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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Segments were 2, 3, and 5, I'm almost sure.

Luke's were 2, 3, 5, and 7.

From Perkie's Observations:

And SQUEE: Remember when I was having posting technical difficulties? Well, I "undid" them today. I had clicked the "switch between standard and rich text editor" button, which I bet most of us don't even know exists. I know I didn't until I had my posting "issue."

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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While I don't have today's clips......yet. I thought I would share these classic JE clips from her days on Days of Our Lives:


Angelica in Labor


Angelica gives birth


Angelica gives birth pt 2

Ignore the links.......i'm such a dork they aren't of JE they are of some chick who looks like her (who replaced her). I was on You Tube and saw these links on the side of the screen and assumed it was Jane but it wasn't, sorry!

BTW this person has lots of DOOL clips with JE, incase you wanted to see more!

Edited by nex4evr
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pant.. pant.. pant.. pant... drool.....

Lainey hasn't seen today.

It was on in my office, but I was so busy, I couldn't watch. I kept seeing Tracy out of the corner of my eye and it was KILLING me that I couldn't turn the sound up.

Clips? (down on knees) Clips, please?

I can wait until 10p, but I'm dying to see GH redeem itself after yesterday's f-ed up mess!

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breakroom everyone quick!!! I have a few minutes while the inlaws are busy!!1


Hello???? TL where are you???

Edit again

Ms Q--in honor to today's episode, I think you need to repost the tracy/scotty desk scene. I would repost mine, but it got deleted off my savefile account and I would have to search through 12 cds to find it. I know LadyA has it, but she has been MIA this week. It would be funny to rewatch!

Edited by hookedongh
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Hey all!

While I was hoping they would begin the first LuNacy scene where they left off yesterday, and have our girl pull her husband on top of her, I was WAAAAAY HAPPY with today's SEXY epi. I missed the first (and best) segment today at work. I got there late so I watched when I got home. I must have watched the first segment about 15 times, including slo' mo'ing the entire sement twice! YUMMALICIOUS on the kisses!!!! slo' mo'd them ALOT!! LOVED Tracy! Mama was SMOKIN' HOT!! She had some pretty delectable expressions today, including her expression when Luke said "you ain't felt nothin' yet", and her expression when he said "Ramon had you covered". Those expressions were YUMMO!! Their kisses are getting hotter and hotter (definately VLL Hooked and BSG :) )! And I loved Luke's "mmmm" "mmmm" between them. LOVED the face touching and ALL the touching, and Tracy touching herself ;) in delivering her "long lonely summer" line. LOVED when he said "come tell papa how you got out (of shadybrook)" holding out his arms. Today was A SEXY DAY! :D Even his yelling at her wasn't that bad. I kinda thought it was HOT :D. Did anyone notice that when he asked her about sleeping with Scott, he said "you slept with him too?"

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Watched it once.

okay okay.

need more. gotta figure some things out CLIPSSSSSSSSSSSS por favor?

EDIT ohhhhh.. I figured out how to download the whole show from HG. A technological LEAP for me! LuNacy scenes were yummy. Liked 'em. Now..... about that sex scene TIIC still owes me. What exactly hasn't she felt yet, Luke? Hmmmm?

Edited by LaineyBev714
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Oh My Holy God!!!!! So much to say about today's episode, where to start, where to start...

Ok... 1) Loved the Lunacy kiss. First off, she started it and it wasn't an I am desperately in need of someone to love me kind of kiss, it was a 'hey, been a while, let's have a little fun and forget everything else' kind of kiss. Fantastic!

2) Absolutely loved (equaling, if not passing, my love for her setting him straught over who should be taking care of Lulu) was the fact that they finally not only mentioned that she had a thing with Scotty but she told him about the desk scene!!!! It was more than a 'moment of insanity" or whatever she said, b/c it was certainly not the one and only time, but I'll let that slide. He was a shi-t to her so I can see her wanting to gloss over that relationship. But she said it nonetheless!!!! I'm so phyched about that. (like you can't already tell that)

3) I loved that didn't try to wiggle past or end up embarrassed over the Ramon thing (though I knew it wasn't supposed to be long ago unless she is still messing with him, which she should) She stood tall and said ya know what, you left me, you odn't get to be upset over this so it's too bad for you. Bully for you, Tracy, I applaud you!!

4) Lovin' the fact that she called him out on his being gone when he said she was slacking in taking care of 'his' daughter. She didn't get defensive and start fighting, she just turned it around, got right up in his face and told him it was his responsibility.

5) Really loved the cop a feel line. All I have to say about that!

6) Hair and clothes.... the clothes I can't really decide where I stand, but not as bad as some. Plus after such a draught I odn't care what she's in. I know I should but I don't right now. Give mea few more good epis and I will again. Hair was fantastic. I thought there was lot of oomph and it's getting a little longer again. Lovin it but I still like it a little darker. Oh well, can't have it all.

7) The bedding Scotty confession may lead to some really great Luke jealousy.

I guess I liked more that I thought....

8)I know that we don't usually like when they give a spoiler and we get up with the really watered down verison of it, but in this case I may deviate from that a bit. If this was the extent of Luke's lashing out at TRacy and she gave it right back to him I'm gonna be a happy happy girl!

OT now: Little sis just made her school basketball team, so a little cheer for Dani... woot!! My boss was evaluating them which always helps, but that didn't actually do it.

Vermont trip with the girls tomorrow, so I won't be around but I hope we have a good show. Maybe we'll get a TRacy surprise even though we don't think she'll be on.

Since I'll be away for the weekend I'm taking my story with me... That's for you Carrie!!!! I've started editing now. I did all the grammer and punctuation in addition to adding in all the names (finally), so now I can go back and add all the scenes that I want to. I have them all outlined and they are playing out in my head right now, so I am on a roll and can have a lot done hopefully! I'll let ya know.

Now I have to go pack b/c I am covering in the morning for one of the girls going. I have to open at 7 and I leave sraight from work, so no time otherwise.

Have a great night everyone!!!!

Looks like it's a party... sorry I can't join in but I really do have to pack.

Hooked... goodluck with the weekend. Sounds like you'll need it

Edited by knh
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Okay, I'm officially NOT liking the new format for Savefile. It doesn't have any descriptions until you click in to the next page. Is there any way that can be changed, Ms. Q? Hooked's page seems to have description headings - it's just a lot fewer entries.

I know I'm whining, but it now takes at least twice as long to find what I want to see. I just can't save everything on my poor 'puter. <_<

So... I'm thinking, even if we don't see Tracy today, at least there should be some reference when Lulu sees her father for the first time....

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Hola! Still in my Mexican mode! Watched yesterday again this morning..okay yes I am obessed with Lunacy again and am overjoyed by their reunion of sorts. Don't think she will be on today either, but am so happy that I don't care. I can wait til Monday. I agree knh--maybe at least that ungrateful brat lulu will give tracy some credit for trying. I hope she tells luke that. She should. Or maybe Logan will. He seems to acknowlege Tracy's concern more than lulu.

So cracking up this morning. I was going to get my hair done this morning for this wedding weekend, and then to lunch with my haircutter after and my friend who I went to Mexico with as well, and I telling my mother in law my schedule and my husband was like "oh I am getting my hair done today too for the wedding. I was dying...he is SUCH a girl. What guy gets his hair done for a wedding???? He was getting it straightened or something to get the waviness out--OY!!!! And he thinks I am high maintenance???

So the in laws are gone til Sunday night to stay at the hotel. And tonight I must face the music and the psychotic sister in law. I will be knocking back a few glasses of wine I am sure to deal with her!!!

If we can't see TQ today, at least we can see Luke for a while.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I will try to be on late night. Oh and bridezilla...she called ot see if I would stop at this mexican restaurant on the way to the ceremony in my long, to the floor black dress and pick up chips and queso at this mexicna place for the after party in the hospitality suite at 2am. I am thinking hmmmm aroun'dt you supposed to be doing something else on your wedding night at 2am??? Of course we were counting our checks we got--LOL!!

I told her no way I am going into this cheesy mexican place all dressed in black tie attire and carrying greasy chips and queso that will probably spill all over me.

LadyA--hope you are okay. Post soon or email me!!

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Collette, I hope you don't mind--I borrowed your banner picture for my MILF post today in LJ (I needed a quick, good picture of Tracy.) I couldn't remember who I nabbed it from (I think I gave Remos the credit for it). I will go back and credit you.

Still haven't seen yesterday's clips, but I'm looking forward to it. Sexy!LuNacy is a good thing...especially since my next prompt is "Fever." :D

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remos, I hate it as well. I've complained about it when it first happened, but no one seemed to notice. Probably 'cause I am always complaining about something. :huh: Anyway, the reason hooked's has the descriptions and mine don't, I believe, is because hooked put the descriptions in the title section; I had mine in the description section, which as you mentioned, is now only visible if you click. Oy. I have enough things to worry about, so no promises on if/when I'll reverse them; I wish there was just an icon to click and it would reverse them for me, but unfortunately, I'll have to edit each title and description, manually. :(

OT: I had one of those "Wow; I shouldn't have said that" moments today. Gah. Note to myself: If you HESITATE before telling someone something and actually think, "Hmm, maybe I shouldn't say what I'm about to say," then maybe, just maybe, YOU SHOULDN'T SAY IT. For the record, I didn't hurt anyone's feelings or anything (I'm too nice :P, or I'd like to think so, LOL); I just revealed something about myself to someone that I shouldn't have. Now, it's going to be a whole weekend of me feeling all UGH about it, which is ironic considering...Never mind. I can't have more OT stuff than Tracy!Talk!!! Haha. If interested, I'll fill you in tonight.

So, I'm assuming Tracy hasn't been on today...Here's hoping for Tracy!Monday! As someone posted, they still got to brainstorm!!! :D (such an educational word)

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