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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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LOL! I made up a whole bunch of the hair names just 'cause it was easier than saying "that day during Laura's custody trial, where Tracy's hair was medium length but sadly lacked oomph, etc." Or "that day when Luke and Tracy were in Miami where she kissed him and told him to take a bus, and her hair was kind of short and looked sticky, etc." :lol: As far as the "kiss names," there are variations...Some of us use different names. It was much easier to keep track when could count the number of LuNacy kisses on one hand.

And wow...Tracy needs to be onscreen like yesterday. Look what our conversations are coming to! :lol:

Hmm, I think I miss the old set font (which is the one I am using now right? Or am I getting it mixed up with SOC?)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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The funny thing is I know exactly what you're talking about... sad, but funny....

She wasn't in the previews. I know that doesn't mean anything, but I will be glad when she has a real story again. Propping Lulu is mind-numbing. While she's in SB, everything has to be so contrived. She can't just be interacting with people, they have to have a reason for seeing her. Any legit. spoilers as to when the sojourn in SB is going to end? I don't think I can take it if we have to stay here until Luke rescues her.

Speaking of Luke/TG, don't know if this pattern holds true (and it might be wishful thinking on my part), but I was looking at the dates of clips over these past three years. When he was on until July, he returned in October. But, when he was last seen in June, he's next on in September. Isn't it a 13 week break? Couldn't this vacation be coming to an end? (I'm wanting more than Tracy worrying about something Lulu's gonna do anyway. Even if it's a lie, tell it to me anyway.)

Edited by remos
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So Sorry!!! I thought more time had gone by. I was just curious, but I definately thought it had been longer since you said it. I just wanted to see how it was going, not rush you along. Anyway, I'm off to vote now

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oh man, everyone who has voted today voted to subtract from tracy, get yourselves on over there and help a sister out!!! We need a game plan! She's at 212 down from 217 this morning or last night

edit but she is at 206 on the couples game. so :P to all the Sam fans

Edited by knh
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Ok, my friends. My internet has had limited or no connection since about 3:00 central, so I've only been able to get on twice this afternoon/evening. The first time, I voted at HellaGood! (Had to do that in case the connection was gone for the rest of the day, LOL). Afterwards, I promptly got disconnected, but all was right with the world since I was done voting. :D Anyway, this is the second time I've been able to get on. Just saying HELLO! And if you have an SOC account, go to this thread. If I lose connection again, I won't be able to defend myself anymore. :(

BTW, remos, no concrete spoilers on the Shady Brook mess. I wouldn't mind so much if GH was using this to their advantage. Tracy in therapy! It's a goldmine. But no. She's still just about Lulu. GAH.

And about TG's vacations...That one year, he left late June, returned in September briefly, and then left again until late October. Then he returned, only to leave AGAIN in late November and return late January. I would assume he's returning early October this year, but who knows with his whacked out schedule? :(

EDIT #1: If you go to SOC, it might be better if those without Tracy and or Quartermaine in their usernames (or avatars, for that matter) post.

*waves to nex* Nice post at SOC! Very, very classy. (Not that I expected anything else from you. :))

EDIT #2: nex, I typed out another post at SOC and then saw your new one! LOL. You're such a hall monitor. :P Again, classy post and excellent points too! I wish I could be as "cool" about this as you, but alas...Orlando and I have a "long history" of arguing over this topic. It could be the next Spencer-Cassadine feud! Haha. I'll try and be good now.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Personally, I agree with your posts at SOC, Ms. Q.. Tell me something, you who have been writing and reading longer than I have. Were the pro-Laura voices this loud and obnoxious before it was announced GF was returning last fall? I've seen many of them who even admit they never saw the original shows, just tapes of them. How are they getting so fired up over someone who is a throw-back to past era? I know soap fans are known for being loyal, but some sound down right pathological.

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Ms. Q, great video, as always!

I'm with those who say that even if the rumors are true and Genie returns, it'll make for some great Tracy scenes. C'mon, the first time she came back we got an I love you and stuff so juicy that even non-LNL fans were complaining that TPTB were laying Lunacy on thick, to the detriment of LNL. If she comes back, they're not going to go for the immediate happily ever after, they're going to go for the drama. And, again as mentioned, the fact that JE is full time and GF wouldn't be, means that our girl has a leg up.

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UGH. My internet is so stupid. I'm not sure how long this most recent connection is going to last, so I should make this fast...

inyron! So happy to see you're posting! I haven't seen you around here since...Well, I was in Mexico, and I think I had just gotten out there, so it has been a long time. Glad you enjoyed the video. And if you can, stop in more often. BTW, I see that you posted at HellaGood! If you know of any other Tracy fans, feel free to recruit them. :D

Lainey, I got your PM. I'll look for some pictures, but I'll have to stop when I lose connection again. And I'm betting I will. For whatever reason, I can't get on the network I'm supposed to be on, and I believe I'm picking up the neighbor's signal or something. Will see how long this lasts...

MinervaFan, I recently re-watched "When You're Smiling." That might be my 2nd favorite video of yours! (after Nana, which will always hold a special place in my Tracy loving heart). It's just adorable and a lot of fun. And now a question if you don't mind...I saw that you had clips of Dillon's dream (December 2003, black and white) and was wondering if you still had a couple scenes from that episode and could upload. I never downloaded them from GQ Daily and would like to have them. Plus, another person at HellaGood (one who supports Tracy in the Character Game - yay) requested those scenes in the request thread. If you have a chance, would you be able to share them?

On a fic related front...Today, without much internet access, I went though a ton of stories I found on the computer...I know I always start stories and never finish, but I just didn't think there that many, especially on this computer (which had its entire hard drive wiped out in October). Anyway, I found the following: Tracy, still stuck in the closet post-LnL's reception, Tracy finding Luke packing his things after Laura went back to her catatonic state, Dillon/Tracy at GH during the hostage crisis, Tracy/Jax at MetroCourt after Luke left again, Ned/Dillon/Tracy post-Lulu's abortion, a mother's day story, Ned/Tracy post-Alan's death, a "What if Tracy married Jax" one...That's 8 unfinished stories/scenes. Some of them only have like 10 lines written total though. :lol:

And wow...This post ended up being so much bigger than I thought it was going to be. LOL.

EDIT: Wow! The post went through. I lost connection after hitting Submit or whatever, but I just got it back, and it's here!!! Want to add this:

TracyLuv, about the good hair/bad hair video...I found part of a "bad hair" on saved on my computer. But with the way the music is...It seems I have RUN OUT of bad hair...How does THAT happen?!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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MsQ, I got the Silent Movie clips from GQ-Daily. I have a couple of them on my hard drive at home (just the ones with Tracy, of course). If you want, I can upload them in the morning or this weekend.

Oh, and I'd love if you finished some of those stories you started, Staci. I'm up to my ears in DI website stuff, which is great for my mood (I'm always happier when I have a project that keeps me busy), but it's terrible for my fanfic. My next prompt is Patience, and I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to write. Considering I have about 30 minutes uninterrupted quality time on the computer a day, I have to really organize my computer time. But fear not, I have not abandoned TracyQ. I'm thinking....it may be time for a flashback.......;)

EDIT: P.S. I voted!

Edited by MinervaFan
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Sorry if I came off like a hall monitor, I just didn't want to see you two going back and fourth on the whole "did Genie deserve an Emmy or not" arguement. I saw the last time the two of you went head to head and I was feeling cranky yesterday and just wanted it to stop. Its a lose lose situation and I should have kept my nose out of it, but its alyays going to be a neverending battle between the LnL fans and LuNacy fans (or any other Luke pairing fan out there).

On a better note Tracy is suppose to be on today, so that should be good!

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inyron, at the end of July, there were some good Tracy scenes when Alan discovered that he was fading and didn't need to be her conscience for the time being. Tracy was upset to see him go, and Jane Elliot rocked it (more than usual). Of course, weeks later, Alan reappeared, annoying the hell out of Tracy. :lol: If you want, Clips are here under 7-24-07. Credit goes to Izzy.

MinervaFan, whenever you get a chance will be fine. GQ Daily is now defunct or else I'd get them from there. As for the stories, I was considering following through with the "What If?" one, so we'll see what happens.

nex, no worries! I was just kidding around. I'm glad you came in and ended it, 'cause I wouldn't have been able to stop on my own.

So, do you all remember that Quartermaine video I made? But I never posted it anywhere but here? I've edited it a bit. Added Brook Lynn and Lila to it. I also added more Emily. Replaced some clips with others. Changed the white flashies to black ones. That kind of thing. If you want to watch it, links are below:

MEGAUPLOAD: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=164J7DPZ

SENDSPACE: http://www.sendspace.com/file/4ul0mg

YOUTUBE: Eventually...

Oy. This post, for being rather short, took FOREVER. I was uploading, realized I forgot to credit someone, had to fix that, wanted to reupload, but then got a phone call which lasted 20 or so minutes, etc.

Might be going out this afternoon and therefore won't be around to recap...

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