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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Yawn.... I love these late night conversations, but the mornings after are hard. Caffine....

Just bouncing around and waking up this morning, noticed they haven't killed this thread on SOC, and it's still going strong. 36/40 are Tracy all the way. Does a heart good.

Here's hoping for TQ today *crossing fingers*.

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Thanks for the thoughts, everyone. He is now stabilized, so I am hoping today will be better. It really has seemed like a hard summer for everyone. My cat is getting up there, too. She is 17 with kidney failure, but we had her blood work done, and she is doing amazing! Finally some good news.

Tracy!Wednesday! That does sound a little strange. I hate to be negative, but this week has been intense with who attacked Liz and her kids, so I don't think our chances are that high. I hope I am wrong! I have been watching the same old clips on my ipod, time for some new ones!

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I'm around, after watching a painfully boring hour of GH. The whole Eli Love thing is ending, so that will be the next two days. No TQ, not even a mention. And my solution to the whole Sam/Liz thing is for them to be locked in a room together and throw away the key. Six months from now we'll see who's still standing. Recycled conversations are not my idea of a good time.

So, fic writers, I'm going away next week..... will I have anything to read?

(And I discovered that homeschooling really can be done anywhere. Exerpt from a conversatin this morning: "Okay, I've yelled at you twice already, how many more times will I yell before you lose out on a treat completely?")

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Hello...the quiet is about to end because here I come--ha ha! Had a busy day today again today and was out until now (5:40pm). Guess I missed nothing on GH. Ugghhh...I hate summertime as there is not any good TQ. Hopefully she will have a better fall season! :) I know what you mean, Nex...we need some new fics and videos to get us through!

I am going to be around tonight Ms. Q! I am around now if anyone else is 5:40pm central) for a few....

Kids have a friend over and my house is a disaster once again.

Where are you MinervaFan...you haven't posted today either...you are being way too quiet! We miss you!

So much for getting back into routine today, I had to pry my kids awake at 10am...even the little one. Remos...I need you to come here and whip my kids into shape!!

Lainey--hope work is not too nuts today!

TL--Let me know later what you think...

Ms. Q--going to read your thing now!!!! Post so I can see your banner again--ha ha!

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Thanks for posting that lovely banner for me again! Ha ha. You have got mail now Ms. Q!!! Going to deal with kids, dinner, laundry, etc...be back online around 9pm central!


It is 9:30 central...anyone around? Colette...we are still in the BR if you are around 10:20pm)

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*waves at Hooked* I'm here, I'm here! It was a busy day in ADDITION to having Fey's mom over for dinner, so I'm a little behind. I know I've been really stepping back on the whole TQ thing, and I wanted you guys to know that IT'S NOT YOU and IT'S NOT TRACY! I still love our girl, but wow. There is nothing at all right now to keep me interested in GH. I've gotten to the point of just checking the board, downloading the clips of Tracy, and that's the extent of my GH watching. I know when Tracy gets back into the front (or at least middle), I'll be more involved. Please bear with me in the meantime.

On a related note, did any of you watch OLTL last week? Fey and I taped the whole week Sunday morning on Soapnet and watched it in two viewings. Do you realize I did not hit FF once through the entire week of episodes? (Except for commercials, of course!) Every single scene kept my interest, and there wasn't one single character who I didn't want to watch. Friday's episode was classic--just one of the best all-around soap episodes I've ever seen. How they handled Asa's death was so respectful, so classy, and 10,000 times heads and tails above how GH handled Alan's death. Every single member of that family (and extended family) who was on the show got at least one good scene and guess what? They focused on the deceased's family, NOT the mob or Who My Baby Daddy or whatever. It was amazing. Just amazing. Vicki and Dorian got great scenes, Clint and Bo were amazing, Renee and Nigel broke my heart, and Clint and Vicki's four kids were just wonderful. (I loved them mocking Joey about "Mrs. Robinson.")

GAWD, Frons! Won't you PLEASE overhaul the writing staff at GH like you did at OLTL? Please? Please, please, please?????? I want writing like that on GH. I do, I do, I do. I'll send you a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Home made.

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Hey MF--glad to know you are still "with us". I know...this summer garbage GH is not worth even mentioning--let alone viewing--yet still I watch...what is wrong with me???? Have you been in the writing mode at all? I don't watch OLTL--but sounds like I should. DId the actor who plays Asa die in real life? I know he was sick.

I have seriously sleep issues...I cannot go to bed before 3am it seems and I am going to have to stop that very soon as I will have to be up at 6:45 as of Monday!!!

I am stuck home all day with repair people today who are cutting huge holes in my wall to do this wiring stuff. My faux painted walls I might add which they are going to patch with big ugly things and it will take a while to get someone here to fix them. Meanwhile I am having 90 people here Sunday for a party. WHose bright idea was this you ask???? Not mine--let me put it that way!!

Determined to write something today! Maybe will have something for you guys tonight!

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*waves to sparkly and hooked*

MinervaFan, I totally understand. Hopefully, Tracy!TV will pick up in the fall. It has to. About OLTL...Haven't been watching, but my mom was telling me that it apparently has been real good lately. I fear if I got into OLTL, I'd become obsessed with Dorian (and her hair, haha) though, and I'm obsessed enough with Tracy. :lol:

hooked, yeah! Write something (if you can). I'm going to try and finish that one story (not Oh, Baby, for those wondering) this afternoon.

EDIT: If SoapDish is to be believed, the week of August 27th,

My comment: I think I believe it. Just 'cause it's so dumb, and GH would totally repeat themselves like that.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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sorry have to post again Ms Q but I have to look at your banner some more--ha ha! I'm off to the bagel shop for lunch for my kids...go read your email--I am cracking myself up today! Hey how do get this stuff from soapdish..is it in the insider's lounge thread?

Ribs feeling a little better...haven't even taken anything for the pain yet today. I am choosing to "believe" as you said because it is so stupid and also because I have to hold out hope she is on next week.

I have an open word doc out to write something, but haven't had a chance to do it yet. I actually got dressed and everything today--blew my hair straight with lots of oomph--ha ha. It is meet the teacher night/day today...gotta at least not look like such a mess! :) Gotta fake that i have it together!

Catch you guys later....

P.S. LadyA--you around at all? Wondering how your grandmother is doing.

Colette--hope your grandfather is doing better.

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Hey all!

Wait hooked before you go.... Can you pick me up an oat bran bagel with veggie creamcheese?

Lady A, Hope all is well with your grandmother.

Colette, Hope your grandfather continues to recover well.

Nex, LuNacy/Tracy vids sound like a good distraction until the real thing graces our TV screens. Heh, got any cooking?

Deb, you have email :)

Well I guess my fic is done, will have to see what fic-mama Deb, has to say about it. heehee. If she says it sucks It wont see the light of day. I'm kidding I'm kidding! *runs from Carrie FAST!!!* It's not so great folks, sorry, but I'm not a writer, but I figured you are all so desperate for LuNacy you won't care so much.

On the Hella Good front... our girl and her hubba are averaging and increase of about 3 points a day. :)

While the "Who Do You Think Luke Should be With Right Now" Thread over at SOC has gotten a resounding 'TRACY!' for the most part, the thread "LnL Reunion poll" has mysteriously disappeared over there. Could it be because most of the posters voiced their opinion for her Laura not to return, in favor of LuNacy? Actually the poll vote was about even, but those who chose to post, for the most part, perferred LuNacy.

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