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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I'm home TL or anyone else who is around. It is 9:33 central time. I need to destress!!! http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

BTW--The other thing I did like about today (even though I only saw the first two scenes so far as it has been a nuts night, is that Lukey had his wedding ring back on. TL did tell me he had it on thursday, but I guess I was too busy watching their kisses and Tracy up in his face to notice--ha ha.

You can get anything past TL!!!

Edited by hookedongh
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Ok so I downloaded todays whole episode from Hella Good, I began to edit it, and I realized that the sound didn't match the actors mouth, so if and when Favorite-Moments.net posts todays clips I will edit them and bring them here, but for now i'm sorry to have to say that we are going to have to wait. :(

I did get to watch todays episode and while it could have been better, it wasn't all that bad. I did notice that when Lulu was pushing Luke out of Logan's door she did say that she would see him when she got home, I realize that while she does live with Jason she considers the Q's home, i'm just sayin'. hehe :D

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I saw GH briefly. Sounds like I didn't miss too much. I'm going to try to download it from HG now. We'll see.

My comment (I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this):

She said to Lulu and Luke, 'Remember you love each other.' (or something to that effect).

All together now: awwwwwwwww!

Welcome to the softer side of Tracy!!!!! We knew it was there. We knew it! Awwwww!

Oh Ms. Q-- your banner and avatar rocks my socks off. Awesome. Bravo!

Minerva, as usual, your writing it pitch perfect wonderful!

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Hey all!

Watched today's show. I didn't think it was too bad. Hey I mean after the hottness of Wednesday and Thursday, I guess they, like everyone else, have to get back to the business of propping Lulu and the EW-CBO. But one thing's for sure... LuNacy seem more married than they ever did. I really enjoyed Luke and Tracy's interaction today. They really seem like a team and I like that. I guess even though we didn't see it, Tracy gave Luke the rest of the 411 on Maxie and Logan because he mentioned knowing that Logan slept with Maxie, to Lulu. I was glad that even though Luke feels that Tracy could have stopped Lulu, that he is not yelling at her over it. I also liked when Lulu said to Luke, "I'll see you at home" even though she doesn't live there, I liked that she called it "home". Anyhoo, just wanted to add my two cents.

Let's hope for some great LuNacy in the weeks ahead! We got some face-touching hotness, and some skin from Tracy as well as those hot face-sucking kisses (LOL) on Wednesday and Thursday, Now I am just waiting patiently for some leg-wrapping hotness. :)

Oh, BTW, I was thinking that although Tracy said to Luke the other day "..... and you cop a feel?" Maybe she was talking to TG. Anyone think it's a possibility that TG copped a feel on his way up to massage her back? You can hear her laugh just before his hands become visible on her back in the shot. Maybe, maybe not, but I could totally see TG doing something like that. LOL.

Oh one more thing, Yesterday was my 1 year anniversary on SON! yeeehaaa! Happy Anniv to me. :) :)

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