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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Anyone have a completely edited birthday clip from 2006?

EDIT: btw, Ms. Q. Just wanted to tell you that Rusty requested the "Pretty Mommy" before he fell asleep tonight (kid's not stupid, he knows what will allow him to stay up longer).

Anyway, after seeing your "Best Of..." 13 times on a loop (for those counting, yes, that's over 26 minutes straight), I couldn't help seeing a pattern. Did you realize every outfit that attracts you is either black or red (spectrum) or to a lesser extent, white or green (spectrum), and all expose her decolletage.

Just thought I'd share.

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Birthday episode has been added to Luke/Tracy Clip Requests 2006 on SaveFile under 4-6-06 ~ Shazzer: Happy "39th" Birthday, Tracy! :D

remos, the red/black I realized. The rest I didn't. I had to look up "decolletage" I hope you know! Haha. And who says Tracy can't be educational? Do you know much my vocab. has grown from watching Tracy and listening to you guys? :D

I've uploaded some scans to this thread at JE Online; I know I posted 2 of them here before, but some of the other ones might be new.

Also, on the old computer today and came across some GH/Tracy files. We've seen most of it, but I found this pic of Jane and Lynn Herring.

This has been posted here before, maybe, but in case our newer posters haven't seen it: And the Emmy goes to...Jane Elliot. She REALLY needs another, and hopefully, this time, she has better hair and a better dress. ;)

Tracy on Oprah. ;)

Finally, a little banner I made...


Oh, hey, have we ever figured out a date for that photo on the right? nex and I guessed 2003 'cause the hair (length and highlighting) matches her hair from that time period - though, we don't get to see JE's real life wavy hair on GH :(). But, then, it kinda matches her GL hair (Click here; top left too. It's funny. We're talking a 20 year (about) difference in time, and we just can't tell!!! Here is another photo from that time period for the few of us who might have not seen it.

EDIT 1: While we're guessing, what did we decide on this? CLICK ME. Pre-Change of Habit? Post-CoH but pre-GH?



(These came from a banner I made once upon a time about Tracy being "beat up on" on GH...)

Anyway, this is what I get for going on the old computer...I find all this stuff. We're actually going to completely reformat it (and therefore lose everything) soon...So I started salvaging things this afternoon.

EDIT 3: Meant 20 year difference, not 10.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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*waves to Remos*

HE WOKE UP! Today was amazing. After taking the ventilator (sp?) out, my grandfather could have gone either way. And surprisingly, he is awake and well! He techncially died from the heartattack, and was "zapped" back to life. Crazy stuff.

I LOVE Harry Potter. Obsessively. My list:

Tracy- Slytherin

Diane- Ravenclaw

Spinelli- Hufflepuff? Maybe Gryffindor.... but probably Hufflepuff

Dillon- Gryffindor

Maxie- Slytherin

Lulu- From the Lulu I've seen, I would say Ravenclaw except for her stupid choice in boyfriends...

Cooper- Gryffindor

Monica- Ravenclaw

Edward- Slytherin

Alan- I haven't seen him besides as a ghost. So I really don't know.

Georgie- Hufflepuff

Logan- Slytherin because I hate him.

Luke- Slytherin

Skye- She can be Gryffindor-ish but Hufflepuff-ish. Hmm.

LadyA, muchas gracias :) And, yes, this stuff can really be really stressful.

Ms.Q, Love the new banner!

Edited by Colette
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Colette, Glad to hear the good news about your grandfather.

Truke, all the songs that our fabulous LuNacy vid makers here have used in their vids remind me of LuNacy.

Hooked, post that fic! :wub:

Ms. Q, I've only ever seen one HP movie and I've never read the books so we are both in the dark when it comes to the list. LOVED your fic. That was way fun!! Thanks for posting the goodies for us. Didn't not like seeing Tracy get beat up though :(. Oh and I am totally diggin that new banner. Oh, one more thing, you must mean tracyluvers birthday, because that aint mine. :P

BSG, Nex, MF, Hooked, Ms. Q, Remos, LadyAshton, Thanks for the feedback on my fic. Very kind words thank you. I am afraid that IS my first and last fic. I am NOT a writer. In fact I HATE writing. I am usually not one to publicly do something unless I am VERY good at it. By the same token, I am always up for trying anything at least once, and that was it. :)

Update on the Hella Good Couples Game: Our girl and her hubba gained 4 points today. The current numbers are: Alan/Monica: 29, Robin/Patrick: 22, Tracy/Luke 249!! woohoo!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Whew. Long day at work. Anyone around? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Colette: That's wonderful news about your grandfather! What a miracle!

MinervaFan: You are too funny. I love your pics. I can see Bobbie as Slytherin back in the day. Love that Bobbie. She was a schemer. And such a nice counterpoint to my very favorite EWCBO. Who in my opinion, by the way is a total Hufflepuff in the very worst sense of Hufflepuffdom.:)

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Who is EWCBO? And watch those comments about Hufflepuffdom, Wench! I sort Hufflepuff about 90% of the time (with Gryffindor/Ravenclaw tied for second. I have never sorted Slytherin.)

Collette! Massive wonderfulness on your grandfather waking up. I'm so happy for you.

MsQ: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b33/Ms_Q...ne/JE-young.jpg I know exactly where this picture is from! It's when Jane starred on Charlie's Angels, of course. She played Angel Muffy, the transplanted New Yorker who wanted to be a country girl, but decided to move to LA when she realized that Wal-Mart is no fun at all, despite the clever commercials. She got along well with Kelly and Chris, but clashed with Sabrina because, well, how many smart Angels can there be at one time? Bosley was her BoySlave, and Charlie sent her autographed 8X10 glossies....

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Haha! http://www.hufflepuffpride.com/ My mom sorts Hufflepuff. Do you revel in your Hufflepuffery, or do you secretly wish you were of another house? I pretty much sort Ravenclaw across the board. Though I wouldn't mind being a Slytherin...mwahahaha. B)

EWCBO is the Emmy-winning chair bound one. TL's nickname for she who shall not be mentioned, at least not before breakfast. Come to think of it, EWCBO wouldn't be Hufflepuff because she's not Hogwarts worthy...she'd be a squib.

hooked: how is the computer? are you out there? sorry to hear about the crash. for all ya'll in the breakroom last night, turns out DHL's computer return call center is only open M-F. So my laptop won't be going to the hospital 'til next week. :( Between you, me and Staci we're a computing mess.

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Ah BSG, you made my day with your observations. Squib might even be too much. She's a flat out Muggle - a la Petunia. (Respectfully, MF, the character, not the actor)

Okay, I'm going away for this upcoming week. Is there anything about our girl yet?

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Luke: [singing] You put your right arm in...You put your…

Tracy: [thinking] I cannot believe I'm doing this.

Luke: Spunky, what are you doing? That's your left arm.


Colette, I'm so happy to hear that about your grandfather. :D

bsg, so, does that mean their support line is just open M-F as well?

hooked, hope you're doing all right. We can totally help you rebuild your Tracy collection.

remos, I hope you have good time this week. Unfortunately, I haven't read ANYTHING about Tracy in spoilers or possible spoilers. Gah. I'm thinking Tracy managed to escape from Shady Brook and is now offscreen in Europe because that's where GH tends to send her when Luke is away...Oh, wait. No. Tracy did escape from Shady Brook, but she and Luke are in DISNEY WORLD!!! ;)

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I think Dell's support line is supposedly 24/7. This was just the DHL line to schedule the pick up and transport of my laptop. The Dell tech in India told me yesterday to call today to arrange for pickup, but she didn't tell me their offices weren't open over the weekend. Grr. Oh well, at least I can have DHL come pick up at my office, I have to be at work anyway and I can stay near my desk and phone. Better than wasting a whole Saturday.

Speaking of wasting a Saturday. So I'm downloading some new songs for my workout playlist in an effort to motivate myself to go to the gym. Yay, woo gym! Love it! <_<

So, anyone have any good workout song recommendations? Haha, what would Tracy workout to? I'm thinking she's all Eye of the Tiger...

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Totally depressed. #1) My computer is totally fried--lost everything on my hard drive; still trying to figure it out Lost all my stories/ T related and others, all my kids saved book reports and projects--all my PTO files; but most importantly..all my tracy clips and stuff and #2) I missed an major breakroom party last night! I so hate to miss a party! But as I said to TL/Ms Q--at least you guys got a chance to talk about me when I wasn't there as I am always there--ha ha.

Thank god I emailed TL a copy of the fic I wrote yesterday or I would have lost that too. not that it is so earthshattering, but I would have been ticked off that I worked on it during the morning and then lost it.

Here is it...I am beating the shadybrook dead horse again!


Gotta go be sad again. :(

My father in law is going ot work on it today, but now they want to go shopping to the mall (I mean really..what is the priority here? Them going shopping on their anniversary (inlaws) or my computer?????

Thanks for all the offers to rebuild my clips. I know I will take you up on them all.

Gotta catch up on the thread. ON the kids computer now. Hate their ocmputer. Hurts my hands as I have an ergonomic (sp?) keyboad.

Catch you guys later. Have a busy night tonight and Justin's BM party tomorrow. 98 people RSVP yes and it is at our house for swim, etc. Praying for no rain. Or I am royally screwed!!! Would be my luck this weekend.

Oh. and my ribs are totally killing this monring. Maybe stress isn't good for healing ribs either!

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Colette--SOOO happy to hear about your grandfather!

LadyA--my whole freakin' hard drive just crashed out of the blue yesterday. Remember we were chatting? I left cause my inlaws were here. Came home a few hours later and the whole thing was haywire. Screen all messed up, started it again, it was like going on and off itself.

My father in law is a computer engineer type...systems engineer, programmer. He was like "I have never seen something like this before."

Anyway, at least he got an extra computer we had in the closet that already had windows XP upgraded and loaded hooked up for me so my system is working again. I am just praying he can recover my old hard drive somewhat. It kept saying "problem detected in hard drive". He said he can install it as a secondary hard drive so I can access files. But now that it might be corrupted...who knows. I will get over it...but right now I AM JUST SOOOOOOOO STRESSING.

Thank god I backed up some of my clips til maybe march of this year. I should be able to catch up. More stressing over all my stories I have written that might be gone with the wind.

Love the stuff you posted Ms. Q--all those scans, etc. So I thought there was something spoiled for the week of the 27th with her and the paternity test thing again.

Can't take another week wtih no Tracy.

LadyA...you around for a few...going to try to see if I can find a breakroom link.

Edit...not good...I can't get into the breakroom...it says "your system doesn't support the blah blah blah needed for this room...download some java thingy...trying that now.

Edited by hookedongh
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