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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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sp clearly I was a little late on the "Choke" suggestion. I thought that it was the next prompt you'll be writing. You did go the direction I would have liked, though it was a very different story. It was fantastic, though I'm sure you're not surprised by my saying that. I always love your stories but there was just something about this one, even if it was a short one.


*waves to NEX*

I'll be at my uncle's wedding tomorrow so not much of me on the thread... not that I've been around lately anyway. I've found the way to break my addictive habits. I don't like that I've broken them, but I needed to so I'm trying not to get as bad as I was before, coming on 5 and 6 times a day. It's every few days from now on, so I have to play catch-up but hopefully I won't let too many things slip through.

later guys

Edited by knh
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Choke was awesome Deb as usual! So glad you got it down and out of your head! :) Hopefully this will open the floodgates and get the fic rolling again!

I have spent the last three hours cleaning out my kids closets. Rearranging their rooms, etc. Now my back is killing me and I am totally exhausted. It is 11:30 central time...anyone around for a quick few???

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Nobody has posted yet today. What is up? We need Luke back and Lunacy soon to get this thread hopping again!

Just checking in...on my way to soccer game and birthday parties...

LadyA--hope to catch you this weekend. So glad you got the software ordered...post a link if you are around.

Ms. Q--hope you got to sleep in a bit

Lainey--hope you got to bed last night

TL--Hope your party went well last night and that you have fun in Atlantic City this weekend!

Remos--Glad you checked in

Knh--glad your leg is better

Deb--great pics from the rally by the way!

BSG--Going to WW tomorrow am at 10 (bofore going out for breakfast--ha ha) You got me motivated last night!

Nex--I am trying to book BI for next summer now! Having major withdrawls!

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On the spoiler:

Happy weekend! I don't have that much to say. knh, I am glad the leg is better. And hooked, I hope the teacher thing turns out okay. And good luck with the sleeping, Lainey.

OH! So the Red Sox are now AL EAST CHAMPIONS! I am SO excited. I was planning on going to bed... but that didn't happen. I had to watch the champagne-throwing. bsg, you are a sox fan, if I remember correctly?

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Just saying hello.

Hope everyone's having a good weekend.

Colette, congrats on the Red Sox clinch. My family is a Cubs fan, so when they clinched last night, they were all celebrating. My mom and brother say they will root for the Red Sox if the Cubs get kicked out though. :)

EDIT: Saw this on Yahoo last night. For those who know a little Spanish, It's the one semester of Spanish love song. :lol:

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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