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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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A VERY quiet board. Should I bring out the pots and pans again and wake everyone up? ;)

Totally OFF TOPIC, but isn't technology supposed to make our lives easier? 'Cause it's making mine miserable. It would've been soooo much easier to do a portfolio with real papers and not electronic ones. Tired of scanning and messing around with spacing and scanned images and font size and color that is changing for whatever stupid reason and transferring things from computer to computer and email attachments being dumb and having to use SendSpace and transparencies, and campus email being down, and blah, blah, blah. Wow. That probably makes NO SENSE. LOL. Anyway...

Do we believe this?

Sounds logical enough; unfortunately, it looks like


Episode Counts for September are up. SON says 6 for JE/Tracy; I'm counting 5. Either way, it SUCKS. :angry:

Wow. What a depressing post. I tried looking around for some goodies, but this is the only thing I found:


It's cute, but I have no idea who made it. MinervaFan? smirks? Someone else from LuNacy Icons? I found it on one of those MySpace sites... (the GH role-playing ones).

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My positivity...I'm hoping the Q mansion will be Luke's first stop on his return to town (to see Tracy, of course!). I'm hoping there will be some lip lockage when he comes home to his wife. I hate to see Tracy's role in this minimized 'cause I want to see her on screen as much as possible...but I'm hoping this whole Luke's off to do his saving the world and his children from the mob's evil forces of darkness thing is played as it was before-- there are other things that need more his attention right because in his mind he's secure in being married to Tracy, it's where he wants to be and it's the home he'll always come back to once his do-gooding is done. They are married. She's part of his life. Both are givens. Let's just get her some more airtime!!!

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Hey all!

Back today from Atlantic City. Took Dana there for her 21st birthday (waaaaahhhh, my baby girl has grown up too fast) and she's still there. LOL! I think she should be home just after midnite. I hadn't been to AC in years, still looks the same though. I won $69.00. It was a fluke kind of. I had to go over to the other side of the casino to smoke and I sat down at a slot machine, trying to make a call on my cell, and I was like what the heck (I never play slots), I put in 5 bucks and pressed the button, betting the max, and I won on the first try. Too bad it was a penny machine (DARN!!) I didn't even realize it. Oh well, if it had been a dollar machine, I wouldn't have won, I'm sure. heh. The best part of the whole weekend - everything was FREE!!! YAY! My cousin, is a big time high roller down there and we were comped everyting. Who knew? I had always thought he was just a big talker. LOL

Deb, Just finished reading your little fic. WOW, is all I can say. LOVED IT!

Edit: Ms. Q, Love your new banner :)! HILARIOUS!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Tl--You're back--yay! sounds like you had fun. How was the party? Tell Dana happy b-day for me. Hope you will get TQ on screen for your b-day TL!

Deb--great chatting with you tonight!

BSG--went to the meeting...not as bad as I thought...I have my lifetime thing there, so I didn't have to pay as I was .2 under my goal. Of course I set my goal way high years back. I had 5.8 to get back to where I was in January.

In the best mood today...saw Mamma Mia! cant stop singing. I was freaking my boys out singing "dancing queen" on the kitchen chair using an ear of corn for my microphone. They thought I flipped my lid! Too funny...gotta shake em up every once in a while!

TL--you there for a few????

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Sorry TL/IluvAandM--I went to lay down with my kids and fell asleep for about twenty or thirty minutes. Went to watch DH I taped earlier, and now it is midnight and I am totally wired and can't sleep. I had coffee (lots of it) around 1pm today so wonder if that is why. Meanwhile I came back upstairs to my office/guest room to find my little one snuck in here and is sleeping in this room. Why he is less scared in here than in his room I have no idea...

Catch you guys tomorrow...

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Hey, Hooked and MsQ, it was great chatting with you last night. Sorry if I was a little distracted....

I finally got to watch the clip of Edward and Tracy at Jason's apartment this morning. Dayum, how does that woman do it? I feel I'm completely done with GH and everything, and then Jane Elliot shows up on the screen and sucks me back in for a moment. I truly believe that she genuinely cares about Lulu, and I get soooo ticked when people say the only reason she cares about Lulu is because she's afraid Luke will leave her. Tracy cares more about Lulu's welfare than Luke does, and not in that manipulative, using way she has with her own sons. It's like she's looking at a mirror to her own past, seeing herself at Lulu's age, and is desperately trying to stop the train wreck she sees coming with such bone-crushing clarity. And of course, Lulu is as snarky and ungrateful for her love and concern as Tracy would have been at that age, which only makes it worse. It's like Tracy's watching history repeat itself, only from a much saner vantage point, and she's completely helpless to stop it as it grinds on to its inevitable conclusion.

All that from Jane Elliot's facial expressions. No help from the script.

Damn, I hate when great actors are on crappy shows. I really do.

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Well we had a Tracy Monday last week, but I have a feeling it might be Tuesday this week with the stupid shocker of a Scott/Logan paternity reveal. Somehow Tracy will probably be with Scott when he finds out or something.

Great talking to you Deb...total perfect analysis of Tracy/Lulu relationship--sounds like the basis of a good fic to me! :)

Watching Jenna Bush on Today show...she really comes across as mature and intelligent.

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Ms.Q, I have to ask where you got that picture for your avatar? I don't think I have ever seen that pic before. The two you have on your banner I've seen because those are the pics all the mags used and the only other picture I have seen are of the two of them kissing, the one that BSG uses as her avatar. So I have to ask where you got that picture from?

MinervaFan, I liked your analysis of Tracy and Lulu, you were totally on spot!

Seven more days till Tony is back on our screen!!!!

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