacchara suddenly showed up behind Lulu during a lightning bolt, and though it was cliche and obvious, it scared the daylights out of me. He has such a creepy look.

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Woo hoo. I finally got in, so maybe now the board will be faster.

Deb and Carrie, loved your stories. Deb, yours made me cry. :( At WORK. LOL I have to stop reading the fics at work.

I am so bored with no Tracy to talk about. :(

The spoilers do sound good though. Of course if the writer's strike and they don't bring in scab writers, eeeep ! No LuNacy for quite a while I'm afraid. I hope they do something. End the strike early or hire scabs. I just want my Tracy, we don't get enough of her as it is.

I kinda figured all along that AZ was the one who killed his wife. But wow I guess he always was a nut if he were going to shoot his own son out of jealousy. But I have my doubts that Johnny is his son.....and maybe he always knew that or suspected it but didn't want to openly question his wife.

Kinda rooting for AZ to take Lulu far far away. I guess his obsession will be like Helena/Emily. Oh, joy. what fun. :P

Well, I'm off to spend money. LOL

Talk to ya'll later. :)

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Wow seems the board is fixed! Hooray! Now soapdish is down. Oy!

I have just sent everyone away and out for pizza so I can clean this nasty house and straighten up. But what am I doing??? Getting on the computer. I have to go but will try to be in the br around 9ish central time?

I also read that logan and scott take luke to an emtpy bedroom when they find him on the ground with the heart attack. Bad part...tracy is not with them when they bring luke into the room, but I would assume that she will find her way in there.

Maybe JE broke her leg in real life and they had to last minute write that in--ha ha! I think they were for sure setting her up for monday to be found at the bottom of the stairs by luke. They say alfred startles her, but why would he just do that and watch her fall and not go get help or help her???

I think Alfred is one of the killers working for Helena secretly and that Helena is having alfred give nik something to make him act that way (maybe hypnosis).

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I want Tracy on my screen NOW!!!

At least Luke asked Alfred to call the launch whatever it's called to see if "my wife" was waiting there. Alfred told him that "Mrs. Spencer" was probably okay because they closed down the launch and there would be no more boats coming in. Luke told him to call the launch anyway.

LOVED LOVED LOVED your story Carrie!

When Jason was driving the boat, he looked back several (?) times at a tarp on the boat. I thought Tracy might be under there. heehee. but from watching the previews for monday, it looks like a bomb or something. oh well.

Edit: *waves to Carrie* I have some stuff to do around the house as well. Will check in later.

Edited by TracyLuv
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hey! this is my first post here. Hookedongh- hey btw- invited me from over on youtube. so again hey!

love love love Tracy and wish she was on more. Can't wait til she shows up at the ball next week and really can't wait til the scenes with her and Luke. And i also think it's BEYOND tacky for Monica, Alan, and Bobbie even to not be at a ball honoring Alan (what, TPTB didn't want to pay Jackie Zeman, John Ingle, and Leslie Charleson?? Yet they can pay for all those extras)

And what was that with Jason on the jet ski today? So tacky.

hooked also invited me to the chat room thing so I'm going to try and stop by tonight. and I'm Addie by the way.

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Hey guys!

It's all good here, Stace, thanks for asking. Just haven't been able to be on much lately. I do love the video and Deb's story though. I posted a whole big thing on them a few days ago but I don't know if it went up.

Carrie- reading your story now and I'll post later but I'm sure I'll love it. As for the email, don't worry about not responding. I wasn't sure it got to you b/c I had one bounce back and i just thought it was the one I sent you.

So I'm back at my nutritionist now. I'm doing it as a team with the girls at work and one's husband who is seriously in need b/c of his health. It worked really well while I was serious about it so now with them not trying to get me to eat crap at work and their being on it too maybe I'll finally get to where I want to be. Woot for me!! The husband, by the way, told me he asked the kids at work and they all said that Miss Kristin was their favorite teacher! Not much to do with anything but I thought it was cute.

Now down to business.

Personally (though I kinda like Hooked's hypothesis) I think that maybe she is sneaking around and probably here's him in the distance or passing in a hallway where he can't really see the stairs and she jumps back to hide in a dark corner... oops, that wasn't a corner... it was the Wyndemere?Quartermaine staircase (yeah, I saw that too yesterday). Then again, I do like the working for Helena angle.

Loving all the little mentions from Luke lately. I know she's not on right now, but the next best thing is for her husband to make a point of bringing her up and reminding the audience and all those antiLunacy folk that he is her husband and he LOVES her like woe! Sorry, just a stupid thing my roommates used to say...

speaking of roommates... Deb, how's it looking for the good Sister these days? or Tracy in Kentucky for that matter?

just checking on them, I miss my girls after all.

Stace... on to you with Oh, Baby. I know Carrie asked but I am too.

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Welcome Addie! I LOVE all the clips you post on YouTube. :) I am thinking GH didn't include LC, JZ, JI, etc 'cause they're more expensive than the extras. TPTB still have to pay them, but just to their minimum guaranteed days/week. I guess they didn't want to have to pay them for overtime.

knh, do you think Tracy would scream if she fell down the stairs? Or wouldn't it make a "thud" or something? Alfred should be able to hear that. Not sure though...

Glad that Miss Kirstin is their favorite teacher. Always nice to hear. I had a parent once tell me, "You're Ms. Staci, right?" And I said "Yes." And he said, "Kaliyah never stops talking about you." At first, I thought, "Uh oh. Is that good or bad?" Haha. I soon found out it was good. He said both of his daughters went on and on about how much they loved Ms. Staci.

Maybe I should have continued with the day care/pre-school life...I seriously doubt my high schoolers go home to tell their parents how wonderful Señorita is. If they talk about Spanish at all, it's probably about how much they hate it...

So happy the board seems to be fixed!

Oh, Baby will hopefully be finished before 2008. (I said the same thing about 2007, didn't I? Oy).

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Hello Addie, Welcome to the TQ(S) Lovefest!! Always good to meet some new Tracy/LuNacy fans :)

Everybody here is pretty cool. I am in the breakroom now if you'd like to pop in here is the link


Edit: Just two more days until hooked arrives in NYC!! Hooray!!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Helloooo, Addie! Welcome :)

Looks like a party in the Lovefest! I am glad the board problems are over.

I was rewatching today's epi on SoapNet. This is really funny. Luke and Lucky were talking about finding Lulu. Logan comes and says he wants to help, Luke declines, Logan goes anyway, and Luke doesn't stop him. When Lucky asks why he let him go, Luke said something to the effect of how it would get rid of all their worries if Logan became the next shish on the cabob. :lol: (I have no idea how to spell shish-cabob)

Has anyone noticed the new music? Well, obviously, but does anyone like it? I like how it gives that eerie effect. Dun dun dun....

Edited by Colette
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Addie!!! SO glad you made it to our board and to the breakroom tonigh! Always good to find new Lunacy/Tracy fans!!!

Thank you guys all for listening to me tonight. Lainey, Stace, TL, Addie...you made me feel so much better.

Remos...hope you had fun with Ramon tonight. My "ramon" is sleeping away I am sure. I gotta go be the tooth fairy before I forget!

Colette...you gotta join us again one night in the breakroom! That was hilarious how luke said that "one more shish on the kabob!"

He seemed very bored today though and his little speech about keeping calm, etc seemed very forced. I guess he is bored without JE there....he better step it up for next week scenes and come with his A game on!!! :)

LadyA--where are you ???? I got your package today. Hope you got mine!

Deb--gonna try to mail you your package tomorrow if I can, if not I promise I will do it first thing when I get back.

Thanks for the nice comments on the story you guys.

Off to bed....wil try to get on tomorrow night. Then will be offline for a week almost--oy! No email access either. Help!!!

BSG/TL---looking forward to monday night!

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Hey Ms. Q! I just saw on hellagood that they have the medianet photos enlarged really big there and those are for sure feet on the couch--two of them with black socks and I compared and that is NOT the same couch that Jerry is on. Jerry is on a couch near an armoire and those feet are on a couch near a fire place that tracy and logan are standing near....check it out.

Majorly going to be regretting still being up at 1:15am.

Ms. Q--on those episode counts...Tracy was on at carly's house on 10/2 with alan. Is that the missing one?

Can't sleep..oy! almost 2am

watch this old days clip...too funny Jane and WK... She is ALWAYS the scheming one!


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Okay.. what they need to do is have a quick contest where they let the fans write a couple episodes... would be great PR... and I bet they would get some HILARIOUS shows.

I'm SOOO in. Where do I sign up?

Hooked, my gut tells me everthing at your house will be A-Okay. No worries.

I'm thinking of you..

And as for internet access...... there are internet cafes all over manhattan. No worries. You want a quick fix, you can get one!!!!

ta ta


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