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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wow...it is noon and I have been so many places already today. Holding out hope for a follow up scene today? Luke better not call Lulu for her birthday. Unless he calls Tracy too.

We had to do this photo shoot at my house this morning and stage this whole fake family fun-loving scene outside...too funny! We had to like fake conversations, etc and bring out props like pool towels and crackers and cheese on a plate and some drinks, etc.. Some magazine is doing an article about my husband and wanted the whole "Family" scene...I am like ok guys...let's all pretend we are one big happy family ok and that we like each other!!! Josh pretend you don't have 103 and get in the pool with your goggles on...actually I think it totally cooled him down! :)

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Carrie, you are too funny!! Hey I wanna come live with you! Photo shoots - sounds fun!

Oh and I TOTALLY agree about he better not call Lulu unless he calls Tracy. Hope your son is feeling better soon.

Deb, Tracy was wearing the big blue mid-thigh length print blouse from the "talk dirty to me" scene. Only this time it wasn't belted.

EDIT: New Poll over at SOC: RANK OUR FAVORITE FEMALE CHARACTER - go spread the Tracy Love :)

Edited by TracyLuv
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Thanks for the tip TL on the fav female character thread...TQ is in the lead (but not by much).

Deb...cracking me up with your "I voted" sticker on for hellagood...we should get some of those printed! Ha ha.

So leaving to go the pediatrician now and of course, he is totally fine, no fever since the early morning, but I am still going...cause I haven't paid a $25 copay to the doctor for him in oh...about two weeks...gotta support my doc! :)

Remos...hope to catch up with you soon. I will be on for a while this afternoon.

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Hooked, I missed you guys, again! I should be on tonight, if anyone else is!

And on the clips from yesterday, Lulu was agitating me. Would a small hug for Tracy really have been so difficult? She was a brat! I am happy that Tracy is being so caring. I am enjoying her even more than usual. :)

Edited by Colette
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I take it no Tracy today from the lack of any "buzz" around here. Oh well...don't have time to watch now anyway!

I will be around tonight, Colette, but it will be late as one on my best friend's is having her art show tonight at this wine bar. I have to go be her "biggest fan". Will probably be home around 10pm central. Try to catch you then maybe.

TL--the Dr. had no idea what is was...he said, "no telling what it could be...he has some type of infection, either viral or bacterial..in any cause let's put him on Zithromax" (Well hello??? I could have told him that) I am beginning to think my doctor has stock in the company that manufacters that antibiotic as he prescribes it so often for viral things which antibiotics don't do a flip for. Of course, he is doing just fine and dandy today with no fever ,etc and acting like he feels totally better. So the question is...do I give him the med. or not since we leave on Sat? The dr. said "if you don't, you know he will spike 105 on the way to the airport...

Catch you guys this evening hopefully

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Aww deb...that is so sad...cheer up! Sending hugs your way! :)

Staci--I LOVE TQ's hair and white tailored jacket in the 7/12/04 clips you had of her on the dillon/tracy savefile. She looked her best there!!! Oomph, good color and VERY flattering clothes. Want me to add a few of the Q mansion murder clips to that file?

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Glad the photo shoot went well, hooked. I've done 1 before, and it was so fun. We felt famous. :lol: About the 7/12 scenes...Here is where Ms. Q holds the unpopular opinion. I know a lot of fans were fond of that look, but I HATED it. Well, let me rephrase. The clothes were fine (sans the long sleeve turtle neck in JULY), and the hair color was good, but the hair itself? Shrug. I didn't see the "oomph." Just longer and flat and ugh (IMHO, of course).

HUGS for MinervaFan!

I voted at SOC, but Sam is in the lead.

In the "Day in the Life" thread there, someone did Tracy. I thought it was cute. I was going to do something similar (with all the "Talk To Alan's," but this person did a good job):

When she's not onscreen, how does Tracy spend her day?

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MinervaFan, if I hear that one more time I might throw up. :lol: Thats like with Carly and Jerry: "You held all those people hostage... blah blah..." And putting my order in for an "I Voted" sticker, lol.

Hooked, I will try for around 10, too.

I actually meant to watch live today. About half an hour ago, I checked the clock to see how much time until 3:00. And I realized it was 4:10. Could it be the heat?

Tracy was wearing that recycled blue flowered thing that I never liked very much yesterday. But her hair and make-up liked really good. I've already said this, but I just lover her shorter hair. It has more volume now. I dislike the old un-oomphy cut even more now.

EDIT: I just thought I would vent my anger with my wireless connection right now. I am on my porch with my laptop, and the connections showing up are from about every single neighbor within a mile radius. And they all have a higher connection than my own. <_< Go figure.

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Changed the avatar and banner. Yay? Nay? There will be a LuNacy one again for sure...as soon as it gets closer to October. :)

We still on for 10 central tonight?

EDIT: I am having avatar issues. I keep changing things...Craziness.

So I messed with it again to add text. But is the flashing too irritating?

Got rid of the flashing...

Step AWAY from the PhotoShop/AnimationShop. Step AWAY, Staci.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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