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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey, all.

Well I had my first Breakroom experience with Hooked! (Big moment for me) It doesn't make any noise when someone sends a new message, so that got confusing.

Thanks, Hooked and MinervaFan! We'd look pretty cool and intimidating on the games with glaring yellow buttons!

I just spent half the day cleaning the basement for relatives coming this weekend. That was just too enjoyable. I, once again, was ready to turn on the tv for GH and realized that it was already half over. From what I saw, there was no Tracy. Diane was kicking ass and Coop walked in on Logan and Maxie making out. Hopefully he will tell Lulu and she will realize that TRACY WAS RIGHT.

Hmm... I would be motivated for a banner or avatar or something. I'll make an avatar for the winner, LOL!!

EDIT: Breakroom, anyone?

Edited by Colette
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Wow Colette!!...I got to the honor of being the first breakroom experience! Today must be my lucky day! :)

I think it would be HILARIOUS For us all to use that I voted for our banner at Hellagood--ha ha! Can you see it all in a row us posting??? I told my husband he better make sure his laptop is working for the trip. Deb...I can see you list now for me...1) wake up; 2) go whitewater rafting 3) go mountain biking 4) vote at hellagood 5) Feed kids--ha ha!

I will be around tonight later....if anyone else is!

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Just my little input (and I know I can't vote so feel free to ignore it all), but if I came onto the site and was voting for someone else and saw a whole bunch of those buttons I'd get everyone to vote the other way just for spite. That it if I were really mean spirited, which, I'm not gonna lie, I can be if I want to. Just my thoughts if you wantt o keep all her points don't give anyone a reason to vote antiTracy until she's already one, then post post post with all the little Tracy kicked a$$ buttons that you want. I'd be a card carrying member of the I voted Tracy club if I could, so do what you want!!

And Hi to everyone, though I don't think anyone's still on right now. I'll try to be on later, but I'm going to dinner with the girls from work so I may not be here after all. Talk to you all later and have a great weekend!!!

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Yeah I was only kidding knh about us all using those banners on Hellagood...it would a bit obnoxious considering it is a Sam forum turned GH forum as Ms Q pointed out. I will read your 10 pages, I started to earlier today and make a few edits, but got distracted. I will try to do it before I leave tomorrow morning, if not, will next weekend be too late? If so, I am so sorry.

Does anyone (ladyashton perhaps) have the clips when Tracy takes Ned to lunch to have the "talk" about why Paul won't sleep with her til she is married? It is on JE online but there is no sound on it. I know some people have said the sound is there but it is just not that loud, but I can't detect any sound at all. I would really like to hear that clip at some point if anyone has it....no hurry!!


I was just reading serial drama website blog about Nightshift and how bad it stinks and is getting worse with each episode...one funny thing they wrote I wanted to share! Cracked me up about the "mop" part!!! From serial Drama with comments pertaining to Maxi who is about to die on NS and only Georgie and Mac are with her...

...where the hell is Felicia? Don't tell me the best they can do is that she's still taking care of her grandmother. Her grandmother must be 264 by now. She's been on the verge of death, like, twenty times. If they refuse to bring Kristina Wagner back (sigh), can't they borrow the mop that plays Laura these days and put a Felicia wig on her?

Wow...GH is really smart...they have figured out the secret to budgeting...use brooms/mops and stick wigs on them to bring back long lost characters instead of hiring actors which cost money!

Edited by hookedongh
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Nex is NOT ALLOWED to take a break from editing and posting the clips! :D

Colette, LOVE the new "I Voted Tracy" banner! It will stay in my signature here until our girl/couple "take home the prize", OR until SON busts me for having more than one banner. heh.

Hooked, Thanks for posting the Serial Drama comment. That is hilarious!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Yeah Colette, i don't think you should remove yours from Hella Good unless you want to. It's a great banner and I think we should all actually use them on here. It will inspire us all to remember to vote.

Off to get some dishes done and then head out to work. I am on late tonite. arrgggghhh!

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Hey LA...thanks so much...yes that is the clip I was talking about, but when I downloaded it, it still has no sound at all. Did you furnish that one for JE online? When you play it does it have sound (or anyone else who has downloaded it? I have my speaker up as high as can go and all I can hear is white noise".

Thanks for trying for me anyway though! :) Cracking up about the Godmother package!

Be around later!

Colette...keep the banner for your signature on Hellagood...it is soooo cute!

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If I were smart, I would go to bed early tonight because I have work early tomorrow. But, we all know that won't happen. Relatives coming tommorrow, yikes! That is one good reason to be on tonight...

Thanks Hooked, and by the way, white noise, that reminds me of a certain horror movie that still haunts me in my sleep. :D And TracyLuv, I am sure a lot of us will be up by the time you get back :P

I counted up the points on HellaGood, I know completely pointless, but there were like 5 SUBs in a row. I was getting a little nervous. It turns out that the ADDs are outweighing the SUBs by a lot for Tracy today. Though it looks like a lot of the previous Lucky lovers went over to Sam. This is like a sports game! :lol:

Edited by Colette
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