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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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. This sort of contradicts SOD though, doesn't it? (the second part, I mean)

VIDEO (Frozenlove of GHVT requested that I use the song): http://www.sendspace.com/file/yvicxh



A FANTASY STORY LINE that we talked about in the breakroom last night:

This Sweeps, Tracy ends up hurt in the mob war (you know, instead of Luke's kids getting hurt for the 12,359th time). Tracy dies temporarily. Ghost!Tracy and Ghost!Alan get to hang out for a bit. I know it's been done before with the whole deceased person seeing their body and people gathering around them and all that, but Luke could admit a whole bunch to Tracy, confessions of deep love, encouraging her to fight (TG's mandatory Emmy reel) as Ghost!Tracy and Ghost!Alan look on. Eventually, Ghost!Alan convinces his sister to go back to the corporal world. She comes back to life, and Luke gets to say a whole bunch more to his wife, that kind of thing. Would be good for the Q's all around. Ned could return for a little; Dillon as well. Too bad it wouldn't happen.

Now, anyone want to fic it? ;)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hola from Atlanta!

Dee and I are sitting at the coffee bar, and I'm reading all y'all's stuff.

Carrie, your fic is AMAZING. IMHO it is your best yet!

Happy Birthday, TracyLuver!

Colette, I'm glad to hear the news about your grandfather.

Ms. Q -- is that a new video from you?!?!?! I'm off to check.

Ta ta all!


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Happy Birthday tracyluver!!

YAY Hooked! Glad your back in business with the computer! I've missed you in the BR the past couple of nites. LOVE LOVED LOVED your fic. Haha - see I read it even though it wasn't LuNacy per se. :) How did the party go? I hope it was a hit!

Yes Deb, You know you did a vid to Running Up That Hill By Kate Bush. Love that song, and your vid. It's one of my faves by you.

Ms. Q - LOVE Your new vid!!! I totally dig that song too. Love that you included some clips in there that I haven't seen before. That expression on Tracy's face with the red jacket, where she turns her head around is waaaaay YUMMY!! Oh, LOVE the banner too. :) It just so happens that my current desktop wallpaper is the pic on the left side of your new banner with Tony/Jane facing eachother. Oh and great B-day card to tracyluver, Ms. Q

HellaGood Couples Game update: Our girl and her hubba are currently at 257!! Alan and Monica have 23, and Robin and Patrick have 20.

*waves to remos*

Off to watch Ms. Q's vid again and then get some stuff done around the house.

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*waves to remos*

I'm glad everyone enjoyed the TQ playlists. :) I have to confess my own workout playlist is somewhat of a hybrid of TQ's sweating to the oldies and Lulu's Hollaback mix.

MinervaFan: I LOVE Running up that Hill by Kate Bush. I was trying to buy it on itunes the other day and discovered much to my dismay that they have EVERY freakin' cover of the song but not the original. This is why itunes sucks. That and they don't have Jack Wagner's All I Need. Come on, give a girl a break!!

Hooked: I hope the party went well!!

Happy Birthday, tracyluver! Hope you had a good one!

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Hello everyone! Thanks for the good party wishes..no rain. exactly 100 people were in and out of my house between 12-6 and it was a HUGE mess to clean up. I am EXHAUSTED. I want to chat, but I gotta get my boys to bed as school starts tomorrow---can you feel the happiness through the computer on that one???

I will check in a bit and see if anyone is around. THe party was great though....he got a ton of $ and gift cards!! Will watch your vid in the morning Ms. Q!

Thanks Lainey, Deb, TL, Ms Q, Remos on the fic comments....

Happy birthday TracyLuver!!!

Love the possible spoiler Ms. Q cause it doesn't have anything to do with Laura!!! I bet they will make lulu get caught in a mob war thing cause of logan...to get luke back in october. Funny they are spoiling stuff about his return already. Only what...5 more weeks. Let's hope we get TQ before then!!!!

Going to go get them to bed....try to pop around 11 central.

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The Women of Port Charles

Who is your favorite female character on GH?

What are her strengths? What are her weaknesses?

Has she grown since coming to Port Charles?

Where would you like her storyline to go?

Do you have a memorable moment that hooked you on the character?

So far, smirks, Doughman, zh95 (Truke), and ricishot have all chosen Tracy.

Anyone want to answer the questions (here and there, if you have an SOC account)?

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I see that there's even a suggestion for a Tracy appreciation thread. That's what I like to see.

Off to the nether, computer-less regions of my province. Oh well, we're on the lake.

Take care. Tell me if there's good gossip. Those of you starting school this week - enjoy it!

See you this weekend.

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Hi, gang: I have a serious jonesin' for Tracy fic, now that you have all whet my appetite. Whoever posted the plot bunny about ghost-Tracy...any chance I can take a stab at that? It sounds like it could be so much fun.

Please forgive this OT plug, but OLMV is a project that is near and dear to my heart. As a Louisiana native (born in down-town New Orleans and raised just an hour away), the events of Hurricane Katrina were a living nightmare to watch. I am not in a financial situation to be of much use to people, but I know that in my own little way I can help. I have donated my writing talent in exchange for charitable donations, and have worked to help raise awareness for Hurricane Relief.

One easy way to help with this ongoing situation is to buy a copy of One Life, Many Voices (see my sig line for a link), starring many of the actors on One Life To Live. This is one of my favorite CDs, with incredible performances by Renee Goldsberry, Kathy Briers, Bree Williamson, Robin Strasser, Erika Slezak, Ilene Kristen, Kassie De Paiva, and more.

If you are interested in learning more about this project, or ways you can help the people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast who are still struggling in the aftermath of this national tragedy (don't get me started on The Administration Who Must Remain Unnamed), please read the following email from The Robin Strasser Group:

Edited by MinervaFan
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Thanks for reminding me Deb that there are still so many people out there who need help. I am going to buy that CD this morning.

For sure write the Ghost Tracy!! Not that it was my plot bunny, but we know you would knock our socks off with that fic! :)

Can you see me screaming for joy this morning? Three kids...AT SCHOOL! In laws gone! Husband in San Antonio til tomorrow night!

If TQ is not this week, I don't know what I"ll do...cry maybe? Scream maybe? Write another fic maybe?

Tonight earlier in the BR at 9 eastern for whoever is around. We have to get back on a school schedule--ha ha!

Edit--Page 413---didn't it seem like ysterday I won the prize for page 400???

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OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I saw my video file had transferred over and thought all my clips were in tact. But now I just looked and the folder is EMPTY! WAAH!

Ms. Q--could you post your savefile links for me again pretty please?

I think I have most of the older stuff backed on CDs but of course they are not labeled as that would have been too organized and made too much sense. Now they are not easily accessible...such a bummer.

My father in law just told me that there was some stuff left on the old hard drive or a second part of it that wouldn' t boot up.

Well at least I got all my photos and word documents back, but my Tracy collection---so sad. :(

TL--Thanks so much for all those bookmarks so I didn't have to go searching for them again.


Ms. Q--Love your new video as usual!

Edit again...

Ok...at least I found my old CDS and I had backed up clips to 5.24 so I am not that far behind...they are just on unlabled clip cds instead of my desktop..whew!

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Go for it, MinervaFan. Would love to see what you come up with. And thanks for the Katrina/One Life Many Voices information. I really do love that Stand For Me song that you used for a video, and I'm sure the other songs are good too.

hooked, so sad about your TQ collection. :(

Let's see if this gets you started.

Note: I'm in the process of re-editing some June and July 2007 clips (6/12, 6/13, 6/29, 7/6). I'm trying to improve the quality and get rid of the non-Tracy parts that found their way into the scenes (i.e. Jason/Ric, Lulu/Logan, Cooper/Maxie, etc). They'll be up soon, I hope.

Luke/Tracy Clips

2005: http://www.savefile.com/projects/808493069

2006: http://www.savefile.com/projects/808494529

2007: http://www.savefile.com/projects/808494540

Dillon/Tracy Clips

Jane/Scott on Family Feud: http://www.savefile.com/projects/808520399

2003/2004: http://www.savefile.com/projects/808518734

2005: http://www.savefile.com/projects/808518738

2006/2007: http://www.savefile.com/projects/808518736

Skye/Tracy Clips

2003-2007: http://www.savefile.com/projects/808518725

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Thanks Ms. Q for the clips...I think I am caught up except for the few clips from August which I'll get from hellagood.

Backing them up on CD now...

Ok..puts losing videos in perspective....my friend just called me and told me the nurse at our school's husband died in his front lawn today of a massive heart attack...he had just dropped his kids off the first day of school, took his car to the shop and jogged home. They found him face down in his yard. 42 years old...I just saw them out to dinner about two weeks ago celebrating their anniversary. How horrible is that???

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