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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Did anyone see NL hair yesterday on GH? THere is a funny article on serialdrama website about budget cuts in hair and makeup dept...lulu's drowned rat look and how can anyone ruin NL's hair...she looked very strange yesterday overall visiting Jason...and why hasn't Monica visited Jason in jail....everyone else in the entire town has.

Bigger question: Why am I wasting space and time talking about these other characters???? Why???? Cause we haven't seen TQ since July 25th---HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need Tracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Nex!!!

Lucky is down to 5 in the Hellagood game. Catch you guys later!

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LOL MinervaFan! At least you have you sense of humor! :)

Ms. Q--May I just say that your video editing skills are getting more and more superb each time. I FINALLY watched immortal....that was great! It wasn't even depressing at all...GREAT JOB!

Off to watch my last three city tapes....I must say...JE is divine in The City---but that haircut---OY! Still can't get used to it...It was funny though, there was a scene of her in the park with Laura Wright and their kids playing. She was sitting in almost the exact same spot as she was in Baby Boom looking exactly the same with that short haircut! She was much more human on that show---still scheming and devious, but she had some light, funny moments with some of the "lowly" people who lived in the building...guess not having zillions of dollars can do that to you! Ha ha.

Can someone please write some lunacy for us??? Or Trash? Or whatever?????

We were joking in the breakroom the other night that we needed to make up some TQ spoilers since there are none....for example:

Luke dumps Laura in Switzerland and swoops in to rescue Tracy in Shadybrook

Or...how about:

Luke gives Scotty custody of Laura so he can be free to live his life with the one woman he truly loves--ha ha!

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Gifts should come later. *

* My internet has been a b-tch all day. Signal strength should be 54 Mbps (excellent), and it's 1 (very low). Not good. Not good at all. I'm surprised I was able to view this site. I tried checking my email and other things, but it's just not working: Connection timed out, blah, blah... And then little boxes pop up: Limited or no connectivity, blah, blah, blah. Hopefully, it'll be up and running later because I do have some fanfic updates I'd like to share (right now, FF.net and LiveJournal are NOT being cooperative with my slower than slow connection). But, heh, bright side, this site seems to work for me (although, very slowly). :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Thanks you guys!!!

Ms.Q, I don't think I ever gave you feedback on your recent vids, of course I loved them! I love AR vids, and your 'My Immortal' was great. Also that b*tch who made that comment about your 'I Will Be' promo vid......well I haven't heard from her so she must know to keep her big fat mouth shut. hehe! I think now I should post my Lacy promo vid that you challenged me to make on You Tube, its only about eight months old, but who cares. :)

Edited by nex4evr
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Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Nex,

Happy birthday to you!!!!!

Have a great day, I know most of it is over already, but hey, whatever... you've got a couple of good birthday hours left!

Mrs. Q I can't believe I haven't said it yet, but I love the update to oh, baby. I have things in my mind of where it's going, but you keep surprising me a little bit. It's going in the general direction but you add little bits that I didn't see coming so I'm waiting to see what you do with it. As for the video, I loved that too. I don't even mind that you killed one of them off b/c it was fantastic (and you didn't kill her so it's ok with me right now)

Talk to you guys later.

I got out of work early today so I get to watch live, can't stay on long to comment, plus I don' think she'll be on today but I'll check back in later

edit: and Hooked, be looking for an email. I don't have all my stuff with me right now, but later on I'm sending some things for you to give your opinion on.

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*singing* It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! *singing* Oh, and my coworkers have told me I'm not a REAL General Hospital fan because I won't stick it out during the "Rough Times." (Like, I haven't watched the show in two weeks cuz it SUX.) They also don't thinkg the show sux right now AND they think SKate and LoLu have chemistry. *shakes head* They mock me, yet I do not worry.

Tracy will be coming back soon. I know, because I saw these FAKE SPOILERS on the LoveFest.

See, we've got LOTS of Tracy to look forward to.....

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YAY! For the time being, the internet has returned to normal!!! :D

LOL at the "spoilers" Deb. I love that one about Jax and the marriage mention. :lol: I will NEVER get over that.


(in honor of nex's birthday)

First up...


Chapter 90: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2853850/90/Oh_Baby

Chapter 91: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2853850/91/Oh_Baby

Chapter 92: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2853850/92/Oh_Baby

Next up...


Late 70s: Alan/Tracy

1989: Enlarged Quartermaine photo

"The Addams Family"



Before they were ever together: Tracy/Coleman

The Trax!Dance that lasted 1.7 seconds

Jax is jealous. ;)

Lady Ashton, he's looking at YOU. ;)

Tracy/Mitch...in COLOR

Some needs their diaper changed.

Don't mess with Tracy.

She sees dead people.

Feeling a little icky after that Tracy/Mitch photo up there; so here's one of JE/TG though we've seen it before.

Tracy on Lulu and nex's birthday last year :D

Pictures originated in a whole bunch of places, I would imagine, but I got them from here (MinervaFan, you'll see a bunch of your icons here - I found the site 'cause I followed a link to my video) and here.


From anonymous of SoapDish:

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Wow..MS Q---a real spoiler (although I am sort of partial to the ones Deb and I posted earlier--ha ha) Can I just say that the browser firefox opened every single one of those photos as a separate tab....I think my screen is going to explode!! My favorite pic of all time is the one in real life of JE/TG kissing...(notice they are really kissing in real life without her hand blocking their lips--ha ha)

So I have come to the conclusion that the TQ on the city was part "lucille ball" Every thing that could go wrong happened to her and she kept getting into these ridiculous situations but somehow using her quick wit and charm to get out of them (and her devious mind). She was much more "kooky" back then (TL I know you like that word--ha ha)

Might take my kids to see the high brow comedy the Simpsons later as they are fighting like crazy. They had so much fun with the "simspsonsizeme.com" website...thanks BSG for giving that to us.

Get ready for the Hellagood war tonight ladies...before midnight and after....Lucky is going down!!!!

Thanks for the wonderful Oh Baby updates Ms. Q---LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!

Oh here is another FAKE SPOILER...cause MinervaFan had me laughing my butt off with hers a while ago!!!

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