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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey Remos..glad you are still around. I see you are online, but I gotta run to dinner to some disgusting Cici's pizza buffet for my kids's school fundraising night. Hopefully can be around in the br tonight around 8 central or so.

LadyA--hope you are around tonight!


Saw this insider (who knows if they are or not) on soapdish...basically nothing new but at least it is phrased differently

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Hope you had a good one today! Carrie and I are going to have to take you out to celebrate next month. :D

nex: thanks for the clips!

My positivity about yesterday's episode...

Enjoyed Tracy ribbing Carly about Jason

Enjoyed the hot flash comment--too funny

Enjoyed the "I DO care"

Enjoyed following exchange: Carly: I don't tell Jason what to do. Tracy: You tell everyone what to do.

I do admit the Alan lines were feeling stale...I wanted him to shut up too.

Where the heck did the "I bet you Monica could use a vacation, I wonder why Bobbie didn't invite her" come from? Was something cut? Totally random Bobbie reference. Guza...don't you even think about laying a finger on Bobbie!!

And I have to say...Tracy better get much love from Luke when he comes back. She went to jail for him. She went to the looney bin for him. She's been running around Port Chuck looking after his daughter. Luke...treat her right, or else!!!

Anyone around for a few? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

hooked: have a great trip to Mexico, if I don't catch you tonight!

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Thanks to all for the birthday wishes. :D

Hooked, LOVED "Promises, Promises!!" It's amazing! What a great B-day gift! Have a fun and safe trip. I'll "see" you when you get back. I'll miss ya.

Ms. Q, Thanks for the birthday banner :). How cute!

Edited by TracyLuv
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I just realized that I forgot to say Happy Birthday to TL and since technically it is still October 2, at least here on the west coast it is.............so:


I hope you had a great day and unfortunately I will be in NYC on October 28 & 29 and will sadly be back here in November. :(

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Glad you liked your b-day present TL! This morning I went to my exercise class and in walks my husband to the gymn. I forgot he told me joined there last night. I don't belong to this gym, but just take these classes there. I was like OH NO...now he will be in my space even at the gym--YIKES!!! But I didn't say anything since he is watching the kids for five days for me when I go to Mexico--ha ha!

Just got home from a bunch of stuff, and going to take the boys for lunch since they had early dismissal today, then have school conferences, but I should be around this afternoon for a bit.

LadyA--Hope you have a great trip to Vegas

Stace--I will think of you in Mexico!

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Question: SoapDish said that Tracy was supposed to be more involved in this Scott SL than what we're seeing. Do you think the posters were referring to the Tracy/Scott/Luke preview from Soap Opera Digest that seemed to have come out months ago? Or, is there something I missed?

Sigh. I HATE how there are ZERO spoilers or rumors on Tracy during sweeps beyond "Tracy catches Luke up." And even that is technically before sweeps. I hope she's not sitting on the backburner while TG is getting a ton of screentime this October/November. I'll take Tracy hanging out with whoever (except maybe Carly and Jason). Just let her be on!!!

Oh, I might've said this before, but if GH is just going to let LuNacy be the married couple who, other than a few scenes here and there, NEVER are actually together onscreen, then I want them to split up. There is no point to that garbage (should it ever happen - and unfortunately, it looks like it might). :(


speculation at SD is making me sad. :(

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Bad speculation. Bad, bad, BAD speculation. * thumps speculation on nose with a rolled-up newspaper *

So I'm assuming she wasn't on today?

Next prompt is "Fever," ya'll. Any suggestions? I don't want to go with the obvious--sickness, or well...smut. I'm looking for inspiration. :D

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Someone answered my post on soapdish just now about begging for that to be only a rumor and that I would be done with GH for good and that JE is the best actress of GH. This was their answer...don't know if it is an insider or not...but I liked their answer. I think it might be Winky (is that some insider Ms. Q??)

Deb--hmmm thinking on that prompt..what about some play off cabin fever, like her needing to flee the Q mansion or cause of all the harassment she gets cause Luke left her, etc... I will keep thinking...or how about fever in the sense of an obession....like pacman fever or boogie fever--ha ha!!! Us old ones will probably remember those songs!!

Leaving for the airport in two hours. Will try to check back in a bit before I go...

For those of you who love Alan & Monica too, here is an article from eye on soaps that summarizes their 30 year relationship....wow..that is a lot of history..you would this horrible show would honor this history in some way...I bet they will do one episode and they will be in like 4 scenes.


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*waves to all*

Just a quick note and Hello.


Hope everyone is doing well. Happy Belated BDay TL. :)

For everyone leaving town and going on trips, have fun and stay safe.

Tracyless GH just isn't interesting, is it? I refuse to believe our girl is a victim of sweeps. *blocks negative thoughts*

Nope. Uh-uh. *shakes head*

I'm excited for Luke's return. :)

Just remember some of the best Tracy stuff has been unspoiled, ya'll.

OT news: I don't know who I told here, I know I told Stacy. My friend Shannon has been battling cancer almost two years now, and had lost her sight from it about a year and a half ago. She passed away Friday.....it's hard for everyone but especially on her parents because she was their only child. And still so young at 32. :( Anyway, her funeral service was peaceful and sweet, and I have no doubt where she's at, and even though we all miss her I wouldn't bring her back here for anything. :)

Not trying to depress anyone, just wanted you all to know what's been up with me lately. Oh and I've been helping my mom and dad fix up their "new" house. I hope everyone else is doing good. Miss you all. :)

And Tracy Rocks. That is all. :)

Fever: (one definition online: ) excessive passions brought on by strong emotions. Or something. Just thought that so fit Lacy.

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Okay guys...heading out to the airport...everyone have a good weekend. Be home Monday afternoon (hopefully with a few pesos still in my purse! Ha ha).

Here's hoping for TQ on Friday or Monday while I am gone....

Nice to see you IloveTracyQ! So sorry to hear about your friend. I have a friend going through that now, but she only has two more chemo treatments left and hopefully she will be okay.

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ILTQ! *hugs* Great to hear from you! I am so sorry about your friend.

Just saw the episode, no Tracy. Though I think most of you figured that out by now. :P I also miss Scotty and Tracy. If Luke comes back being an ass, than I am all for them together. Totally random, but they are both exciting. Of course that would kill my TraLu.

I've got to head out, hope everyone is doing well!

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ILTQ, glad you stopped in. You'll be in my thoughts.

hooked, ¡Diviértete en México!

SZ is posting Soaps In Depth. Cover, as mentioned earlier, is Lulu/Logan/Luke/Scott: GH Showdown of the Year: Lulu and Logan Reunited! But Lulu's Betrayal, Luke's Return And Scotty's Crazy Scheme Will Change Everything!

The article hasn't been summarized yet, but I'm assuming no Tracy. Our poor girl has disappeared from that SL!!! However, she will be seeing Alan indefinitely...

Ghost of Alan to Linger

Stuart has joked that he's never worked so much since Alan died this past May. (Umm...wasn't it February? Stupid writer!) After six months of being Tracy's ghostly conscience, isn't it time he "crossed over"? Not necessarily!

Pic of Ghost!Alan with Tracy Guza: "I'm going to keep him on the canvas indefinitely." The only quandry is how they will keep him on. When Alan died, Emmy winner Damon took the ball and ran with it, causing zealous fans to beg and plead for more light-hearted scenes of Alan trading barbs with Tracy. But since the show said it's Tracy's conscience and *not* a ghost, he was unable to communicate with other characters like counseling Emily or give Jason advice on being a good father. (LOL of course Jason is there and while I love Alan, he'd admit that he was not a good father.)

SID asks if the writers are itching to have Alan talk to more characters?

Guza: "There's a huge temptation to do that. We would have to graduate him into the realm of apprentice ghost. Right now, we're having so much fun w/Alan and Tracy, I don't see him graduating in the near future. [in the meantime], all I need is Tracy in the room and then Monica saying something about how much she misses him and so forth. You let Stuart come up behind her and say, 'I miss you too. I wish I could tell you. I wish I could talk to you.' We can get the same thing even though he's Tracy's conscience and not literally haunting her. You'll puddle."

Copied/pasted from devane of SoapZone. And Guza? You're an idiot.

BTW, is anyone else having technical isssues when posting? It's so strange. Spacing is messed up, and spoiler tags aren't working all the time, and the font is Verdana though when I preview post it's Arial. I think I clicked something last night and screwed it up! :(

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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