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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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OT: I didn't know requesting a reference letter was going to be SO complicated. At this point, I pretty much just wanted to know if I could list said person's name on my resume. I have no idea about the logistics of it all. Anyway, I just sent this email (with a bunch of questions about the logistics) to the person in charge of all foreign language student teachers. There's only like 5 of us student teaching Spanish (no one is student teaching German or French). So, hopefully, she's not too busy and is able to respond soon because I am feeling very UGH all of a sudden. I need a response, damnit!!! Then, I'll go from there...

hooked, congrats on page 450!

TL, I responded to your PM.

nex, thanks for the clips!

There are

spoilers floating around. Apparently, it's about

. One or more (?) of the person's other spoilers were confirmed (so people assume this one is true as well).

The storm (that they've been saying has been coming for like 12 hours now, is finally here). I just had to run upstairs like a crazy person to close the windows. Oy. LOL. *breathe*

Oh, this is great...Hailing. Windy. Scary. In the basement now. Out of breath. My mom was like: GO DOWNSTAIRS NOW!!! And I'm like, "I need my baby!" (as I'm unplugging my lap top).

*breathes again* I think it's okay.

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Ohhh, Ms. Q, I loooove storms! Just not tornados. TERRIFIED of tornados.

Good guesses! No Tracy, unfortunately. Lulu got kidnapped by Zucchini's handlers. I have to admit, it was entertaining.

Remos, I completely agree. I wanted to throw-up today. I am all for Carly, and I think Robin's whole storyline is absolutely ridiculous. Why doesn't the brat think about how the kid's life will be? Wondering why their father doesn't live with them, is married to someone else... so selfish. Ugh.

Hooked, congrats on your 950th post! I think thats a milestone.

Edited by Colette
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Gosh I didn't even notice that Colette!! Now I really need a life! :) I gotta go pack right now for my trip, so I can chat later tonight!

Everyone on soapdish agrees that luke has a winner with tracy and he loves her and skye is a thing of the past and that there is NO triangle there. Maybe she asks him to help her and he is interested in some money for some reason, but in reality, he has all the money he needs being Mr. Tracy--ha ha. Plus his little sum he swindled for himself out of alan's will---he has got no expenses really--no rent, no bar tab--ha ha!

Wonder if he will have a heart attack during the ball? Would be sort of sad if LUke couldn't help out in the rescue attempts, etc. He was sort of sad chained to a pole during the metro court crisis.

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Oh, Mrs Q, sorry bout al the reference trouble. Hope it all works out. Mine always took a long time to get, but when I did they were well worth it. Course that was to get into college, I am still in the pre-reference phase right now in the job department.

Hooked, either you've REALLY being kicking it up a bit in here or I've REALLY REALLY been slacking. I know I haven't been around much but you're nearly double my post count and you srated long after i did.

So things seem pretty back to normal around work. I still haven't figured out what was going on but on the off chance it was nothing and people were just having a weird week I don't want to stir anything up and ask about it so I've officially let it all go. I'm breaking out the yoga/Hindu/Buddha teachings and living a peaceful exsistence right now.

Off to go have our birthday dinner for my middle little sis... 17 this year! Still only 4'10.5" and looking like a preschooler, but she's 17.

EDIT: ooh!! just had a fabulous thought, well to me anyway. If Luke has a heart attack and they realize (yet again) how much they love each other it will put a crimp in the sex life for a while. That would (we all know I mean could) make for a really great few episodes later on b/c it will be such an event for them when they CAN again

Edited by knh
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I have returned to the comforts of the dining room! It's still strange outside, but whatever...I am prepared should I have to "evacuate" to the basement again - Haha. I shouldn't laugh. I'm kind of scared. My parents just left for dinner. My sister is at school still, and my brother is at a friend's. I hate being alone during storms.

Guess what? My mom got her hair done today, and it looks just like Tracy's did yesterday! LOL. Except my mom has bangs. Anyway, just thought I would share.

Glad things are returning to normal. I wish I could let things go as fast as you. I am still hung up on the phone call reference thing. Have fun at the birthday dinner!

So, if Luke has a heart attack at this ball, and they're on the middle of an island (Spoon Island, right?), it's not going to be easy for paramedics to get there. Well, Monica should be there, and she's a cardiologist! And Robin and Emily will be there...But if Emily

, she might not be around --

Ah, bad weather is BACK!!! What the hell...I spoke too soon or something, LOL.

Anyway, I guess Robin will be there. Maybe Dr. Ghost!Alan will be giving Tracy all these tips on--


Oh, this is great. Can't find the flashlight. Found candles but no matches.

Oh, parents are home. They were in the car and decided to turn around. Whew.


--all these tips on what to do. LOL.

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I love thunderstorms too Colette, its the one thing we don't have here is California, in fact, aside from last weeks rain, it hasn't rained on a regular basis in over 18 months.

I have a question wasn't there some kind of rumor of Luke

(sp?)?? I thought I read that here but I could be wrong.

But wouldn't it be great if maybe he can fantasize about that while he is having his heart attack and unconscious, but while he is dreaming of the two of them dancing he keeps flashing to Tracy, they would first start as very short flashes and slowly they keep getting longer until the entire dream becomes all about him and Tracy. Wouldn't that be nice!

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That would be way nice Nex! Yes that was a spoiler somewhere on soapdish I think but who knows if it is true. Should give JE some good scenes when she thinks Luke might be dying. Also will be giving some good comedy with Alice trying to keep him on a good diet (hmmm...was the sausage she was trying to serve him another piece of yesterday foreshadowing to breakfasts to come with oatmeal only--ha ha!

Ms. Q--Hope the storms are gone now.

I am around...finished packing everyone up. Trying to get my son to finish his projets so there is no work to be done on this trip! I hope my clothes all fit for this weekend as I haven't tried them on in weeks....

In the breakroom for a bit....8pm central if anoyne is around...http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012


BTW--dinner's ready. Pasta marinara with vegetables with no cheese, baked ziti, fettucini alfredo, garlic bread and salad for all....come and get it while it is hot (and if you believe I cooked all that I have some ocean front property in arizona to sell you--LOL)

Edited by hookedongh
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Nex, Thanks for the clips! You have a PM from me. :)

Hooked, Congrats on 450/950 :)! Have a safe flight, have a great time. Take care of your tootsies.

Ms. Q, Glad you are okay. I hear ya with the storm stuff. I HATE storms, thunder, lightning. I hate it all. I go into freakout mode hah.

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BTW--dinner's ready. Pasta marinara with vegetables with no cheese, baked ziti, fettucini alfredo, garlic bread and salad for all....come and get it while it is hot (and if you believe I cooked all that I have some ocean front property in arizona to sell you--LOL)

Hooked, I wondered where that plate of pasta marinara came from! You are so thoughtful. :) And you remembered vegetarian, no cheese. You are just my BFF, grrrlfriend!

Downloading Tracy clips....(wait for it)....NOW!

ETA: Sniff. She looks so purty. And this material is SO bad. I must have ff'd through the part where she told him she loved him just the way he is... Did love Luke referring to Tracy as "my wife." It just tripped off the tongue so naturally. About &*(& time....

Edited by MinervaFan
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5:30 is just way too early to wake up (I feel your pain Ms. Q). Gotta wake up my boys and get the two younger ones off to a friend's who is driving them to school and the rest of us out the door, but wanted to say a quick goodbye and have a good weekend everyone.

Three days of Lunacy is quite a tease...leaving us wanting more...maybe next week!

Ms. Q--bet her episode count is going up, even though they are brief scenes!! :)

Catch you guys Sunday night!

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I just have a question for you guys. When were all the times Tracy said she loves Luke? Mrs. Q (I think) listed them the other day. It was the original ILY, the I never should have fallen in love you, and this one. When was the I never should have fallen in love with you one? I remember it happening but I don't remember what was going on so I am just curious if anyone remembers... hint hint Mrs Q

edit, Have a great trip Hooked!!

And Mrs. Q, sorry the reference's still aren't settled yet. I'm sure it's gonna work itself out in a bit. It always seems like it's taking forever, but if she's a professional, no matter how long it takes she'll get it done before you really need it in your hand

Edited by knh
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knh, to answer your question about all the times Tracy has told Luke she loves him, well first she said it three times. The first, as you know was when she was yelling at him she said "I love you Luke and that is a rare emotion for me" the second time she said it, it was technically the same day (at least they were in the same clothes even though it was days later and the rest of the cast had changed their clothes) They were at the Metro Court having drinks at the bar and while she didn't actually say I love you what she said was "I never should have fallen in love with you". And of course there was the other days "I love you just the way you are". I hope that helps jog your memory. :D

Hooked, have a fun trip!

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It's actually a "he." He needs 2 months notice, so he'll have it for me in December. That is when I wanted it by, so that part was fine. But then, all these other questions came up regarding the logistics of it all, and I don't have a clue about those. So! I emailed the supervisor of student teachers with questions about these logistics. I'm still waiting on a response and I, unfortunately might be waiting longer than I want. (She's not the best at responding to email, but I don't want to hold it against her, 'cause I know she's busy). Anyway, I hope that makes sense. Like I said earlier, this is much too complicated. LOL.

hooked, hope you're having a GREAT time!

nex, your scenario regarding the flashing to Tracy is AWESOME! I would love so very much for that to happen onscreen.

What's this talk on SoapDish about

? :o BTW,

rumors are still circulating.

Re: TQ's episode count for the month of October: I don't have all the clips saved, so I can't go to Windows Movie Player and count, but I'm thinking 10/10, 10/11, 10/15, 10/16, 10/17, so really, considering the date, it's not that high. :(

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No Tracy. Or Luke. We got a glimpse of Mistah Zucchini!

In the background, I am hearing on the news about the storms sweeping the country. That must be what poor Ms. Q was experiencing. Yea, there is a tornado warning for me. Holy crap. I have had enough stress about the freaking staph infections that are about a town away... what a horrible day!

Actually, today isn't horrible. I went for an invigorating run, and the leaves look gorgeous. About a month late, but as beautiful as ever!

Hooked, have a great trip!

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