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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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knh, yup. Girls suck. I am really sorry about that, maybe it was a misunderstanding? It's really childish to not tell you why they are annoyed. The cold-shoulder thing is so second-grade. Ugh. If they don't explain their deal in a few days, and you are totally in the dark, maybe you could ask the one you are closest to why they are being such losers?

Ms. Q, Thanks for the list! I am so excited about this ball. Tracy probably wasn't featured because everyone wants to see Sam\Liz\Jason... blahhh. I like Jason, but the rest of the scene-hoggers can go die. I am excited to see Spinelliiii! Do you know if he will be going with Georgie? I am sure Luke would not go without his wife. They have been VERY close of late.

Off to the movies. (knh, with a GUY-friend. Ha, much better than dramatic girls.) See you all later! And I am afraid I will have to sacrifice online time for Gossip Girl tonight. I never read the series, but the show is soooo good!

EDIT: I make SO MANY grammar mistakes. Geez!

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TRACY mention in SID November Sweeps Preview

Luke's Life Is on the Line

Look for a health crisis to change Luke's life forever. "Luke is almost Superman. He can survive anything. Suddenly, he's in a situation which he may not be able to survive. It profoundly changes him, Lulu, Lucky, Nikolas, and Tracy." Expect to see some dark humor thrown into the mix. "Let's out it this way -- if I come to Luke Spencer and say, 'You've got to clean up your act. You can't drink anymore, you can't carouse, you've got to start watching your diet, and I want to see you on a treadmill,' I'd better be behind bulletproof glass!"

My comment: I wonder what's up...LOVE seeing that it profoundly changes TRACY! My only complaint is "Come on GH, I WANT TRACY TO HAVE A HEALTH CRISIS...Not Luke. You chose the wrong half of the couple!!!

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knh You are making me glad I have three little boys instead of three girls! :) Sometimes in life it sucks to find out who are really your friends and who aren't. Been there, done that...even when you get older...still happens. You gotta just realize that they are not worth your aggravation or time and energy. Hope you feel better soon.

Top ten things I liked about Lunacy today.....although it wasn't earth shattering or anything

#1 -- Luke and Tracy were sitting together very close on the couch while he ate breakfast

#2 -- Alice stepping on her toe and the look tracy was giving her when she was all over luke (I agree knh)

#3 -- Luke called her "pumpkin"

#4 Luke offered to cater to her every whim because he had missed the pleasure of her company for so long

#5 -- She gave it back to him saying if you think one bloody mary will make up for that

#6 -- It was all very playful and familiar -- they definitely had a good night together the night before (that is my story and I am sticking to it--ha ha)

#7 --The way she told Logan that ovbiously lulu didn't want him--love when she is all sharpy and snarky with other people

#8 --She was being honest and filling him in on everything like lulu hitchhiking and being picked up by Zachara...good they are trusting each other

#9 --The way he said "my wife thinks lulu is with that kid" to sonny and how it just came out so naturally without skipping a beat or calling her Tracy or her stepmother thinks or something

and #10-- She looked awesome. Very skinny in that outfit--fitted clothes work so much better on her don't you think? Good shiny hair, not the oomphiest ever, but not flat...seems to be getting lighter and lighter

I think the Qs are for sure there, but just didn't make the photos...how could they not be a ball in Alan's name. Also, there is a spoiler about Tracy luke and scott mixing it up there...I think almost everyone is there...

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Ms Q---you around for a quick chat??? Rachel??? breakroom 6pm central?

BY the way...that is awesome preview Ms. Q--sounds like a heart attack to me...maybe that is where the "luke dances with laura at wyndyms spoiler comes in" cause he is near death and that is what he remembers---blah...gah...puke...sorry disregard that thought!


Wait...forgot two more thinks I liked about today...

Tracy empathizing with lulu and how it doesn't feel great to make an embarrassing mistake and have your dad be the one to point it out to you. She so relates to lulu and thinks of her as her daughter; and

That they mentioned good ole Ashton today--too bad not in a very positive light, but hey, LadyA he got a mention!! Maybe he is the text message killer--ha ha!

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Not that I don't agree about the whole gagging thing, but just for a nice little spin (I'm out of my mood enough to at least be positive about Tracy) but maybe he'll think about Laura (definately just threw up in my mouth a little bit saying that) and think about what he has now, this will be the first time he is actually comparing them I think. He'll realize that he'd rather have Tracy... enter Laura a few moths down the line with her big return to find out that, oh my gosh, we're not married and he's not even remotely in love with me anymore... (huhh? (hands on cheeks in a Home Alone fashion) what do I do now?)

That's my thought on that. Hope it works out that way. If not there could be a story in it anyway with this group.

As for the real life drama, thanks Colette and Hooked. I generally go with the cut my losses philosophy, but I think that is part of my problem right now. This kind of crap happens to me all the time, for years. I am never involved with drama, but I don't get all that close to people so it's never a big deal if we're not friends. I think I'm just all of a sudden figuring out that it happens all the time. Then again, I actually liked this group so I'm mad at it for many reasons. I'm now going with the idea that they are just a bit ditzier than I originally thought and they had no idea they were doing this to me b/c I really don't believe that this is a malicious group of women, plus two are parents with daughters that this exact [!@#$%^&*] just happened to so I don't think they'd do it at all. When I find out, b/c I am certainly not asking anyone with them all around (I'm asking friend D b/c she sure as sh-t wouldn't lie), I decide whether or not I need to give them the ax.

Hooked: In my experience this kind of crap doesn't happen that often. Not with any of my sisters either. We've usually been pretty good about staying out of drama. I get excluded from most things that are going on, but I have never gotten the attitudes before. But I take your point. I really think I am more like a guy b/c I din't understand this childish kind of garbage. At my house we do it the way italians do and guys do, you get pissed, you yell or fight, and you get over it but none of this stuff.

Anyway thanks again.

I think I'm officially through with it now.

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Thanks Nex once again for the clips...you are back in business huh with clip posting!! :) We appreciate it as always!

In the breakroom if anyone is around for a bit...ladyA you still here?


Gotta go do some homework help, but I will be back online around 10pm central if ayone is still up...TL? Remos? Lainey? BSG? Any other late nighters!


anyone around for a few...10 pm central time. I'm in the breakroom for a few...

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From wubs.net this morning...goes along with what Ms. Q posted yesterday...

From soapdish...

Hope everyone has a good day!

BTW...Ms. Q--I noticed the same thing about Tracy drinking water the past two days while luke was drinking alcohol. Maybe she dried out a bit at shadybrook! They are always having a beverage though those Qs... also, did you noticed Logan called her Mrs. Spencer in front of Luke when she was threatening to get a restraining order. The other day he called her Tracy though.

Off to get these rugrats to school....I'm leaving early early tomorrow for the weekend to FL, so I won't be around this weekend til Sunday night. Will hopefully be around later tonight.

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Okay...that is sort of sad that I was the one who turned to page #400 and now #450--hmmmm....let me think about that one---maybe I need to get a LIFE!-- ha ha.

Taking no TQ today from lack of any postings at the moment. What a waste of her great outfit and pretty hair/make up from yesterday's show. Maybe she will be still wearing it next week.

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No Tracy, one Luke sighting - that I know of.

BTW, I rarely agree with Carly's approach, but I was totally behind her today while Robin was trying to talk Jax into a "donation". Ewww, doesn't begin to cover Robin's MO, and Carly's right - Jax is her's body, soul, and sperm.

Hooked, you have a life, read up a little - you're cooking up dinner! :P

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